McNabb Feels Best Is Yet To Come

Started by PhillyPhreak54, September 07, 2005, 08:00:04 AM

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Daily Times

QuoteDonovan McNabb has put the Eagles on the clock. If his estimate is as accurate as his throws, the Eagles better find another quarterback by 2014. McNabb won't predict a Super Bowl championship for the Eagles but he can estimate how long he wants to play professional football. Think John Elway.

"I would love to play about 16, 17 years," McNabb said in an exclusive interview. "I mean, you see so many quarterbacks on the sideline with the clipboard. There are guys that have played for 13, 14 years and been starters for nine or 10 years. Now, I don't want to carry the clipboard. Not unless we're winning and somebody else is in the game. I don't want to get to that point. I want to be a starter all through my career.

"But I do feel like my best years are ahead of me. Hey, you look at John Elway and those guys and I mean, it's exciting."

Quote"I do feel like my best years are ahead of me," McNabb said. "Usually when they say you're in your prime, that means you're at the top and you can go either way. Then it's like, 'Awww, well he's falling off now. This is the time when quarterbacks start to tail off.'

"I feel like I'm starting to hit the best years of my career. And really, it's not just last year. I think it started three years ago. The game just kind of evolves around what we do and I'm feeling more and more comfortable with my teammates. It's exciting to see exactly how far we can go and what we can do."

Quote"If you're not the team that holds up that Super Bowl trophy over your head, then you had a down year," McNabb said. "Even if you made it to the Super Bowl, it's a down year. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a great experience. But if you don't win that big trophy and get those big rings that the Patriots got, it's kind of like, it's just a down year. It's just like going for a raise or a promotion. You're that close to getting it, but you don't and you have to start all over again."


ok, you drooled in the trott thread, i'm drooling in this one  ;)
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"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


Thank Andy that we have a guy like him at the helm.  He is class from head to toe.  I don't know if he has advisors or if he makes his own decisions but man is he the best or what!!
"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck...SHOOT IT!"


The best better be yet to come for fargs sake, the Birds dont have a SB yet. 


Team McNabb approves this message.  :yay

The ride's been great since 2000, but I dare say that the best is yet to come.  ;D