The Weather Thread

Started by ice grillin you, January 17, 2009, 12:36:09 AM

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So Milton can farg right off.  Lost power Wednesday night.  Still out for me and five of my neighbors. The rest of the street is fine and dandy.  We had water rise and got into our crawl space for the first time in 25 years.  Pumping it out as we speak.  Unbelievable amount of tree debris.  Anyway, we're alive but holy shtein that storm was bad at its worst.  That rivaled Frances in terms of intensity. 


Glad you're all ok though man.

The power is gonna be annoying. Hopefully they get you back up soon. We had a lot of instances where little isolated pockets of neighborhoods were out despite the majority being on. That generally meant a special visit from the power company as it was an issue into the from the line.

We will be installing a whole home generator in our next house.


Finally got power back yesterday at 11:15AM.  Came home tonight at 5:30 and it was out again.  Evidently they had to do some other shtein up in the lines and it was only out a while this time. 

My wife and I are selling the house.  We made the decision yesterday.  We have some minor shtein to clean up and some updating to do (around $10K or so) and then we out. 

We're downsizing and moving inland about 10 miles off the beach.  Can't do this anymore. 

We also agreed to move back home when we retire.   She has (4) years left and I have (6) but we could pull it off in (4) if we get the last of our mtg paid off.  We're really close and I cannot wait to leave this miserable hell hole. 


by home do you mean next door to me
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Next door? shtein he's moving in WITH you.

The makings of a hit sitcom


I'm Mr Roper and he's Jack Tripper.