Donald to Martha, "Its your fault!"

Started by PhillyGirl, October 21, 2005, 02:49:45 PM

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"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


i had a splinter this morning from moving a bookcase last night. it hurt.
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Father Demon

I like Trump's Apprentice.  I have since it first started.  I think Trump is hilarious, in an arrogant and pompous kind of way.

I hadn't watched Martha's show until last night when I couldn't sleep and it was on CNBC.  Oh my god, it sucked.  She has these kids designing hotel rooms and creating a new salad dressing.  Plus, she sounds like a man when she talks.  And I don't think she's really a nice person like she pretends to be.

Martha sucks.

But she did pose for Maxim, which is a plus:

The drawback to marital longevity is your wife always knows when you're really interested in her and when you're just trying to bury it.


There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger




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