A New Politics Thread

Started by Diomedes, July 08, 2022, 06:57:19 PM

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rare terrible event that we can't blame on trump or magats.  Iran been trying to kill that dude for like 50 years.



Quote from: Eagaholic on August 12, 2022, 12:56:26 PM
Eh, we should expect these kind of things when we elect a president who never had a drink or cigarette.

I always say never trust people who don't drink, like sports or swear.


It's been an amazing day watching the meltdown on the right today
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds



The last couple days...THEY PLANTED EVIDENCE

Tonight...oh he was bringing home his work and he declassified it

https://twitter.com/acyn/status/1558261235883311106 21&t=RJoWsgUP80yZHzP1y3m3QA



This fargin guy

How do you and your peers feel about this, Geo?

https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1558849930948534273 21&t=nV1yICE6BbB8LjIHxQoXdA


He's a colossal piece of shtein.


Too rigid?  So much for the push for "highly qualified" teachers.

The problem is that the districts can't fill the need for new teachers, and many veteran teachers are retiring or just getting out.  But instead of increasing the pay for veteran teachers (to be fair, starting salary was raised significantly)... we get this.  Basically a dumbing down of the qualifications to justify keeping salaries low.

This is my 29th year.  I need to last about seven more to maximize my retirement.  By then, my wife and I may look to head back north.  My son says he won't stay in Florida, and we'll want to be near any possible grandkids.

DeSantis is Trump with some brains.  Absolutely no moral compass and no compassion for anyone but himself.  Honestly, the possibility of him running for President scares the shtein out of me.  He very well would finish what Trump began.



He's Trump with some brains. He's more cold and calculating than the off the cuff Cheeto Dick. Him as president would be terrifying.

But this is the GOP playbook - grassroots dumbing down. They're cutthroat down to school board elections. And this is a way to dumb down the youth.

You went to school and have a degree to teach. And many years doing it. But this dipshtein wants Gunnery Sergeants in classrooms. Helps with the whole arming of the teachers too.


Despite my repeated objections my daughter starts her teaching career tomorrow at a middle school in Jacksonville. 

Her reasoning for staying in Florida was typical of someone her age.   Basically she said farg DeSantis.  I'm staying because I give a shtein about these kids and I want to be part of the solution to people like him. 

I'm proud of her but I still wish she got the farg out of this place.


My son has decided (at least for now) to become a teacher.  Both his mother (also a teacher) and I have tried to counsel him to keep his options open.  He's a smart kid and a hard worker - much more mature than I was at his age, and took advantage of the opportunities to basically get a free education - even towards his master's (2 years dual enrollment in HS, Florida Bright Futures Scholarship, etc.).

The daughter is in 10th grade and has dreams of leaving Florida for college.  She's stubborn enough to do it.  At that point, as soon as I'm financially able to, I can retire from my district and look into a short-term career to get to my old age.  I love the time with the kids, but the adults are leaving a lot to be desired right now.  Hell, she may end up in Australia or something.

I always say that if I ever leave Florida, I'm not stopping until I re-cross the Mason-Dixon line.  I may get to test that theory in the coming years.


It brings me no joy to tell you that Australia is just Bigger Florida. Try to steer her away from there.

Anyway, the MAGA crowd has been out in full force at work this week. No motorized scooters available for them, so Cletus has to roll his Ma down the aisles like a dung beetle while yelling across the store to Cousin Joe that "they got the Bird Dog here!"

The man. The myth. The legend.


I have two classes on my schedule that have spec Ed kids in them(down from 4 a few years ago!) so I have a spec Ed co teacher in those classes with me and she is from Florida and has taught there two different times and the horror stories she has told me between the low ass salaries and the way her district handled special education was insane. Don't think I could ever want to teach in Florida after what she has told me.

Geo if you're looking to be in the Philly area again, north DE is an affordable and relatively nice place to live. And if you wanna crank out a few more years as a teacher, we're having the same workforce issues everyone else is and I'm sure a social studies job will come up haha.

Our state also just passed a law to provide funding for our schools to hire two full time subs on small salaries (I think I read they'd be starting around 30K for people with bachelors degrees?)and with benefits, could be a good way to finish out your career. If I ever have the balls to get into local politics my plan would be to transition into one of those jobs at my building so I could still teach some and be in the building helping kids and such. Local politics is a part time job in this state and the salaries reflect that.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds