
Started by MDS, March 29, 2018, 04:09:31 PM

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decent chance theyll be 3 back of atlanta for the 4 seed and 1/2 up on san di-ago for the 5 seed by the close of business tomorrow...the steve susdorff/jerome williams phillies were epically bad but these nationals might just be beneath that. its really not a major league team. poor patrick corbin, totally washed and forced to go out every 5th day to get annihilated.

abel and painter tonight totally dominated the yankees high A team, a good team from a good system. painter especially. 2023 watch is on for them, and mcgarry. 
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Keep on chuggin along.

Too bad every time they get hot the Mets do too

QB Eagles

Nats are a 0.384 team since winning the World Series less than three calendar years ago. Life comes at you fast.

Don Ho

"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.


About five seconds after the Birds won LII, I said I wouldn't care if they never won another game.

That hasn't happened to us, thankfully, but calamity has come to Nats "fans" and frankly, farg 'em.


Yeah I don't hear much crowing about Natitude these days.

Lol at bald Wheels


It was cute watching the Nats pitcher fist pumping after Stott flew out to the wall when it was 2-0

And now it's 7-0

Nice try, kid.


Aside from the rainout they swept in convincing fashion against a bad team. I'll be thrilled if they can take 2 out of 3 vs the Marlins heading into the Mets series


i traversed around the HOF club today via a hook up....saw trillo, wolf, lieberthal, wheels (bald and friendly), ed wade (frail and old), cholly was there. left before pete showed up, didnt want to be seen with a sex predator. mccaver was there before i showed but my man said he declined to sign for people because he was doing so poorly. might not be long for him :(

totally unverified rumor: bake mcbride didnt show up to his induction to the wall of fame because he was bitter about it taking so long for him to get in. bake mcbride, who was terrible.

the nationals are a joke but these games werent close.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


I wondered why Bake wasn't there. Saw someone say it was a family illness or something which is vague enough to lend credence to that rumor.

I wasn't watching when they had Pete on but heard it was every bit of the disaster you'd think it could be


Might have brought this up before but instead of constantly putting crap up why not start putting players from the 08 era up. There's at least 10 on those teams I'd put up before McBride and Reed.


they wanted to tie into honoring the 80 team, which was supposed to all happen in 2020 but got delayed. there was basically no boost in attendance from this whole thing so thats enough evidence that the old farts aint gonna cut it anymore.

you really gotta be 50+ to know those teams and have a connection to them...the people i see at games are typically younger than that

i figure starting fairly soon theyll start going down the 08 list with utley, rollins, howard, hamels, victorino, werth, ruiz, maybe brett myers
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


ops with the phillies
rhys - 856
cesar hernandez - 733
mike franco - 733
pete rose - 726
marlon anderson - 696
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


How about Kevin Sefcik


he was just off rose...723

pete is his prime had 2 years of 200+ hits, 30+ doubles, 10+ hr, 10+ 3b...he was utterly preposterous and wouldve been good in any era. of course he was and remains a grotesque human being unworthy of any adulation. 
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.