This time we will discuss matters of import in earnest, like civilized people do, with memes and insults.
Holy shtein republicans really are the worst creatures.
imma have to agree with this lady
If you're gonna claim that life begins at conception, then a lot of customs and laws are gonna look a lot different. Everything from claiming dependents on taxes to driving in the HOV lane is up for grabs now.
Hershel Walker, everyone!
"Since we don't control the air our good air decided to float over to China's bad air so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got we to clean that back up."
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on July 11, 2022, 08:43:56 PM
Hershel Walker, everyone!
"Since we don't control the air our good air decided to float over to China's bad air so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then now we got we to clean that back up."
It's worse hearing it live. He's slurring like he just got hit by LT
Over the past 2 days trump has suggested executing drug dealers and drug users like they do in China and regretting not taking over Democratic controlled cities. Not at all authoritarian.
Yeah come take over Baltimore. Bring your baseball bats!
I'd pay money to see Cheeto Dick walk down a street in Baltimore.
On another laughable note
The gas prices are dropping and now fox is bleating about how the mom and pop gas stations could be hurt by the falling prices.
Man, he rich and famous: he would be mobbed with fans. Not a lot of folks in the 'hood can tell you shtein about politics. Not reading Politico.
He did shtein specifically on Baltimore often though, word probably got around more than most mundane political shtein.
I'm almost getting sick of these hearings simply because I know nothing will come of them, but today should be juicy. basically connecting the dots between trumps initial tweet about jan 6 and how all the maga groups teamed up with trumps people to coordinate.
Your daily dose of nut job Herschel Walker 20&t=U2xrqfcp6lHwcOIYVxCK9g
interesting social experiment whether the republican machine can overcome the racism of its members. you know most of those racist old white people despise this guy with a passion.
Unfortunate Herschel lost one or two of those rounds
Literally ON TAPE...and nothing will happen 21&t=jlOv5o0SrDVgaJc9JWxjWw
Charges: Man lit his camper on fire, defaced own garage to appear targeted due to Trump flag
Obama dressing Ronny Jackson down is the most delicious thing I've read today.
Ok, so they gott the rapist who impregnated the 10 year old who had to be brought across state lines from Ohio to get an abortion in Indiana. She was three days past the cut off. No exception for rape or incest. Lovely place, Ohio. /s
Moving right along, this begs a question: If the fetus was a baby, can't the rapist sue the 10 year old for wrongful death of his child? I mean, after he's put in prison for life. Or concurrently, I suppose.
Anyway...if you wanna call every fetus a life and every abortion a murder, then this could get very tricky in some really strange ways.
In theory, yes. In practice, I'd hope you would have a hard time finding a lawyer willing to take up a case like that.
Quote from: General_Failure on July 14, 2022, 08:36:25 AM
In theory, yes. In practice, I'd hope you would have a hard time finding a lawyer willing to take up a case like that.
About that....
wasn't he disbarred?
AOC was verbally assaulted while a useless Capitol Police pig stood by and watched it happen.
Remind me again why we support the blue?
Quote from: TAFKASD on July 13, 2022, 10:30:33 AM
Charges: Man lit his camper on fire, defaced own garage to appear targeted due to Trump flag
they want to be oppressed so badly.
Quote from: Rome on July 14, 2022, 11:51:01 AM
AOC was verbally assaulted while a useless Capitol Police pig stood by and watched it happen.
Remind me again why we support the blue?
He was on public property telling her she has a fat ass. There's zero crime there...she handled it fine.
and for the record, she does
As the official board lover of the Latin ladies
I concur
So good. 21&t=WCTEZ70XJpogiYGBmOO7uQ
Just dragged the man around lol
Have her boobs always been that big?
i cant stress this enough - her box is more diseased than the schuylkill
fetterman is just making a mockery of mehmet. hes much better on social than in person but even so during the debate it should be fun
Dems should be running this ad 24/7 on every network 20&t=nxd42WXy2gNkx3ZA8SrBZQ
shouldnt biden get impeached for fist bumping that murdering saudi dictator
if Trump did that we'd be howling
it's disgusting that he's honoring them with a visit...the optics of the fist bump are insult to injury
saudi govt had the angle of the pic...not the western press....and they blasted the image out. it was very good validation for them.
someone anyone better challenge him in the primary
it's a despicable clan, the house of Saud
one of the most unfair things in human history, that they should be elevated by holding rights to all that oil
bunch of goddamn religious thugs
Yeah his visit with them doesn't sit well with me either. They're repulsive oh and they chopped up a journalist and no one did shtein about it
biden has no shot against any non trump R but this even cancels out trump fingering russian and north korean icehole
i have a feeling that newsom is going to run, hes making little overtures here and there. someone has to see bidens negatives and how decrepit and old he is. its not rocket science. ill always love uncle joe for beating evil and for putting a philly sports fan at 1600 penn but hes gotta go.
if Biden runs again and I don't think there is a chance he does then the Dems need a new party way more than the Republicans....I've been saying this since way before Munson was sucking his dick that he's a colossal pos
im the other pretty sure he does
if a big field gets in, where 25-30% wins a primary, he can most certainly do it again. he does have a base of support and if there like 8 other people in it, the anti joe vote will be spread around. if its like 2-3 people who challenge him, hes probably done for.
it boggles my mind how the democrats dont have a conveyer belt of handsome black men to run. they dont even have to be good at politics, just be charming and funny and youll get the folks out and suburban morons will fall in line.
the most charismatic likeable candidate ever is not winning with 9% inflation and 5 dollar gas...those numbers could change for the better but they still were under his watch and he has weekend at Bernie's vibes
Call me naive but I don't think Joe Biden has directed anyone to murder a journalist...the fact he's fist bumping a guy who did is repulsive...I get that there are reasons to visit places where the people in charge aren't my favorite guys, but I don't know man...not good.
The dems disorganization is maddening. It's been like that for awhile. Maybe Newsome does run - and I kinda hope he does.
I read something the other day where it mentioned the GOP doesn't want Cheeto Dick announcing his 2024 candidacy until after midterms bc they're scared it'll motivate people to go vote against the R's - and of course it infers that the shriveled ballsack of a human won't wait and will plow ahead because he wants to fundraise.
Quote from: Diomedes on July 15, 2022, 11:42:36 PM
Call me naive but I don't think Joe Biden has directed anyone to murder a journalist...the fact he's fist bumping a guy who did is repulsive...I get that there are reasons to visit places where the people in charge aren't my favorite guys, but I don't know man...not good.
OK, you're naive. It was expected by far to many that Biden had to do some Khashoggi-shaming, and as a formality the Saudi Crown Prince MBS would have to listen a bit before getting on to the important stuff, like buying f-35s, and Biden helping form a major Arab military coalition - one that may also include Israel.
They have tried and fell flat on their face a few times in recent memory, but this time is different. With the US withdraw from the region and the very real specter of a nuclear Iran with a far more potent military than many of it's enemy neighbors combined, and now out own their own - chopping up a journalist is nuisance level trivia.
On the other hand, a large US supported broad Arab military/intelligence coalition is a big deal. And if Israel joins them, they can tote along their nukes (that of course don't exist), and maybe use them against Irans nukes that may shortly exist.
Palki Sharma on WION Gravitas is as good as any news presenter out there imo, though I don't always agree with her. Hope the link works if anyone might be interested.
EDIT: I think this one will work if anyone is interested in geopolitics.
sleepy Joe got Mexico to pay for the wall excited to hear how republicans spin that one
so on a scale of nothing to nothing, what is going to happen to ken buck for being on tape trying to get someone to commit actual voter fraud
Does a cushy correspondent gig and a book deal count?
So it turns out that the Secret Service was an active participant in Trump's coup attempt.
If they weren't he would probably be dead already.
so republicans are complaining that gas prices are going down too fast lol. I can't believe these people are real.
Not only that - but in their pissing and moaning - they justify it by saying how it hurts the "mom and pop" gas stations. Anyone who has half a clue knows that ANY gas sales are for pennies profit because gas is the loss leader basically. They make their money on the shtein inside the store.
So when Billy Bob puts 40 gallons of diesel in they want him to go get four packs of smokes, two pounds of beef jerky and a couple Natty Lights.
Garland isn't going to charge Trump or any of the other seditionist caucus because reasons.
Maybe we should just start robbing banks until we get caught then declare our candidacies? Seems to work just fine for whitey.
Your daily dose of nut job cte Herschel Walker
QuoteHerschel Walker claims to be former FBI agent and recalls almost killing someone in resurfaced clip 20&t=TuSrDH9tjka67F-a950vJQ
Less old white fargers and more of these fearsome women, please.
New committee hearing tonight. Already laying out more insanity from Cheeto Dick
They're going to investigate more in August and reconvene for more hearings in September. Keep this shtein going until it's all out there and they have charges on that icehole and his circle.
This hearing may be the most damning yet.
If they dont charge him and people associated with him then just wrap it up bc this country is cooked
He's done. You're right, though. If Garland doesn't charge him and his cadre of deplorables, take a shovel to this shteinhole of a country of ours.
They keep uncovering more and more. The outtakes from his speeches were huge in showing he knew what he was doing in inciting people. The committee and Cheney in particular have done a great job of laying it out and building more. To recess until Sept is good. Let it marinate, go back to interviews and evidence gathering, and then come back in Sept and blast away.
Her ending it with Bannon's words (side note his lawyer presented nothing in his trial today except literally a closing argument) and a shot at the MAGAts picking apart the makeup of the committee was perfect.
Also Hawley getting exposed as a bitch made ho was great.
Am I the only one who thinks Pence getting taken out by the mob would have been a good thing in that there's no coming back from that for anyone.
The video of Hawley running like a bitch was pretty bad.
The reaction of the people in that hearing room laughing out loud at it is worse.
His political career likely ended tonight and that is * chef's kiss * BEAUTIFUL to me.
Quote from: TAFKASD on July 21, 2022, 11:26:40 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Pence getting taken out by the mob would have been a good thing in that there's no coming back from that for anyone.
Certainly not for him anyway.
I think of that like this...
If they had gotten to Pence that day the violence and uprising wouldn't have stopped there. Other members of the government would've been got too most likely. That mob would've been emboldened which would have led to the military coming in and then we have a powder keg.
The domino effect from all of that would've been felt across the country and world and not in a good way.
Quote from: TAFKASD on July 21, 2022, 11:26:40 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Pence getting taken out by the mob would have been a good thing in that there's no coming back from that for anyone.
watching him run for president then shut it down after a 6th place finish in iowa will be really funny
"Yesterday...that's a hard word for me. Can we take that out?"
To the mouth breathing inbreds who love to rip on Sleepy Joe and dementia quips they should know their boy has trouble with the word yesterday.
So to recap...
But yeah let's talk about Biden being some buffoon.
Also I want to hear from the But Her Emails crowd.
How do they feel, never-mind about the Trump family religiously using personal devices, about the US Secret Service deleting text messages? The agency who leads cybercrime defense and the like just happened to delete texts from that day.
And the elevation of Ornato should raise red flags too.
The rot is deep. Every single person involved in this needs to be fired and/or in jail.
Quote from: TAFKASD on July 21, 2022, 11:26:40 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Pence getting taken out by the mob would have been a good thing in that there's no coming back from that for anyone.
I think if Pence got taken out then there wouldn't be a VP to preside over the counting of the electoral votes, and Trump would try to quickly install his own minion who would do his bidding. Trump had probably thought about that is my guess. In any case I think we would probably be far more farged in whatever process that would lead to. It's noteworthy that Gore presided over his own dubious defeat yet conceded as he said for the good of the country
Wouldn't the vp's duty fall to the speaker? Either way as deplorable as the gop is zero chance they'd let Trump install a stooge after he took out his vp. They were pretty animated immediately after the attack.
I think they had Grassley lined up to step in if Pence got in that car.
If he did get in that he being driven to be killed? Or just kidnapped until the shenanigans with the electors is "complete"?
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on July 21, 2022, 11:18:31 PM
To recess until Sept is good. Let it marinate
Right, because in the next two months there won't be 8 new fake outrage talking points about how bicycle lanes are a gay conspiracy to make people forget why these woke mob filthy liberals are trying to cancel God fearing Americans to take away Muh Freedums.
Quote from: TAFKASD on July 22, 2022, 05:57:44 AM
Wouldn't the vp's duty fall to the speaker? Either way as deplorable as the gop is zero chance they'd let Trump install a stooge after he took out his vp. They were pretty animated immediately after the attack.
If the plan is to overthrow a nation, I don't think you're worried about keeping their line of succession. Now buy this mug with a picture of Vice President for Life Donald Jr.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on July 22, 2022, 09:34:10 AM
If he did get in that he being driven to be killed? Or just kidnapped until the shenanigans with the electors is "complete"?
lol...not even "kidnapped," just moved elsewhere, "for his safety," during which time the conspirators would plug Grassley into the role, call that legit, and bowl forward over all objections
Tomato tomahto
If that happened then would have been so chaotic and violent. Because the MAGAts would have started Civil War II when the conspirators were forcibly removed.
I should note I'm being a bit free with this Grassley business:
Quoteon Jan. 5: Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the president pro tempore of the Senate, had said then that he would preside over the Senate's Jan. 6 session because he didn't expect Pence to be there.
This caused a kerfuffle at the time — in large part because some thought he had referred to the joint session Pence was due to preside over. Some on social media wagered that it showed Pence's removal was the plan all along, and Grassley had let it slip. But Grassley's actual comments referred to a Senate session, and indeed the two chambers were due to meet separately to consider objections to a state's election results.
Whether they would put Grassley in there (if he were willing to play along) or another, the point is the same: they wanted Pence far away so he couldn't perform his job, and the "hang Mike Pence" chants were handy cover to claim the reason for moving him was his for his own safety.
Twitter is a hellscape...
Bannon found guilty of defying Jan 6th testimony subpoena...faces a minimum of 30 days in jail
Piece of shtein I hope he gets shanked
farg Bannon - next level scumbag.
Going back to J6 - this thing is so deep; who left the bomb? Who put the gallows out? Where's the detail on the convenient "tours" the day before?
I hope Boebert, Green and others flame out as spectacularly as Maddie.
On par with the GOP.
Although because he fathered a gay the MAGAts will probably turn on him 21&t=UFeqteTxXG7goHCAY5WA1Q
fox poll, which tend to be pretty good
fetter 47, oz 36
shap 50, kkk 40
peep those oz/kkk negatives....wooof. also peep the trump/biden hypotheticals. big yikes if joe runs again
Jon Stewart for President
That worked out pretty good for Ukraine.
It can't be Biden.
Good news/bad news, then. It won't be Biden.
This fargin guy...buried her on the golf course. 21&t=ErBjpjR8R_nGHCsi22nEwA
tickets were available for the final round of the trump tournament for $1.
are you talking about the house of Saud golf show?
And with the Grifter Gang in attendance (Cheeto Dick, his spawns, Pedo Gaetz and Guilfoyle) they were serenaded with a LETS GO BRANDON chant by the scumbag attendees.
While that fat nauseating tiny dicked traitor was hosting the monsters behind 9/11 at his zesty golf course, US forces killed al Quada monster al Zawahiri in a drone strike in Kabul.
Good riddance to one more murdering shteinbag terrorist.
If you believe the papers, he stepped out on his verandah and ate two missiles.
I thought we got that guy years ago. I must have been thinking of al Qaeda's own al-Zarqawi, who got snuffed in '06. A lot of look alike sound alike terrorists, I guess.
lol yeah I said the same thing yesterday. thought he was the super hairy guy with the frizzy hair. still remember his picture all over the tv when that happened.
there is a real chance china sends warplanes over Taiwan during Pelosi's visit today. things could get testy.
that Herschel Walker, Mehmet Oz, and JD Vance are all running for high office at the same time and aren't getting run out of the building is beyond depressing like Herschel in Georgia is one thing but three utterly incompetent cranial lumps running for statewide offices and not buried is not great for this pos country
This isn't MTG running in some gerrymandered backwards ass GA congressional district
I was doom and gloom losing sleep house/senate/trump/sc conservative majority, I'm pretty optimistic voters realize the candidates the gqp are throwing out there are complete trash and the Dems can hold the senate. 20&t=xmdSF2pgJKvh9vR77Pg-aQ
Quote from: ice grillin you on August 02, 2022, 11:31:47 AM
that Herschel Walker, Mehmet Oz, and JD Vance are all running for high office at the same time and aren't getting run out of the building is beyond depressing like Herschel in Georgia is one thing but three utterly incompetent cranial lumps running for statewide offices and not buried is not great for this pos country
This isn't MTG running in some gerrymandered backwards ass GA congressional district
The only solace so far in that is that all three are behind in the polls. You'd like to think that their doors would be blown off but overcoming that MAGA chuds is tough. If you took a shtein in a box, put a red hat on it and put it on the ballot they'd vote for it.
The GOP goons farged around and found out regarding the Pact Act. It just passed 86-11. The 11 who voted nay? ALL GOP including Mitt Romney.
The other usual band of despicables also voted Nay. Here's hoping they all suffer long cancerous illnesses as their reward.
this is how ghoulish republicans are....its not even going to be a close vote in farging kansas
and these animals are still about "protecting life"
Let them keep stepping on their dicks. The wave of women who are pissed will end them this fall (hopefully).
The US strike on al-Zawahiri amazes me. The moral of the story: don't be on the wrong end of a Hellfire missile. "Precision guided" doesn't begin to tell the story. Apparently they used a rare version that doesn't have a warhead. Instead of an explosion it has blades that radially spring out like spokes on a wheel, so that if the tip doesn't deliver a head-on knockout, you still end up as a julienne sliced product. He was taken out on his balcony but the people inside were fine.
This was literally the first strike the U.S. has made in Afghanistan since the withdrawal. Dude was hardly in hiding. Thought he was safe, and the Americans were gone, I guess.
"Ah, let me step out for a bit of fresh air, see what's going on in the courtyar....WET THUD."
Dems backed the MAGA candidate in Colorado to a win over the moderate guy who actually was one of the few Rs who voted to impeach.
It'll probably backfire because we suck at politics but I give them props for at least being creative for once.
This is farging delicious. I have a raging Justice boner. 21&t=Dc6w13AENSFgVgXCD1pgSQ
Gotta love discovery. It's the FAFO tonic that motherfargs like Jones need in fatal doses.
Quote from: phattymatty on August 03, 2022, 09:27:48 AM
Dems backed the MAGA candidate in Colorado to a win over the moderate guy who actually was one of the few Rs who voted to impeach.
It'll probably backfire because we suck at politics but I give them props for at least being creative for once.
you know its the right strategy because the pearl clutching from jewk tapper and the rest of the horse racing loving media sluts is out of control on this
Quote from: MDS on August 03, 2022, 08:53:42 PMyou know its the right strategy because the pearl clutching from jewk tapper and the rest of the horse racing loving media sluts is out of control on this
christ sometimes you are spot on
what's with horse racing and the journalism-elite crowd?
the dc media is almost worse than the people who actually work in dc...none of them actually care about the country or making it better. they just want drama. they want copy, they want stories, they want shtein to write about, and constant parlor games about close elections is the easiest form of that.
its how you go from being a ghoulish looking reporter to a handsome man with a cnn show, election night seat and 8 figure contract. theyre all trying to be tapper
think of this way...a very common capitol hill source is tucker carlson. so theyre all like vultures feeding off him for information one second then quietly going about their business as he digs further into being a white supremacist leader in the next.
They're all click whores. Even Philly fan Tapper.
I haven't paid attention to the Colorado thing. So the dems backed a MAGA? And Tapper and the like aren't happy about it?
theyve been doing it all over the country...funneled money into mastriano, peter meijer's opponent, a bunch of other maga chuds who stand to lose in the general vs. their more moderate primary opponent
tapper and his media whores are crocodile tearing over this because now their buddies, the "moderate" republicans who may not bow to trump but bow to the heritage foundation, the gun lobby and anti abortion lunatics (all acceptable because horse race) are seeing their candidates fall.
theres really no difference between peter meijer and MTG except for one is pro authoritarian and the other isnt
ok but yo...I know some of these people you're talking about and they do like actual horse racing...totally agree it's a game for them and their elitism is f'n toxic, you can understand how actual dumb people would be violently insulted by their tones
but dude
they like horse racing.
not boxing. not soccer. not golf.
farging horses. wtf
The poors can't afford horses, simple as that. 21&t=8tiwp6DM5iImuBYlo-JM6g
43 Republicans just told their fellow Americans afflicted with diabetes to eat shtein and die.
Evil. They're just farging evil. And there's nothing more to be said about the lot of 'em except they all deserve their fates.
Dying old, rich, and fat? Who do I gotta piss on to get that fate?
black people, women, gay people, jews, know, the usual suspects
They're not Jews, Dio.
They're "Soros" people.
My bad. Thought this was a safe space so we could drop code. Silly me. That's the other CF.
My boss straight up dropped a hard K on me when complaining about an old Jewish lady the other day. Didn't buy it when he said "uh, I mean funhole."
possibly of interest regarding that particular slur....I read that it originated with the established Jews on America, who looked down on the immigarant Jews who came from Eastern Europe, many with names that ended "-ki." The moneyed, landed Jews, already hated themselves by Americans, initially wanted to distance themselves from the impoverished newcomers, and called them that themselves....and of course white folk never met a racial slur they didn't adopt...Not sure if this is accurate.
I work for myself and control who appears on my site, so I don't get any of that crap...what do you even do when you have no control and your boss is dropping fighting hate words?
Half-ass it and look elsewhere.
The FBI just raided Mar-A-Lago.
Holy farging shtein.
Trump getting raided by the fbi is just *chefs kiss* right now
Oh my...this is an interesting development.
Butter emails
Lock him up
This is farging delicious. 21&t=wTTRCAefWoU5B2bj7xiRFA
Civil War is trending on Twitter
Lolol god damn this is great
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 08, 2022, 09:14:45 PM
Civil War is trending on Twitter
Lolol god damn this is great
If they're going to strike I hope they do it now while the Dems hold power. Our military would crush every militia and be home by dinner.
Me too.
Y'all Qaeda
Gravy Seals
Love the names for these shteinbirds who think they stand a chance. The military could take a drone and put a rocket up their piss hole and these fools think they're gonna do something?
More Cheeto Dick info from today;
Pics released of two instances where people found notes he tried to flush down the shteinter
Story out about how he screamed at his people on why couldn't our generals be more like the Nazi generals from WWII
And more
Trump: "Look, I don't want any wounded guys in the parade. This doesn't look good for me."
Kelly: "Those are the heroes. In our society, there's only one group of people who are more heroic than they are—and they are buried over in Arlington."
Trump: "I don't want them."
Here's the article
Garland and Biden proving they have more backbone than Trump et al. were counting on.
this is all nothing until that POS is all you wanna raid but until hes locked up i dont care
One would hope the FBI wouldn't ask for a warrant unless they were 100% sure they could get a conviction out of it. Now if it's a conviction for Trump or for someone working for him, that's the real question.
Quote from: MDS on August 09, 2022, 09:47:07 AM
this is all nothing until that POS is all you wanna raid but until hes locked up i dont care
He's not going to jail but not being able to run for office is a nice consolation prize. Instead of nominating someone normal like Cheney the gqp will just double down and nominate Desantis.
The MAGAts are stirred up.
The videos of the little mini rally's are cute. Imagine leaving your mobile home, hopping in your Trump adorned truck and driving around in circles all night to support that scumbag.
I just had a customer telling me that he's down in Galveston and theres Trump parades going on. And of course he started going off on it being a witch hunt, Hunter Biden and yadda yadda.
These people are insane
Let them have their little tantrums. They know we're laughing 😂 20&t=bnxeXvrkc77hJbEdUXC2Bw
I'm not sure how but I did not hear a single word from my cheeto-loving colleagues about this.
I've been telling them this was coming since 2016 as my wife worked for the Trump Organization, and we're acutely aware of his bullshtein, and no one believed me or just didn't give a shtein.
He's toast now. No way they get warrants and raid an ex-POTUS's house unless they were a million percent sure they had him cold.
Unless I hear or see something different I'm not getting my hopes up...again. From what I can see this is only about classified documents he took from the White House. That in and of itself is a prosecutable offense. I wasn't allowed to leave areas on a ship in the middle of the ocean with certain classified material, if I took them home I'd be farged.
My favorite thing is how the news outlets are playing into this as somehow a bad thing for dems because of his base and enraging the right.
And by favorite I mean infuriating.
these bitches can't handle squeegee boys, now they want a civil war? lol 20&t=GhasVcBVcK67RxFn5jLBZw
"Don jr dumping powder down the toilet like he's Karen in goodfellas" 😂
I'm pretty sure Mark Meadows flipped on Cheeto Dick.
Trump was told to stop communicating with him a few days ago. Then he gets a no-knock warrant at his house and now just a while ago Scott Perry has his farging phone seized.
Holy shtein this is amazing right now.
In between the primal screams and Pearl clutching of the MAGAts
The local level MAGAts are still farging shtein up.
Local school district now requires parental permission before kids can check out books from their libraries
Quote from: TAFKASD on August 09, 2022, 05:23:56 PM 20&t=GhasVcBVcK67RxFn5jLBZw
"Don jr dumping powder down the toilet like he's Karen in goodfellas" 😂
Eric and his fleshlight lolol
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 09, 2022, 03:34:58 PM
My favorite thing is how the news outlets are playing into this as somehow a bad thing for dems because of his base and enraging the right.
And by favorite I mean infuriating.
Cater to the screaming toddler so they stop screaming, as if their default mood isn't frothy indignation over the most trivial bullshtein.
Republicans long ago figured out that they can neutralize journalism with extremism. They take advantage of the moral foundation of the concept--fairness and objectivity--by behaving so badly that any report on their work either wilts into treating their view as legitimate, or braves an accurate account, in which case they howl about bias. The more extreme they get, the less power journalism has to check it.
Dismantling public education was crucial groundwork for this..the fewer people who can think critically, the more you can draft into fascism.
More GOP stepping on their own dicks - several years ago in response to the "but her emails" stuff none other than Cheeto Dick himself signed a law that makes removal of such documents a felony. Love it.
And yes, Dio, the public education dismantling has been the key. Dumb down the masses so they don't know what they're being fed. It is glaring when you hear the MAGAts speak - just truly astounding. Combine that with an inundation of "news" like Fox and then social media and you have some really dumb farging people.
My girl shows me videos on TikTok where they ask people simple questions like "what state is Utah in" or "how many states are there" and you wouldn't believe the responses.
Particularly the poor white people living in trailer parks with barely two nickels to scratch together consistently vote again their interests. The people they vote for hate them and do not support programs or legislature to assist them - but they still vote for them. Pure idiocy.
Quote from: TAFKASD on August 09, 2022, 05:23:56 PM 20&t=GhasVcBVcK67RxFn5jLBZw
"Don jr dumping powder down the toilet like he's Karen in goodfellas" 😂
gotta love it when guys who look like they should be magas are good guys. you just know it's a punch to the gut when they see guys like this.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 10, 2022, 10:23:39 AM
More GOP stepping on their own dicks - several years ago in response to the "but her emails" stuff none other than Cheeto Dick himself signed a law that makes removal of such documents a felony. Love it. 20&t=P1Qz5Ac4-pz-7_fP9RYVPA
Cheeto dick plead the 5th today in his civil case in NY.
I'm no lawyer so someone correct me but I didn't think pleading the 5th works in civil cases like it does in criminal.
IANAL either but I think you can take "pleading the fifth" as incriminating factor in civil cases, whereas you cannot in criminal cases
Beto! My man! 21&t=Nvbkr8SCyuLGd3vA-ko6ZA
Democrats nationwide would do well to hear that roar of approval and play ball accordingly.
An armed deplorable shot at the fbi building in Cincinnati. The civil war militias are gearing up. I'm openly rooting for the deplorables to take action so our military can put them down like dogs.
Garland filed to unseal the contents of the search warrant and inventory of items that were confiscated. Trump and his legal team are within their rights to release both without the doj. If the gqp weren't a bunch of disgusting deplorable pieces of shtein they'd maybe want to question why Trump's lawyers haven't made these documents public.
Now there's a shock, let me tell ya 21&t=fbqR8h6KnL5UGcL-Zz-cKw
Quote from: TAFKASD on August 11, 2022, 03:49:35 PM
Garland filed to unseal the contents of the search warrant and inventory of items that were confiscated. Trump and his legal team are within their rights to release both without the doj. If the gqp weren't a bunch of disgusting deplorable pieces of shtein they'd maybe want to question why Trump's lawyers haven't made these documents public.
The 180 by the idiots is amusing.
DOJ decides to unseal it
I mean I guess maybe someone loved him but...good riddance.
One less voter. We need to pump those numbers up. Let's go civil war.
Huge deal 21&t=fbqR8h6KnL5UGcL-Zz-cKw
So, double treason?
Beautiful treason. Only the best espionage, let me tell you.
A lot more scrutiny now towards the relationship with him and the Saudis. 20&t=-HHwhcPY75rSr218EtN3dw
Take that, Obama! He couldn't provide the nuclear documents for his nuclear family.
Orange Julius Rosenberg?
Eh, we should expect these kind of things when we elect a president who never had a drink or cigarette.
Salman Rushdie stabbed (reportedly 15 times) before giving a lecture in New York. In surgery as of 5 pm; the Assailant is Hadi Matar, 24, of New Jersey.
rare terrible event that we can't blame on trump or magats. Iran been trying to kill that dude for like 50 years.
More tasty news 21&t=RJoWsgUP80yZHzP1y3m3QA
Quote from: Eagaholic on August 12, 2022, 12:56:26 PM
Eh, we should expect these kind of things when we elect a president who never had a drink or cigarette.
I always say never trust people who don't drink, like sports or swear.
It's been an amazing day watching the meltdown on the right today
The last couple days...THEY PLANTED EVIDENCE
Tonight...oh he was bringing home his work and he declassified it 21&t=RJoWsgUP80yZHzP1y3m3QA
Nuke MAGA.
This fargin guy
How do you and your peers feel about this, Geo? 21&t=nV1yICE6BbB8LjIHxQoXdA
He's a colossal piece of shtein.
Too rigid? So much for the push for "highly qualified" teachers.
The problem is that the districts can't fill the need for new teachers, and many veteran teachers are retiring or just getting out. But instead of increasing the pay for veteran teachers (to be fair, starting salary was raised significantly)... we get this. Basically a dumbing down of the qualifications to justify keeping salaries low.
This is my 29th year. I need to last about seven more to maximize my retirement. By then, my wife and I may look to head back north. My son says he won't stay in Florida, and we'll want to be near any possible grandkids.
DeSantis is Trump with some brains. Absolutely no moral compass and no compassion for anyone but himself. Honestly, the possibility of him running for President scares the shtein out of me. He very well would finish what Trump began.
He's Trump with some brains. He's more cold and calculating than the off the cuff Cheeto Dick. Him as president would be terrifying.
But this is the GOP playbook - grassroots dumbing down. They're cutthroat down to school board elections. And this is a way to dumb down the youth.
You went to school and have a degree to teach. And many years doing it. But this dipshtein wants Gunnery Sergeants in classrooms. Helps with the whole arming of the teachers too.
Despite my repeated objections my daughter starts her teaching career tomorrow at a middle school in Jacksonville.
Her reasoning for staying in Florida was typical of someone her age. Basically she said farg DeSantis. I'm staying because I give a shtein about these kids and I want to be part of the solution to people like him.
I'm proud of her but I still wish she got the farg out of this place.
My son has decided (at least for now) to become a teacher. Both his mother (also a teacher) and I have tried to counsel him to keep his options open. He's a smart kid and a hard worker - much more mature than I was at his age, and took advantage of the opportunities to basically get a free education - even towards his master's (2 years dual enrollment in HS, Florida Bright Futures Scholarship, etc.).
The daughter is in 10th grade and has dreams of leaving Florida for college. She's stubborn enough to do it. At that point, as soon as I'm financially able to, I can retire from my district and look into a short-term career to get to my old age. I love the time with the kids, but the adults are leaving a lot to be desired right now. Hell, she may end up in Australia or something.
I always say that if I ever leave Florida, I'm not stopping until I re-cross the Mason-Dixon line. I may get to test that theory in the coming years.
It brings me no joy to tell you that Australia is just Bigger Florida. Try to steer her away from there.
Anyway, the MAGA crowd has been out in full force at work this week. No motorized scooters available for them, so Cletus has to roll his Ma down the aisles like a dung beetle while yelling across the store to Cousin Joe that "they got the Bird Dog here!"
I have two classes on my schedule that have spec Ed kids in them(down from 4 a few years ago!) so I have a spec Ed co teacher in those classes with me and she is from Florida and has taught there two different times and the horror stories she has told me between the low ass salaries and the way her district handled special education was insane. Don't think I could ever want to teach in Florida after what she has told me.
Geo if you're looking to be in the Philly area again, north DE is an affordable and relatively nice place to live. And if you wanna crank out a few more years as a teacher, we're having the same workforce issues everyone else is and I'm sure a social studies job will come up haha.
Our state also just passed a law to provide funding for our schools to hire two full time subs on small salaries (I think I read they'd be starting around 30K for people with bachelors degrees?)and with benefits, could be a good way to finish out your career. If I ever have the balls to get into local politics my plan would be to transition into one of those jobs at my building so I could still teach some and be in the building helping kids and such. Local politics is a part time job in this state and the salaries reflect that.
My daughter called me and told me her last class had 29 kids in it. Absolutely against policy (25 is the max). The rest of her classes went very well but the last one was a mess. She was supposed to have a second adult in there but there was no one available.
Typical clusterfarg but at least she had a really positive experience other than that fargup. I really am over the moon proud of her.
Can't speak for her district but the state "class size amendment" is a farce. An unfunded mandate that my district hasn't followed in years. The district loses some minor funding, but far less than the cost of the teachers and infrastructure needed to meet the requirement.
Quote from: Munson on August 15, 2022, 05:10:52 PM
I have two classes on my schedule that have spec Ed kids in them(down from 4 a few years ago!) so I have a spec Ed co teacher in those classes with me and she is from Florida and has taught there two different times and the horror stories she has told me between the low ass salaries and the way her district handled special education was insane. Don't think I could ever want to teach in Florida after what she has told me.
Geo if you're looking to be in the Philly area again, north DE is an affordable and relatively nice place to live. And if you wanna crank out a few more years as a teacher, we're having the same workforce issues everyone else is and I'm sure a social studies job will come up haha.
Our state also just passed a law to provide funding for our schools to hire two full time subs on small salaries (I think I read they'd be starting around 30K for people with bachelors degrees?)and with benefits, could be a good way to finish out your career. If I ever have the balls to get into local politics my plan would be to transition into one of those jobs at my building so I could still teach some and be in the building helping kids and such. Local politics is a part time job in this state and the salaries reflect that.
Because I have the gifted endorsement, I get those classes and by-and-large avoid the heavy ESE load. I have one class that is loaded (>50%). Most of the kids are sweet, but I do have a couple that are going to test my patience this year. 20&t=8JdZbUQYHWmuCD4MsCyP4g
A FL court rules a 16 year old is not mature enough to choose to have an abortion. She has no parents, no job and the father can't/won't assist her. Something must be lost on me here. How can this girl not be mature enough to choose an abortion yet is mature enough to face the monumental responsibilities of being a teen single mother without adequate resources?
You are mistaking the girl for a person. She is livestock, a brood mare under the control of a religious State.
Quote from: Geowhizzer on August 15, 2022, 07:53:46 PM
Quote from: Munson on August 15, 2022, 05:10:52 PM
I have two classes on my schedule that have spec Ed kids in them(down from 4 a few years ago!) so I have a spec Ed co teacher in those classes with me and she is from Florida and has taught there two different times and the horror stories she has told me between the low ass salaries and the way her district handled special education was insane. Don't think I could ever want to teach in Florida after what she has told me.
Geo if you're looking to be in the Philly area again, north DE is an affordable and relatively nice place to live. And if you wanna crank out a few more years as a teacher, we're having the same workforce issues everyone else is and I'm sure a social studies job will come up haha.
Our state also just passed a law to provide funding for our schools to hire two full time subs on small salaries (I think I read they'd be starting around 30K for people with bachelors degrees?)and with benefits, could be a good way to finish out your career. If I ever have the balls to get into local politics my plan would be to transition into one of those jobs at my building so I could still teach some and be in the building helping kids and such. Local politics is a part time job in this state and the salaries reflect that.
Because I have the gifted endorsement, I get those classes and by-and-large avoid the heavy ESE load. I have one class that is loaded (>50%). Most of the kids are sweet, but I do have a couple that are going to test my patience this year.
To Romey's post about state laws on class sizes, our "college prep" (what we call the lower level courses with special education kids in them) are supposed to be capped at 27, with a maximum of 12 kids with IEPs in the class. Which is insane because those are the kids that need to be in classes of 20 or less to get the extra attention they need, especially with how much behavior issues we usually have at that level. 27 kids and 12 of them having IEPs isn't helping any of those kids, unfortunately. And sure enough, both of mine this year as of right now have 27 kids on the roster and 12 IEPs. It's gonna suck.
Quote from: Diomedes on August 16, 2022, 07:10:57 PM
You are mistaking the girl for a person. She is livestock, a brood mare under the control of a religious State.
I guess that's the best explanation of why she'll be saddled with a kid for the next 20 years.
Dio is right sadly.
That's how women are viewed by the GOP. That is until one of their teenagers gets knocked up.
Btw... my daughter has been a teacher for exactly two days and she's already been ignored by her administration, lied to about the size and types of classes she's being forced to teach, and she's still hanging in there when any other kid her age would have told them all to farg off by now.
I don't give a shtein... I'm bragging about her to everyone I know right now. I'm that proud of her for doing this when she could have easily taken the other route, and gone to grad school on mom and dad's dime.
You should be proud. Sounds like a tough kid!
This warms my heart. He's been stiffing lawyers for years and not even the clown show attorneys want his biz. 21&t=3fl9fvlRrZx_1JF6JfLZXQ
Trump really needs a dust filter for his Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro model 60.
Here's an idea:
I'm not on board but I'm intrigued. If in fact Trump just took the documents and was sitting on them, not using them for gain or to extort, etc...then this argument has some serious merits. 20&t=h_O6oSmwtyPbM2aNkVgYcA
Quote from: Diomedes on August 17, 2022, 09:57:24 AM
Here's an idea:
I'm not on board but I'm intrigued. If in fact Trump just took the documents and was sitting on them, not using them for gain or to extort, etc...then this argument has some serious merits.
Nah. So we're gonna give him the ol "that's just Trump" pass? There might have been some merit to this if the republican base acted rationally but Biden is not gonna get brownie points from any moderate Rs for dropping it. The fact that some people still think there's a way to make moderate Rs see the light is laughable, they're all gone.
Gonna be moot point anyway because I would put money on the notion that those mar a Lago security tapes show some Saudis going into that room or basement the weekend of that golf tournament.
Jesus Christ 21&t=ayEP8NgBRJY_REvjE9TGnQ
I don't believe that's actually true. At least not in my county.
Good. I hope it's not.
I did see that DeSantis went up to rub elbows and stump with Mastriano
What is true is that there is a movement to limit access to some books.
Right now, the big push is anything with an LGBTQ+ theme. Basically, these books are now being labeled so that students cannot get them from the library without parental approval. They're not being outright removed... but they are being limited.
That's the angle everything is being pushed for right now - parental rights.
best i can find is a high school in florida canceled a TKAMB performance, five months ago
unbelievable that an anonymous twitter account would post something inaccurate
Got another week's vacation from Twitter for suggesting someone should stick a sock in Marge Greene's mouth to shut her up.
Meanwhile, some GOP shteinbag directly above that tweet suggested gays should be killed for being gay.
My tweet was deleted about 30 seconds after I posted it. That shtein is still up.
Starting to think Twitter might have a Nazi problem.
Unfettered free speech has a Nazi problem, always has.
Eventually, the free speech people will start shooting the Nazis but it always takes too long for them to finally fight, and they never finish the job.
My wife worked for the Trump organization in the late 80's and early 90's.
I'm drinking 18 yr-old Jameson's out of a crystal rocks glass from a set she won when she worked for Ivana.
It was that kind of day.
Lol. farging Florida Democrats just overwhelmingly voted for Republican Charlie Crist to face Nazi Ron Defargface in December.
It's just absolutely incredible.
Quote from: Rome on August 23, 2022, 08:25:48 PM
Lol. farging Florida Democrats just overwhelmingly voted for Republican Charlie Crist (http://republican%20charlie%20crist) to face Nazi Ron Defargface in December.
It's just absolutely incredible.
For some reason, whenever I hear the name "Charlie Crist," this song pops in my head everytime.
Quote from: Rome on August 23, 2022, 08:25:48 PM
Lol. farging Florida Democrats just overwhelmingly voted for Republican Charlie Crist to face Nazi Ron Defargface in December.
It's just absolutely incredible.
what the farg is wrong with you people....not that anyone could beat deathsantis but that dude is a republican hack who jerks off to 13 year old rape victims forced to give birth. that pos crist is going to bring down val demmings who we really need in there.
at least nazi laura loomer didnt win her primary
is there no greater example than republicans being nothing but an anti-democrat party than this student loan stuff
1. something sucks
2. it is kinda fixed
3. gop: THIS IS BAD
Oh so that's why my FB was lit with people crying about socialism and other false shtein.
I mean the GOP added like $2T to the deficit and not a peep
corporations take hand outs from the govt on the regular...trump has had god knows how many loans forgiven....all types of businesses from my agency ($1 million lol) to tom brady got PPP loans forgiven
yet the line is drawn with 20k of student debt. theres nothing more to this than this is something biden and democrats enacted, it benefits young people who primarily lean left, so its a perfect culture war-ish thing for republicans to go the other way on. this is the kind of nonsense they live for, just be contrarians to whatever democrats want.
Ask Marge Greene how she feels about her PPP loan being forgiven. Or Gaetz. Or farging Rick Scott who tweeted his "outrage" from his yacht in Italy.
I swear to God just nuke em all.
Jamie Foxx's Trump impression is spot on 20&t=CjVZMHJ8pRZPrtHTfEhcuA
Ku Klux Karen runs her mouth about student loan forgiveness so the official white house Twitter page hit back 20&t=4UL8Y_YEXroSwUXXjdNelQ
Some are now calling Biden dark Brandon...we need more of this 20&t=4UL8Y_YEXroSwUXXjdNelQ
The meltdown today has been both beautiful and also really frustrating to watch. Just another day where I'm reminded how dumb and gullible people are and how incapable they are of thinking even one step ahead. 21&t=chbYGcxcAFZNdVdpVrBXKg
affidavit supposed to drop now...curious to see if it's just all blacked out or not
Quote from: Diomedes on August 26, 2022, 11:59:46 AM
affidavit supposed to drop now...curious to see if it's just all blacked out or not
It's largely blacked out but still a lot of info. Moron had a ton of over top secret documents at Mar-a-largo. Lock him up!
Edited to add affidavit
Trump is farged. That affidavit is devastating even in its redacted form.
Holy shtein.
Any doubt that The Cheeto Dick Cartel sold things to Russia and the Saudis? 21&t=oF6MpxcGepprHfnMTYxFAA
Line him up against the nearest wall and blow his brains out.
If his retarded cultist supporters want to start a civil war over it, let's farging go.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 27, 2022, 12:49:26 PM
Any doubt that The Cheeto Dick Cartel sold things to Russia and the Saudis? 21&t=oF6MpxcGepprHfnMTYxFAA
I wouldn't doubt trump sold things to putin or especially the saudis, but the stated timeline between trump's request for the spy list and losing informants was over 2 years. During that time there was that little Afghanistan fiasco when the US left untold numbers of foreign informants and operatives left hung out for the taliban and al qaeda. I don't know who in their right mind wouldn't want to tell the CIA to go farg themselves.
Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree
Koo koo
The amount of bad news for Trump in this single photo cannot be understated.
That's why he's losing his shtein on his retarded Twitter knockoff. He knows he's farged. He knows he's going to jail. And he knows the only thing left is to burn it all down around him.
I can't wait until he's perp walked.
what hideous taste this man has, my god
A large portion of those docs were so sensitive the FBI agents who reviewed them had to obtain additional clearance to see them.
My dream scenario:
He goes to jail
His supporters riot and militias try an uprising
The national guard wipes the floor with them
Less deplorables to vote.
I can dig it.
His meltdowns amuse me. farg him and his supporters.
5-6 years ago I think any decent liberal would say everyone has the right to protest blah blah. now I agree, get all the magas together and nuke em. the world will be better off.
I think we're overlooking the gaudily framed Time magazine covers.
Already covered by my complaint about the man's abominable taste.
Quote from: Diomedes on August 31, 2022, 09:34:49 AM
Already covered by my complaint about the man's abominable taste.
Legit thought you were talking about the carpets
The carpet
The cabinet hardware
The cabinets themselves
gaudy ugly new money no class ugly
framing covers of Time magazine...this is what illiterate people consider "smart"...and of course, they'r all covers with him on them or related to him because we all know he doesn't read
I would'nt be surprised if the photo wasn't staged at all...this could very well be how the pig lives
casinos have those awful carpets to mess with people's minds and scramble their brain. this man lives that like on purpose. no wonder his brain is mush.
money dont buy class
i refuse to believe hes ever going to be held accountable for any of this though
Mary Peltola (D) defeated deplorable MAGA bonehead Sarah Palin in Alaska's special election for Congress
Ominous news for Republicans.
its def not good news for them but it was a ranked choice election with 2 republicans on the not sure how transferable that is to anything else
Quote from: TAFKASD on August 31, 2022, 08:39:47 PM
Mary Peltola (D) defeated deplorable MAGA bonehead Sarah Palin in Alaska's special election for Congress
You'd still hit it though, amirite?
Nailin Palin
Still can't believe Glenn Rice hit that
Anyways it's delicious to see the MAGAts screaming about ranked choice being rigged. They're forgetting to mention they're the ones who instituted it
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on September 01, 2022, 12:40:20 AM
Still can't believe Glenn Rice hit that
haha I just looked this up, never heard this gossip before.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on September 01, 2022, 12:40:20 AMAnyways it's delicious to see the MAGAts screaming about ranked choice being rigged. They're forgetting to mention they're the ones who instituted it
they did it to try to farg over murkowski...and ranked choice is actually a fairly progressive voting structure. i think maine is the only other state where its mass instituted. i personally think its the fairest way to do it, it really rankles me that in philly, 8 people run for mayor and someone wins with 23% of the vote. the same thing happens in presidential primaries. getting a quarter of the electorate to pick you has no bearing on anything. thats democracy?
anyway petula will be seated for like 2 months but shes up for reelection again lol
I'll have to watch the Biden speech later but judging by the GOP Screech Machine he did a helluva job. They're all pissing and moaning.
Meanwhile look at this wild shtein 21&t=9P4k-5co8sGCUHH56xyZ9Q
I missed the speech last night (not feeling so swell) but I woke up and watched it this morning.
Probably the greatest speech I've ever heard in terms of a President saying exactly what needed to be said in a moment as perilous as this one is in this country.
Nothing upsets a racist more than being called out on their racism. Seems like the same can now be said for fascists too judging by the dime store pearl clutching and swooning they've been doing over it on social media.
I wasn't as impressed.
Republican scum
Can't recall the last Democrat who was outed for being in the KKK, gay bashing, etc.
Daily Republicans are found to be the opposite of their loudly exclaimed "morality"
Trump judge...shocking 21&t=nMyhindv8b3K8WBwMAe1bA
Trump is partially right some of the voting machines in Georgia were tampered members of the gop
QuoteThe two men seen in the video with Latham, Scott Hall and Paul Maggio, have acknowledged that they successfully gained access to a voting machine in Coffee County at the behest of Trump lawyer Sidney Powell.
if youre going to commit voter fraud, do it in a white majority country with 15k voters that voted 70-30 trump...thatll show em
"Butter emails" - the cult 20&t=uAY0WS8NBk42e1RrYB3R1A
i cant get enough of dark brandon lmao
QuoteObama: You'll note that he refused to hide any of my grey hairs. Refused my request to make my ears smaller. He also talked me out of wearing a tan suit 20&t=G1JdTsqykzZ-vrRZ1r_r-g
We went from this to windmill cancer
Michelle is a goddess...look at that dress...awesome
that is so amazing
Judge shopping MAGA style 46&t=3RU3P0JJctGdDFh81DwK4w
A little shocker here 46&t=lwmQH-t_YpuUtMMJHI6AEQ
Doubt Al Franken ever beat a woman but this is close
Could go in multiple threads but this dude serious and lol Fetterman 20&t=HLjMzOEP6TfxNoqvxKNt7A
trump was flown in his golf gear to dc and nobody knows why
assumption is medical
Hopefully he's dying bigly.
Not a cult
Conspiracy nut Qanon nut job father kills family (including dog)
And of course the Qnuts are saying the daughters lying
My Pillow did got his phone seized by the FBI
Lol 46&t=gumsUn5o4wyAvPzlCXAViw
Ron DeSantis is a scumbag of the highest order. Just an absolute sack of monkey shtein.
Remember when I told you guys DeSantis was even worse than Trump?
Here you go.
He is trafficking children to score political points with MAGA and Fox News. I don't think Trump even did that shtein.
I'm telling you, this is gonna get real bad real soon with this guy.
so a bunch of these human beings were essentially abducted off the streets of san some govt official, i guess, went up to them and said come with me ill get you work.
desantis, the florida governor, paid to kidnap people from texas and fly them to a small island off the coast of massachusetts in order to score points on maga twitter and with tucker carlson. this is republicanism.
More of a Governor's issue but wrote my congressman (Fitzpatrick) volunteering to take in a migrant family from Texas or Florida if they need assistance.
"Christian values" my ass. Jesus was a liberal.
I'm a better Christian than most who claim him and I'm a God damned atheist
Conservatives are farging lame no wonder most artists are liberals 20&t=JJ23dgByUVRoKR3D2XYQnw
Your weekly dose of Herschel least he's honest 20&t=uuHf__Ot2lYI5LCIAolLXA 46&t=ziWntSgwHSy-rY83DJ2qfw
Quote from: TAFKASD on September 19, 2022, 01:13:43 PM
Your weekly dose of Herschel least he's honest 20&t=uuHf__Ot2lYI5LCIAolLXA
damn, probably the least cringey thing he's said so far. when republicans turn to honesty you know it's a last grasp. 46&t=hYCZlfugcVJnlrajFDPrmQ
I have given up hope on trump actually getting convicted of anything but apparently the NYAG is having a big press conference at 1130, which they pushed back to not coincide with a Biden speech. meaning they want big press on something.
if anyone is gonna get him, its gonna be this lady.
I almost hope its about filing charges against his kids and not him. 20&t=RNM_eVIQMQNzHlYTc8RdZw
Literal farging moron 46&t=xT96yS_spBc-Le4udrddHA
for the 10000000th time how is he not in a jail cell yet
Holy shtein the farging imbecile said the fbi might have been searching for Hilary's emails at mar a lago 🤣 20&t=W1hIhbgUezo8sKHR5Agu1w
Give it to them Jamie
Had to google the Ray Epps conspiracy 20&t=oV2j38T5L8hHknma0NNw0A 20&t=02K2sHyvjzSdyIrhHYLLVA
that's my rep.
Online rumors of shtein going down in China: Military coup, Xi Jinping under house arrest, etc.
Nothing I have found to this point on mainstream media, though.
Quote from: Geowhizzer on September 24, 2022, 06:33:13 PM
Online rumors of shtein going down in China: Military coup, Xi Jinping under house arrest, etc.
Nothing I have found to this point on mainstream media, though.
There's enough smoke right now that I believe it's real
Holy shtein if that's true. Turmoil in Russia and Iran as well. It's strange but China's military, the PLA, is not sworn to the country itself but to the party, so if the army is involved I'd think it likely had to come from the inner circles of the central committee. 46&t=BKFCq-K-eJn-eY6IUGhWlw
Quote from: Geowhizzer on September 24, 2022, 06:33:13 PM
Online rumors of shtein going down in China: Military coup, Xi Jinping under house arrest, etc.
Nothing I have found to this point on mainstream media, though.
Uh oh
And like Holic said with Russia and Iran...mildly concerning 46&t=Z9IG3enBqdTG4jcwJDkR6g
The fact that he's still in office is corruption in plain sight.
The true definition of a shteinbird
I hate him, Patrick and Abbott
Large Marge's husband is divorcing her
So I come out of my 2-day online blackout, and the Twitter trend is Trumper's going batshtein crazy over a black woman playing a flute?
*Fat Proud Talented Black Woman
Their most reviled "other"
Interesting... that wasn't the tweet I meant to share.
I just joined Twitter
You can't f'n function on the interwebs if you can't read tweets
next up, Dio the Influencer, famous on TikTok, hiding out on :CF
Construction tiktok is a thing. It's mostly framers, plumbers, and electricians mocking each other's mistakes.
Oh I'm sure...I spend far too much time on Reddit browsing different construction subs
Quote from: Diomedes on October 04, 2022, 01:37:25 PM
I just joined Twitter
i just got this...its the circle of life...also dont think for a second that its just coincidence that easy shows up and i get banned from somewhere
QuoteYour account is permanently suspended
After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can't Tweet, Retweet, or Like content. You won't be able to create new accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an appeal.
Ol' Musky's deal to buy Twitter is back on, so it's going to become even less useful soon anyway.
yeah i was just thinking about that yesterday...i also wouldn't be surprised if he unbans all banned accounts
Well not all accounts, just the ones unfairly banned for being enlightened centrists like Trump.
These people live amongst us 46&t=s748lzHQ385jWWSpiVqIPw
Joe getting shtein done 46&t=s748lzHQ385jWWSpiVqIPw
lol what did havas do to get banned...him and romey are peas in a pod
gonna do some door knocking this weekend. get off your butts and save democracy
Havas got banned??
from Twitter
I've been blue check suspended several times. I don't even bother responding anymore. I read what I want and just ignore the stupidity.
Quote from: MDS on October 07, 2022, 10:56:05 AM
lol what did havas do to get banned...him and romey are peas in a pod
gonna do some door knocking this weekend. get off your butts and save democracy
I don't know and they won't tell me. I cursed in a few tweets but not at anyone just regular shtein. It's so random.
when trolling maga gets too real
Dark Brandon owning the gqp 20&t=SShpfX-eoFGdW1c3yOZ8Yg
I'm almost looking forward to the green Let's Grow Brandon flags that are surely coming.
Sounds like a business idea for ya!
Yesterday Putin turned 70, and was surrounded with all kinds of fawning dignitaries, sycophants and elites. Today Ukraine blew up the bridge from Russia to Crimea, which was Putin's pet project and symbol of his achievements. It now serves as a critical artery for the military supply chain in the Ukraine south and east.
Deutche Welle (rough German equivalent of BBC or PBS) just had the burn of the year - a split screen mock up with the left side showing the visually spectacular bridge explosion, and on the right side a black and white clip of Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday Mr President." A+
Scumbag Alex Jones is ordered to pay a collective $636.6 MILLION to the families of Sandy Hook victims in his second trial.
Sorry that is now $965 million
until he is ordered to die nothing will matter
he hasnt committed a crime that will send him to jail and there is no way to prevent him from broadcasting...hell never pay that money, hes dead broke
Schiff just said that the J6 committee discovered that the Secret Service knew 10 days in advance that the Proud Boys were going to occupy buildings.
There's some kind of subpoena of it for Trump coming after the break too
In other Trump news the fbi has video of someone moving additional boxes to and from the room at Mar a lago. If they can get the person to testify they moved them at the direction of Trump that's clearly obstruction.
Man...this hearing is blasting away. They've got mountains of evidence.
Everyone needs to go down for this.
And I'm still amazed at Donald farging Trump being the guy these people did this shtein for. 46&t=99rb69vP4Jza4reAo56WvA
has any american in modern history committed more crimes and not faced any consequences for them than trump
thinking about all the things hes done since the 70s that have been repugnant/illegal and the zero days in jail hes had make me irate
Without running an actual corporation, no.
Quote from: MDS on October 13, 2022, 10:41:25 PM
has any american in modern history committed more crimes and not faced any consequences for them than trump
thinking about all the things hes done since the 70s that have been repugnant/illegal and the zero days in jail hes had make me irate
not as irate as rod blagojevich
try explaining to your 2012 self how this is a thing that happened
Quote from: MDS on October 14, 2022, 11:39:35 PM
try explaining to your 2012 self how this is a thing that happened
I'm still annoyed at this. How Warnock didn't wipe the floor with him is beyond me. The irony in all of it is that the Democrats will never win big because they are just too farging nice.
If Warnock did 1% of the awful things Hershel did the debate would have been 99% about them. Instead walker gets a pass.
This race will be close and it sickens me.
Please tell me this fargin lunatic has no shot in PA 46&t=84ykWiV3eKYos8tKjV999w
he has no shot but oz certainly does
Quote from: phattymatty on October 20, 2022, 02:47:59 PM
How Warnock didn't wipe the floor with him is beyond me.
georgia is a republican state...theres enough of a % of white people from the suburbs that didnt like trump. dont get it twisted.
they won 2 senate seats in jan 2021 because maga idiots were so depressed and thought their votes werent going to count. the osoff seat was on that ballot because purdue barely fell under 50% in november (remember, purdue easily beat osoff in november on the same ticket biden beat trump). they do antiquated runoffs that were designed to prevent black candidates from winning so the whole thing was really just a 1 in a million technicality.
Oz really has a chance?!
Pennsyltucky is too strong to ignore.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on October 20, 2022, 09:15:12 PM
Oz really has a chance?!
today's poll came from a right wing outlet but it had them 46-46...the average is fetterman +2 i want to say. well within toss up territory. other national polling has seen people drifting away from abortion and toward the economy which is good for republicans.
the ads here have been relentless classifying fetterman as both AOC jr and that your daughter will be raped/youll be homeless if you elect him
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on October 20, 2022, 09:15:12 PM
Oz really has a chance?! 46&t=h1fz39O2AMJxiPs7m2oQrw
Nothing makes me want to be violent than moron voters like this.
I'm sick of the ads already.
We have a local race for county judge, which isn't a judge in the criminal sense, but think more county mayor type gig. It's fairly important.
The incumbent is a young Latina and the MAGAts and redneck brigade loathe her. She's done a pretty good job. But the GOP picked a lady who conveniently is using her Latin maiden name and they've been pouring on the GOP playbook ads.
She's been bought by a lot of developers and oil and gas people. The developers want to keep building sans flood control measures. The O&G people don't want the environmental inconveniences of actually not polluting.
I probably had 25 of the MAGAts fliers in my mailbox.
Early voting starts Monday. I can't wait to vote against all of the MAGAts
if you read the mentions she was interviewed in 2016 or something...looks like a full of shtein human who is giving reporters what they want to hear
even so what she saying is entirely what other people will say and do
Quote from: MDS on October 20, 2022, 06:59:28 PM
georgia is a republican state...theres enough of a % of white people from the suburbs that didnt like trump. dont get it twisted.
they won 2 senate seats in jan 2021 because maga idiots were so depressed and thought their votes werent going to count. the osoff seat was on that ballot because purdue barely fell under 50% in november (remember, purdue easily beat osoff in november on the same ticket biden beat trump). they do antiquated runoffs that were designed to prevent black candidates from winning so the whole thing was really just a 1 in a million technicality.
nothing you said is wrong but I'm talking literally about the debate itself. there should be dozens of sound bites coming out of it. Warnock didn't even bring up abortion or any of the 100 dumb things / lies walker has said over the last few months. such a wasted opportunity.
Yeah because for some reason dems refuse to fight fire with fire.
They always try to be the statesmen and above the fray - which in theory is how it should be - as leaders and lawmakers.
But since the GOP and their followers are all about owning the libs the dems need to fight back. And its stupid to have to do that because it should not have devolved into this. But here we are.
QuoteThe documents included information about Iran's missile program and intelligence-gathering operations in China, according to sources who spoke under the condition of anonymity to the Post
They launch an investigation into why he took these specific documents yet? That's some serious shtein to take
Fetterman didn't sound good tonight. The fracking question was especially brutal.
he was difficult to watch. couldnt string a sentence together and looked spaced out. i have no idea who let him do this but good lord i hope nobody of consequence actually watched that thing
Who cares what Fetterman sounded like?
Oz literally said abortion is between a woman, her doctor and local political leaders.
That should immediately disqualify him for office, but yeah, Fetterman has trouble verbally communicating after a stroke.
Ooooohhhh boy we are assfarged in this hellhole of a country right now.
Quote from: Rome on October 26, 2022, 05:32:40 AM
Who cares what Fetterman sounded like?
Oz literally said abortion is between a woman, her doctor and local political leaders.
That should immediately disqualify him for office, but yeah, Fetterman has trouble verbally communicating after a stroke.
Ooooohhhh boy we are assfarged in this hellhole of a country right now.
Maybe suburban women save us but I just don't see it after last night. Oz was already cutting it close now I'd be surprised if he's not the favorite. The Dems can only blame themselves. And yes we're f'd.
An otherwise pleasant woman I know recently revealed herself to be, in her words, "Pro-Putin." I don't talk politics with folks I don't know, but I did use the word "Nazi" in a metaphor about the job I was doing. (Clearing an over grown lot, and pitching the organic material down an embankment into a pile, I was saying how I couldn't put anything man made with it, because once there's some rubbish in your brush pile, it's no longer a brush pile, it's a garbage pile...just like having a Nazi at your political rally makes it a Nazi rally.) This apparently she took as a sign that, like she and her husband, I might also take their view that the Ukranians are "Nazis who are killing their own people" in order to "launder money for" the elites, or the globalists, or I forget who.
I'm struck by how fundamentally stupid people like this are. They literally can't execute even a shadow of critical thinking. They do not read, like, at all. Not even romance novels or other pop-lit. They don't read the Wall Street Journal. They don't even read the Washington Times. Everything they get as far as information comes from Fox News and YouTube/Facebook. There's no intellectual curiosity, or for that matter, ability. They're scared and stupid and that's just how the fascists like them to be.
When the fall of America is dissected and recorded, the conservative movement to weaken public schools and undermine higher education will be highlighted as a crucial preparatory step for the fascists to draft supporters.
I told the lady I thought war was awful but that "I'm not political" and don't have any interest in Ukraine. Fine with me if I'm a sheep to her. Baaa, baaa.
People are farging stupid and it is directly tied to far right "news" sources, FB and YT. Any time I hear people say "well I saw it on FB" or the frustrating "do your own research" clowns I automatically tune them out and pass judgement on them as idiots.
Quote from: Rome on October 26, 2022, 05:32:40 AM
Who cares what Fetterman sounded like?
if this was a primary i wouldnt vote for him...he needs to rest and recover not work a high powered job. people with disabilities should of course get opportunities but this dude cannot be cognitively capable of doing this job right now.
now parlay that mindset to 10s of thousands of moderate voters and thats how you get oz winning.
fetterman camp is tripling down on abortion and trying to hold onto votes off that because theres nothing else they have. early voting has started so votes are banked but 2 weeks is a long time in politics.
Tbf the senate is about as cushy a job as you can get. They get a ton of days off haha
Musk has taken over Twitter and is firing everyone - including the lady who made the call to permanently ban Cheeto Dick.
Just in time for the election!
if youre on twitter all the time youd think twitter is important but 99% of the population thankfully is not on twitter
Alright, we did it guys. We waited out social media until it all flopped, surely message boards will be back en vogue!
Quote from: General_Failure on October 27, 2022, 10:00:23 PM
Alright, we did it guys. We waited out social media until it all flopped, surely message boards will be back en vogue!
We may break double digits in regular posters again! :D
Holy shtein 46&t=V5qK90P_bb0FaiWfn8NWMw
Quote from: Diomedes on October 26, 2022, 10:56:59 AM
I'm struck by how fundamentally stupid people like this are. They literally can't execute even a shadow of critical thinking. They do not read, like, at all. Not even romance novels or other pop-lit. They don't read the Wall Street Journal. They don't even read the Washington Times. Everything they get as far as information comes from Fox News and YouTube/Facebook. There's no intellectual curiosity, or for that matter, ability. They're scared and stupid and that's just how the fascists like them to be.
Yeah it's not just the qanon nut jobs anymore, anyone who still calls themselves a republican believes at least 50% of the nonsense.
that chick Lara logan who just a few years ago seemed to be a fairly respectable journalist at CBS, was on the pillow guys show recently talking about how hundreds of thousands of kids are being trafficked by Biden specifically so they can drink their blood.
I'll chalk some of her fall from grace to what happened to her in the Arab spring and she needs major mental help now but literally millions of people legit believe this.
Pretty sure she was a mental case before that but what I'm seeing and hearing from the GOP, at least down here, is it's 99% who believe the bullshtein. Every idiotic conspiracy theory, every lie, everything the GOP utters is truth and everything else is a lie.
It's amazing how quickly this county devolved into this, but maybe not so surprising after all.
red pilling has happened to everyone...its more likely to happen to someone stupid with no college degree but plenty of educated, cultured people like laura logan are deep deep down the conspiratorial hole
thats how you get an assassination attempt on nancy pelosi
This guy has a punchable face. Maybe someone will hit HIM with a hammer. 46&t=cCzDSbNfgThyBdsErlBa-A
My school got a new student from Mariupol Ukraine. She apparently just started today. Gotta be so farging hard to have your life blown up and flee to a foreign country and be put in a new school full of 1000 American kids at 14 years old, all within the span of less than a year
i cannot wait until some dumb white funhole from the suburbs loses her mind because she needs a permission slip from her priest to get birth control while her secretary state of choice refuses to certify a democratic election get what you deserve
If DeSantis wins on Tuesday my daughter is leaving this state for good. As bad as his first term was, the next one will be infinitely worse. My sister in Philly offered her a place to stay while she gets her feet on the ground up there. The strange thing is PA might not be any better than Florida if the GOP seizes power up there.
I feel so bad for her right now.
i was at the fetterman biden shapiro obama rally
braindead frankenstein was just kind of slurring some random thoughts out. not good.
it wasnt even close obama got the most cheers, he was the last one to speak too. good sign for the party that a guy who hasnt been in office in 6 years is your most popular person.
i had a nice little chat with gisele fetterman, met tom wolf and malcom kenyatta. wolf gives a good handshake.
tuesday is going to suck but i think shapiro will win at least
One great thing about the Phillies run is it softened the blow leading up to today. Fully expecting a house/senate MAGA takeover. The local elections are even scarier. Running across the street on my lunch break to vote. It's been a good run fellas. RIP America 🇺🇸
Are you telling me that GF and my Anabaptist cousins in Pennsyltucky are going to actually elect that charlatan snake oil peddler to the Senate?
Quote from: Geowhizzer on November 08, 2022, 09:58:35 AM
Are you telling me that GF and my Anabaptist cousins in Pennsyltucky are going to actually elect that charlatan snake oil peddler to the Senate?
Fetterman shouldn't have done that debate. He should have lied and said he had covid. Democracy as we know it is essentially over starting today.
Don't blame me, my ballot actually got counted.
Including my walk in and out in 15 minutes.
No line
No redhats
Was hoping for some oath keepers poll watching so I could talk shtein but no such luck
2 women needed assistance scanning their ballot and mentioned they just wanted to make sure their vote counts because this is their first election. The glass half full part of me hopes they registered because they're pro choice
Charlie Crist is the Democratic nominee for governor in Florida. That's what the party wanted and that's what they got. If democracy wasn't on the line I would have not voted for that mongoloid, but here we are.
Also - I drove by a white precinct this morning and there was probably 100 people waiting to vote before the polls opened.
I go past a more racially balanced location near my office and not one person was there in line.
And that's with a candidate like Val Demings on the ballot running against Marco Rubio.
It's going to be a long night for Dems in this hellhole of a state. A lonnnnnng night.
Just finished.
I had a wait in line for about 40 minutes. I picked a location closer to my office and they have paper ballots that you load into the machine and it prints everything out.
Pretty diverse group in line. But the two biddy's in front of me were going on about the crime and blah blah blah
I voted early last week. Took about 10 minutes. My wife and I may have been the youngest people in line.
Quote from: Rome on November 08, 2022, 01:11:48 PM
Also - I drove by a white precinct this morning and there was probably 100 people waiting to vote before the polls opened.
I go past a more racially balanced location near my office and not one person was there in line.
And that's with a candidate like Val Demings on the ballot running against Marco Rubio.
It's going to be a long night for Dems in this hellhole of a state. A lonnnnnng night.
the county data out of FL (and VA) is very bad. florida is to be expected, its a lost cause. that and OH arent swing states anymore. get out now
i was poll observing today out in west philly. turn out seemed strong, but theres no comp because this is the first mid term with mail ins. my polling location, the dude there said it was the best hed ever seen for a mid term. and these are all 95% dem areas. i dont think thisll make up for anything, but there you go.
i had one instance of a woman at the correct polling place but not on the rolls who wanted to discard her mail in ballot. so they spoiled it and gave her a provisional. confused? welcome to america. another person (i def unintentionally misgendered them lol) was not a registered voter on the sec of state website so i had nowhere to send them to, they are 22 and this is what we get out of stupid unprepared gen z'ers who actually want to vote. by and large everyone i saw today was old as hell.
What's the best we can hope for without a blue sweep?
I just hope we hold the houses.
And locally that Hildalgo beats out the stupid woman running against her.
No chance Beto wins but I can dream
I stopped talking about politics with anyone here. I occasionally let something slip but it's hard enough to keep my sanity in this hellacious place as it is without getting outraged by every dipshtein who bitches about gas prices and crime, but don't seem to mind full-blown Nazis running for government.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 08, 2022, 07:16:34 PM
I just hope we hold the houses.
the house was lost 2 years hope tonight whatever happens can be hypothetically fixed within the next cycle or two. thats the best case scenario - that there is a tomorrow.
Little Marco is a scumbag. Rand Paul too.
How the farg do people vote for Oz?
great grift by everyone down in florida getting charlie crist over the line in the primary so he could get spanked in the general...he and his buddies all made a nice bundle
romey and geo i would hope the hurricane ends it all if i were you
And I'm teaching farging civics this year.
poor beto
2 really good showings in disgusting maga cesspool texas but not nearly enough to win and hes just going to be thought of as a loser...hes basically mike trout putting up killer numbers in a game he cant win
I've had my weed card for years so it doesn't matter to me personally but being able to vote for legalizing weed recreationally today was actually a very good feeling.
and our maga gov candidate got smoked by the next Obama. Wes Moore is a good dude.
I know it's still early but doesn't look horrible for us nationally at the moment.
How the farg, if you live in Georgia, do you vote for Warnock and Kemp?
It's not Warnock voters going for Kemp, it's Kemp voters choosing Warnock.
If a racist has no choice but to vote for a black man, they choose the one who can speak in full sentences.
Looks like Mastriano is getting slaughtered
bennett and hassan hold, which is going to prevent this from being an extra special bloodbath
maybe it wont be *that* bad
seeing fetterman doing decent in election day returns in lehigh and erie, swing counties. well see.
wait until you all start hearing about Wes Moore. he's a dreamboat.
still a lot of vote out, obviously, and i dont know which parts of these counties are being tabulated. but fetterman is outperforming bidens election day totals. in disgusting mckean county, biden 26% fetterman 29%. bradford county, biden 26% fetterman 33%.
this is very good. still a lot of other stuff to parse through, like he needs to get hit his vote totals in philly and pitt which i havent a clue if he will.
Was reading about Moore - he does seem legit
Lol at smooth brain Herschel ahead. Good lord. And farg that third party dude running in Georgia
DecisionDeskHQ just called PA for Shapiro. Whew. Fetterman trending the right way.
This is not looking nearly as bad as it could have been. GOP should still take the house but it's not a red wave so far.
whew - spanberger won. if that rape denier Vega won it was gonna be a blowout. this is looking good.
Boebert is losing too. That would be nice to see her trashy ass voted out
shapiro winning is what we needed more than anything...if he had lost that wouldve been the end of the country
evers running ahead of barnes too in WI. i cant stress enough that if we lose the gov's in these states we dont have much of a path to winning in 2024.
You shteintin me? 46&t=iSehrB4aNa6eI5beLiOZhA
Ugh. I have a Corey Simon jersey somewhere in my basement.
lmaooo the michelan man! i remember that pic of him after an offseason of eating pizza and eating more pizza wearing this white on white jersey.
he evidently found out how easy it is for a black dood to grift in maga world
Another shake my head moment 46&t=iSehrB4aNa6eI5beLiOZhA
if you close your eyes Shapiro sounds almost exactly like Obama.
shapiro is going to run in 2028...hes going to win his re election in 2026 then move right to president. hes too lame to win a nationalized primary but he gonna try
fetterman looking very good here, amazingly. i think what theyre waiting for is the vote totals in the philly burbs.
the house is in play? this would be insanity.
GA going to a run off. highly likely at 50-49 so id imagine republicans sit it out and warnock can coast. that means joe machin no longer has any power. yes.
according to kornacki who I trust with my life we are doing well.
nyt up to fetterman 95% chance of victory. yes. yes. yes.
tim waltz holds MN. WI/AZ gov is the key now. hold that we are in the game for 2024.
kornacki now saying the house is basically in toss up territory. lotta CA races to go that wont be called for weeks. buckle the farg in.
Im sure I'm not alone in finding out who that psycho Kari lake's opponent was until today. You'd think the DNC would have given Katie hobbs a bit more of a platform against the worst person in the world. or they were smart and it doesn't;t matter since she is so terrible.
Way to go PA
Fetterman W
House didn't go nearly as bad as was predicted. For a midterm it went surprisingly well.
Senate looking good
Red wave my ass.
Here come the "It was rigged". Go farg your self.
Quote from: phattymatty on November 08, 2022, 09:24:53 PM
It's not Warnock voters going for Kemp, it's Kemp voters choosing Warnock.
If a racist has no choice but to vote for a black man, they choose the one who can speak in full sentences.
on point
I'm not as high on Moore as y'all are. We'll see after a couple years of being in power...he's super inexperienced and untested. I hope he's as good at running a government as he is as talking to breathless NPR hosts.
for PA i think erie county is always a good bellwether...super maga area with a number of old school union dems
trump won in 16, biden squeaked out a win in 20. this year:
fetterman 53, shapiro 60.
lackawana, where scranton is, is another. solid solid D county. 16 was hillary +5, biden +7 in 2020. this year:
fetterman 56, shapiro 61
these are all blowouts. these 2 are hitting or exceeding bidens margins in every single county. impressive.
fetterman hit 92.5% in my neighborhood, shapiro 95%. yessir.
We won't talk about how my county voted... :deion :deion :deion
Quote from: Diomedes on November 09, 2022, 06:06:49 AM
I'm not as high on Moore as y'all are. We'll see after a couple years of being in power...he's super inexperienced and untested. I hope he's as good at running a government as he is as talking to breathless NPR hosts.
I obviously have no idea if he'll be good at governing either, I'm just happy it's a young, good looking, likable guy and not some stodgy old blue hair.
Our one big local race i was watching stayed blue
also another one is likely to flip from red to blue
Not too shabby
The gqp meltdown this morning is glorious
I was chatting with my non-Trumper Republican gal pal this morning. I started off by saying Charlie Crist was the single-worst candidate I've ever seen and I was surprised DeSantys didn't win by 25.
She was legitimately taken aback. She thought I was going to cry like a GQP bitch about how unfair it was and I said, uh, Democrats don't play that game. We lose, we shrug and move on.
Only idiots and iceholes cry about it being "rigged" when they lose.
The look on her face was almost worth the DeSantis blowout.
Runoff in Georgia. Just donated to Warnock's campaign. Link if anyones interested
I'm glad the political ads are over for a while. Hoo boy are these next two years going to get ugly.
Such a fragile ego it's insane. This is your champion gqp 46&t=euOKrGgrXHGbevN35rm_JQ
theres still votes to go through (no philly provisionals in yet, for example), but this is the bulk of them. i found this interesting.
5.51 -- 22 fetterman/shapiro
5.68 -- 18 casey/wolf
4.58 -- 22 oz/kkk
4.17 -- 18 barletta/whoever the farg
2.17 -- 22 3rd party
1.59 -- 18 3rd party
so as of now, you have around 800k more votes in 22 than 18. all candidates *lost* votes from 18. the republicans lost a lot more via the extra 600k 3rd party (i.e. protest votes). over 2/3rds of that vote went to the R's. candidate quality matters a lot. im not sure how much of the protest vote was maga goons not thinking say oz was loyal enough or centrist republicans dissatisfied with maga and unable to pull the trigger on a democrat. but its certainly more them than us, a very good sign.
As if Dykstra couldn't lower the bar any further 😂 46&t=AhRYMqId6H5OkXf9SRGKSw
Putting it in perspective...
I mean I guess it's possible but no he won't.
It wouldn't be the first corpse someone had to roll out there.
Weekend At Grassley's?
rupert is running away from and the post have been killing him and pumping up deathsantis
this is gonna be a full fledged magasphere/mainstream republican war between the two of them and i frankly hope we all lose and the planet explodes
That is the ideal outcome, sure.
Nevada gonna be close. Jon Ralston is the Twitter account to follow if you're interested
both NV and AZ are tough to gauge because of the unpredictability of the remaining vote
AZ for example has pre election day vote out and additional election day vote (all mail). the pre ED is less than the ED. pre ED has historically skewed democrat. ED skewed democrat in 18, republican in 20. sooooo who knows there.
nevada CCM needs these clark county vote dumps to continue the current trend. if even 1 or 2 of these dumps is off, she might not be able to catch up. dumps. big dumps.
QuoteHere in Philadelphia proper, just over four out of five voters cast their ballot for John Fetterman. The only places where Oz "beat" Fetterman in Philadelphia (and this won't exactly be a shocker): the far, far Northeast, and the 26th Ward, aka the part of deep South Philly where people worship Christopher Columbus and Frank Rizzo. Division 26-02 of South Philly: you deserve a free crudite delivery from Dr. Oz, because you came out with a whopping 72 percent of your vote for the good doctor.
Throwback Thursday 46&t=EHSBA_sgg2yQtRXdH_7o2A
Thank you young bucks for getting out and voting 46&t=NOLD9hi89vKnZPLK0ASb3A
turnout was still relatively weak among them though...if they ever hit the numbers boomers do its game over
overall, turnout was off 1 million in terms of total house votes from 2018. it was off 90k in philly from 18, as well. i think thats 100% trump anger that isnt there anymore.
wasserman seems to think NV and AZ are in good shape for us. that would mean 51, i see no way warnock would lose the runoff if its 50-49 going in.
dems also took back the pa house, which is shocking to me. mastriano sunk the whole party lol
Can I go back to eating Martins rolls? Or am I stuck with Old Tyme forever?
Looks like Bobo has pulled ahead in CO
Hopefully there are more votes in dem counties to pull Frisch back up
Quote from: MDS on November 10, 2022, 12:44:45 PM
turnout was still relatively weak among them though...if they ever hit the numbers boomers do its game over
overall, turnout was off 1 million in terms of total house votes from 2018. it was off 90k in philly from 18, as well. i think thats 100% trump anger that isnt there anymore.
wasserman seems to think NV and AZ are in good shape for us. that would mean 51, i see no way warnock would lose the runoff if its 50-49 going in.
dems also took back the pa house, which is shocking to me. mastriano sunk the whole party lol
Do I thank women then?
Walker without the Kemp votes is probably dead but let's take no chances.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 10, 2022, 01:23:39 PM
Looks like Bobo has pulled ahead in CO
Hopefully there are more votes in dem counties to pull Frisch back up
Everywhere left to be counted are Frisch strongholds. That dumb whore will be back to sucking dicks on I-80 truck stops this time next week.
Onlyfans with guns up her snatch
ballot dump hopefully coming by EOD in the bigger dem county in the boobert race...hopefully its a big dump all over that whore's face
If she goes to onlyfans gonna need lil guy to sign up and share the log in
i wouldnt even stick a finger in that diseased box of hers
Quote from: Hurts_Defense_Superbowl on November 10, 2022, 02:22:40 PM
Quote from: MDS on November 10, 2022, 12:44:45 PM
turnout was still relatively weak among them though...if they ever hit the numbers boomers do its game over
overall, turnout was off 1 million in terms of total house votes from 2018. it was off 90k in philly from 18, as well. i think thats 100% trump anger that isnt there anymore.
wasserman seems to think NV and AZ are in good shape for us. that would mean 51, i see no way warnock would lose the runoff if its 50-49 going in.
dems also took back the pa house, which is shocking to me. mastriano sunk the whole party lol
Do I thank women then?
Not the white ones, they voted republican.
Quote from: MDS on November 10, 2022, 06:26:33 PM
i wouldnt even stick a finger in that diseased box of hers
Looks like she's gonna pull it out. I'm sure she will come out running her mouth too.
I'd say lock him up but feel like we've exhausted that avenue
Yeah he's the new Teflon Don.
Ain't shtein happening to Cheeto Dick. Legit stole classified docs and prob sold them to the Saudis and he walks free.
these are small vote dumps but i think the newest one was good for CCM...kelly still looks good in AZ but those election day votes are still iffy
im not sure if the math is there anymore for boobert to lose. unlike her slit its gonna be tight
congrats to the section of packer park just around the are the most republican part of the city. 72% for oz and 63% for mastriano. really need the far NE to step up its game
wasserman called AZ for kelly which is good enough for me. lets farging go.
Quote from: MDS on November 11, 2022, 11:38:23 AM
congrats to the section of packer park just around the are the most republican part of the city. 72% for oz and 63% for mastriano. really need the far NE to step up its game
every now and then I pop into philadium for beers before the parking lot and seeing the crowd in there this does not surprise me.
Quote from: phattymatty on November 11, 2022, 02:00:35 PM
Quote from: MDS on November 11, 2022, 11:38:23 AM
congrats to the section of packer park just around the are the most republican part of the city. 72% for oz and 63% for mastriano. really need the far NE to step up its game
every now and then I pop into philadium for beers before the parking lot and seeing the crowd in there this does not surprise me.
Great friend of mine lives right next door, he's a firefighter and Republican and great dude who keeps his opinions to himself...been there a million times...hard right wing crowd.
Quote from: Diomedes on November 10, 2022, 01:09:52 PM
Can I go back to eating Martins rolls? Or am I stuck with Old Tyme forever?
No. Not as long as Jim Martin owns it. Also watch out for your favorite eateries. Lots of places buy their rolls. The biggest being shake shack. Not that you go there.
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
So I can buy Martin's rolls again?
Yes, just feel defeated when doing so.
Can do.
In Baltimore City Sinclair News had success with an initiative to impose term limits on elected officials. But hey were elected this nice guy Moore to Governor!
its honestly so boring. who can be left believing this shtein
Biden has been doing one thing right: getting judges confirmed at a record pace. That will now continue, thankfully.
It will be nice to have Warnock as well, once that race is concluded. No chance Walker somehow gets people to turn out just so he can join the Republican minority. Had his seat meant the Senate flips, maybe they turn out. But the dude is so f'n flawed I don't see it. Warnock will be an extra number to account for whatever craziness Sinema wants to indulge, or if DINO Manchin needs to vote against some climate change thing...
Are people still pretending Sinema isn't a bought and paid for Republican?
warnock really matters for the 2024 math
we have 3 seats to defend in 24 in republican states (ohio, montana, west virginia). there are a number of others in swingy states (pa, wi, az, me, nv). the only pick up opportunity i see is texas and thats solely because ted cruz is so reviled maybe there can be a backlash there.
this is sort of a galaxy brain inside politics thing that the average citizen isnt going to care about, which is good. walker paced massively behind kemp and still lost. warnock is a heavy heavy favorite.
There are literally zero human beings who like Ted Cruz or want him representing them, and yet he's still in office. There isn't a candidate anywhere that will make the people voting for him chose any option that isn't a Republican.
beto, at his peak, lost by 2 points and over 200k votes in 2018. this was as friendly an atmosphere for dems and no president on the ticket. so its *possible* its just a lot of votes to make up and you have to contend with whatever presidential candidate at the top of the ballot.
im not deep in texas politics so i dont know if theres a legit candidate. youd need a very moderate latino male to even think about doing it. and then again, if cruz loses texas youre probably holding everything else.
White people are a lost cause in TX and FL. What Dems need to do is to go hard in the black and Hispanic communities. I mean throw every penny at them. It won't make any difference in '24, but it might in '26 and especially '28. They got killed in Dade County again. It's completely inexplicable but counting on them while chasing feverishly after the great white moderate whale cost them in three straight elections.
Look just get better candidates and emphasize what they're doing for most Americans. And do it every chance you get too. When you go on the Sunday morning shows and all those fargheads want to do is talk about the horse race, ignore them and focus on the accomplishments. Over and over and over. Drill it into their heads.
In short, the issues are on our side. Don't get distracted or let the GOP distract everyone with their phony bullshtein culture war garbage.
That funhole Kari Lake lost 46&t=Q8tlH5SZo_OqU0762CZ9pQ
Great news there, bad news on all the House races today. Dems slim shot at retaining the majority evaporated today unfortunately. Repubs up to 217 seats called now with a few more to come tomorrow most likely.
Hopefully they can keep it to 220-215
Of course all the AZ nut bags are screaming rigged.
It was nice seeing that scumbag Ted Cruz seething mad about the results from last week.
Missiles kill two in Poland.
Poland is a member of NATO.
Team Mitch reeling: McConnell to face challenge from Rick Scott for leadership of senate republicans.
Russia done farged up. That's how wars start, and not zesty little turf wars in Asia either.
We don't have good proof yet who fired it but Ukraine isn't firing Russian missiles. Maybe it was fired by Russia intented for Ukraine but was disrupted by an anti-missile defense and so landed in Poland, the fact Russia is targeting anything close enough to Poland that this might happen is proof positive that Russia is extemely, existentially dangerous to all human life. They're playing with nuclear fire.
cant stress how good it is that trump is not president right now
Don, Rome, and I are probably the only ones old enough to remember when this played on TV back in 1983.
This world I'm leaving for my kids...
Give it a couple more years, you won't be leaving any world for your kids.
On the other hand, today the 8 billionth person on the planet was born according to UN projections. I'm not sure we're smart enough yet to be able to completely wipe ourselves out.
most notable for this trump thing is how fox is praising him
2 seconds ago they were all in on deathsantis and now theyre back home. mustve seen their audience react
A lot of the Trump flags here in Pennsyltucky have come down, but not all of them.
Can someone, namely Merrick Garland, hurry up and indict that shteinbag?
Or can he just not wake up one morning?
Go away, Cheeto Dick.
Yeah the whole "fox is gonna turn on him" only lasted a few days. Now they see ratings and ad money. Can't imagine MyPillow dude has much money left to keep buying ad space.
based on what happened on tuesday, trump being at the top of the ballot might well be a great thing. maga crumbled and i cant imagine it getting any more popular in 2 years.
there is some risk with this of course but im perfectly fine with him running because the end result is likely a bloodbath for us
No doubt.
I'm just exhausted from seeing his face and hearing him and hearing people act like he's some farging God.
But if his presence in this helps fracture the GOP more I'll deal with it. But these short memories of voters worry me. I mean he's done so many awful things but yet people still fight to kneel before him.
It'll take the sycophants to totally disassociate themselves with him for him to not win. He will carry his core base though and that's where it opens the door for the Dems.
Assuming the Dems don't do what they usually do and that's trip over their own dicks.
The Dems are incapable of doing anything but dick tripping. This time the fundies tried to get a head start on Christian Nationalism and made apathetic voters do something about it. The far right will figure out the next pipeline they need to open up to peel off more of the youth vote, but it might take longer than two years. They're off to a good start with the astroturfed Just Stop Oil cringe, but that's not going to flip votes by itself.
I fully expect Donny to scum his way into the Republican nomination the first time DeSantis has to get on a stage with him, and I also expect the entire party to fall in line again.
Quote from: Geowhizzer on November 15, 2022, 08:49:14 PM
Don, Rome, and I are probably the only ones old enough to remember when this played on TV back in 1983.
This world I'm leaving for my kids...
I'm offended. I was scarred by that, certainly. 7th grade? Something like that.
Quote from: Zanshin on November 16, 2022, 09:05:28 PM
Quote from: Geowhizzer on November 15, 2022, 08:49:14 PM
Don, Rome, and I are probably the only ones old enough to remember when this played on TV back in 1983.
This world I'm leaving for my kids...
I'm offended. I was scarred by that, certainly. 7th grade? Something like that.
You and I are about the same age, then. I was in 7th. Amazing how "wow" it felt back then... when it would be so melodramatic and contrived today.
okay, there is no way in hell Warnock loses his seat....I just don't see loser Republicans getting out the vote for this guy when his installation won't tip the balance of power..
QuoteUS Senate candidate Herschel Walker of Georgia delivered a bizarre diatribe about vampires and werewolves during a stump speech in McDonough, Georgia, on Wednesday in a verbose example of the former athlete's ongoing, unorthodox candidacy.
Walker, a Republican who is headed to a December run-off against Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, regaled a Georgia audience this week with the plot details of a vampire movie he said he was recently watching late at night.
"I don't know if you know, but vampires are some cool people, are they not?" the congressional candidate said. "But let me tell you something that I found out: A werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that."
"So, I don't want to be a vampire anymore," Walker added, without further context. "I want to be a werewolf."
Well that's certainly one way to get the younger millennial SuperWhoLock vote.
I know we only share insane fears and disgust here...
I spearheaded damage assessment reviews with about 30 people from FEMA today. We were surveying the incredible damage the area sustained during the last storm. We have 47 miles of beach here with 132 access points. I'd say roughly 50% of them were destroyed or severely damaged. These access points are critical to our tourist economy as is the beach.
Anyway, I drove the big cheese around and he was a Biden Democrat. I made a comment about how happy I was to have a sane administration in power right now, and he agreed with me quietly.
They were all like that. Young, professional, and absolutely engaged in trying to help fix this disaster we've wrought. It was honestly the first time I wasn't despondent about government in a long time.
Young people will save this planet despite the grotesque shape we've left it in for them to save.
Katie Porter won, thankfully.
another L for trump as murkowski wins in AK
let him be the nominee again please
This story is crazy. 46&t=ZHaBcI9x--e_PHLQiOf8vQ
christians be wildin least it was a power station this time and not a mall or school
Remember, it's only terrorism if you can't pass the paper bag test.
At what point does it get reported for what it is - domestic terrorism?
Just curious.
It doesn't. The system is working as intended.
its unbelievable how close we are to senator herschel walker
looks good for warnock but its a thin good
A country of literal dumbfargs
comes down to atlanta. if he hits his turnout #s there it's over.
the fact that this is going to be within a handful of points is staggering. whats also staggering is a safe republican state like GA now has 2 democratic senators in full terms. this would be like us blowing oregon or something. trump has eaten the party alive womp womp
Warnock for the win
Silver bullet to the werewolf
Thank god.
I hope MAGA is melting down tonight.
everyone knew this was gonna happen...trump got walker nominated then dipped out and left lindsay graham to pick up the slack
just a horribly run campaign. man if ny had been gerrymandered correctly wed be in full control without having to worry about manchin
A little breathing room. Not a lot...need every Senator to stay healthy, especially the ones in states with Republican governors, who could appoint their replacement.
Count me among those who think the Democratic Party did well to move Georgia's primary forward. The State is far more representative than a place like Iowa or New Hampshire (but still good and cheap to run in, like those two) and the performance of Democrats there of late warrants rewarding. Stacy Abrams deserves mad credit for her work, including her losing campaigns, in Georgia but she didn't do it alone. There is genuine political power in the Democratic vote in Georgia.
The Trump effect 46&t=J2YL0_mA_XVrBkGjjqa8Bw
I have to say as bad a candidate as Herschel was and he's even a worse person his concession speech was very good and important
I'll take your word for it.
thats a little overblown...only 1 major candidate in this cycle has sounded the vote fraud drum and thats grifter extrodanare kari lake
even doug mastriano who is 100x more insane than herschel gave it up
Georgia was the epicenter of the stolen election world walker was a trump guy and a easily could have went in that his or his peoples credit it didn't
Probably got word from GOP higher ups to shut the farg up about stolen elections since they got whipped in the general.
kari lake and her soft filter are still fighting the election...its gone nowhere. nobody cares and the vote was certified. walker is too dumb and too disliked to start a riot if he could even spell riot.
Quote from: ice grillin you on December 07, 2022, 11:17:21 AM
I have to say as bad a candidate as Herschel was and he's even a worse person his concession speech was very good and important
It was the most sense I ever heard him make by a long shot. He specifically mentioned "always upholding the constitution under any circumstances" which I thought was maybe a shot at Trump. Maybe giving him too much credit but just seemed like an odd comment to make during a concession speech.
bwahaha..charlie kirk that moon faced nazi is getting emails like this
Rafael Cruz has an LGBTQ daughter. She tried to kill herself yesterday.
One would assume that an event like this would cause someone to take stock of their life and what their words and actions do to those around them.
Of course this is Ted Cruz so he will undoubtedly double down on his bigoted schtick.
I hope the girl recovers.
Ted Cruz is an awful human being. If he were my dad, I'd be suicidal too.
maybe if she went through with it he would realize its because of how awful he is and change, but that would require ted to be a human being capable of feelings
Dude didn't even go home to check on her.
He only flees when there are people dying from freezing.
Yeah, maybe if she made the attempt in Mexico he'd show up.
in other sad-but-makes-sense political news:
Sinema changed her party affiliation to "independent."
She's a lying piece of unfiltered shtein.
for the next 2 years this probably will not matter much...i say probably because as a grifting funhole you never quite know what this phony is capable of
what will matter is if she runs as an indp to sink the democrat in that election. she is doing this because her polling is terrible and they were going to primary her. now shes basically saying dont run against me or else ill blow it up. she is a vile, vile person hanging on to whatever semblance of power she has. grotesque.
Sargent at WaPo has a decent breakdown I think:
you subscribe to the digital post dio?
can someone sum that up for me...i dont give the washingto magapost money
Soccer journalist Grant Wahl died in Qatar of a "heart embolism" on the same day he criticized Qatar's savage mistreatment of migrant workers.
He's the guy who wore a pride shirt and was denied entry on the first day of the tournament.
He was murdered, plain and simple.
But hey, Qatar is our "ally" in the region, so rugs will be swept under. Plus he's a fag lover so MAGA will say he got what was coming and how dare he shine a light on such matters because we have to respect their culture no matter how brutal or regressive it might be.
It was obviously Hillary
Quote from: MDS on December 09, 2022, 11:16:54 PM
can someone sum that up for me...i dont give the washingto magapost money
you are thinking of the times...not that you read either
Him skim twitter, know everything.
i read specific reporters that i know to not be maga sympathizing clowns...the national political media is repugnant and its not easy to find good ones
the post is amazing....end of conversation
The Washington Post is a great newspaper. If I were rich, I'd have the NYTimes as well. But I'm not, and for me the Post has some local-ish reporting that's NYT does not. I also subscribe to the Baltimore Banner, a new non profit thing that sprung up after the Sun finally became irrelevant upon sale to a zombie fund. Also support NPR.
Freedom isn't free. You gotta pay for news.
i was going to say newspapers do not only = national political news...theres a lot more to it...if it did nothing else the post is worth the price of admission for its brutalization of dan snyder...but they also have a great food section for those that care...some really terrific sports writers and ann hornaday is one of the five best movie critics in the world
that said the posts political reporting is second to none
I'd add that their political coverage is unmatched and their Capital Weather Gang section is my go-to for weather.
I'd put the Post over the NYT because of how the Times has seemingly slanted their reporting towards magaville
I don't think that's a fair criticism of the NYTimes.
Quote from: Diomedes on December 10, 2022, 03:17:22 PM
I'd add that their political coverage is unmatched and their Capital Weather Gang section is my go-to for weather.
oh great call on cwg....maybe the best thing about the post
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on December 10, 2022, 03:17:53 PM
I'd put the Post over the NYT because of how the Times has seemingly slanted their reporting towards magaville
i agree but also imo the post passed the times before trump 46&t=yG9-D4yPR0NzayZxd-XMKw
Speaking of media
Can we kick Vogel out
at one point in the 90's the post had all these people simultaneously writing in their sports section
rachel alexander (nichols)
ja adande
john feinstein
norman chad
thomas boswell
lennie shapiro
david aldridge
thats the best roster of all time outside of the 2002 miami hurricanes
didnt know havas left his cushy govt job to work pr for the wapo
may the ghost of shirley povich fly strong
''Jim Brown, born ineligible to play for the taterskins, integrated their end zone three times yesterday.''
this is crazy even for elon.....twitter is cooked 20
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out, is he trolling, pandering... or does he really believe this shtein?
I bounce between the three, and the truth probably lies somewhere in between... but damn, he's nuts.
Nah yeah he's full QAnon/alt right at this point. Maybe he doesn't truly believe it, but he's gonna try to use it to own the libs because hes an insecure freak that couldn't handle that his girl left him and then started saying a trans woman. He's over the deep end now. Woke up and saw that shtein and decided to start cutting back the Twitter use dramatically. Really hope a clone can come along soon
hes been a nazi since childhood and you are trying to figure him out still? you sound like maggie haberman
Honestly hadn't paid much attention to him until the Twitter thing. Only knew him as the Tesla guy.
hes a despicable human being and always has been
Twitter was an impulse buy. He was a democrat then they hurt his feelings. He's a piece of shtein of a person. New hero to the right because now they can say the N word on social media
he was never a democrat...he gave to both parties for personal gain but in his feelings hes always been a POS
he bought twitter to appease right wing hungry hungry hippos because their validation can perhaps fill the empty void he has inside (it wont)
His family fortune came from a South African emerald mine. He only technically counts as a human being.
elon and his bitch tits waddled on stage at the chappelle show for some reason...mainly boos, some cheers
as expected a chappelle live show seems like a miserable experience where his rants incoherently while chain smoking then brings out various maga figures who he boot licks for. free speech!
Quote from: MDS on December 12, 2022, 09:47:38 AM
elon and his bitch tits waddled on stage at the chappelle show for some reason...mainly boos, some cheers
as expected a chappelle live show seems like a miserable experience where his rants incoherently while chain smoking then brings out various maga figures who he boot licks for. free speech!
Unlike wacko right wingers I'm skeptical but a bunch of Twitter users are reporting their accounts are getting banned for posting the video.
Not sure if I mentioned this prior but my friend and co-worker was censored on's his message.
QuoteI got thrown in Twitter Jail for calling out Marjorie Taylor Green on her gaslighting BS against the Ukraine, and for calling her an insurrectionist funhole. But Elon and other people said free speech was back. I guess that only applies if you don't say things they don't like.
So that whole free speech thing....
I left after the Fauci thing the other day. Deleted my account entirely.
Also - the Marge Greene comments about going armed is really farging alarming. Toss her ass in jail before it's too late.
im not going to advocate for anyone staying on twitter, but browsing the site and occasionally tweeting at someone isnt worth anything to anyone. the site needs advertising to survive and their advertising is like 2am infomercial levels of illegitimate.
itll last as long the major influencers on the site all bail (this hasnt happened yet)
It would already be an empty wasteland if there were any other viable alternative.
Major brands cannot afford to have screenshots passed around showing their product displayed alongside some Republican chode's "burn the jews" meme. It's bad for business.
looks like I got permanently suspended just in time
this is just an absolutely amazing moment in comedy history
one of the best comedians of all time who has slowly thrown his career away via red pilling scripting a famous line and sound effect from his most notable work, that unironically led to his mental breakdown because of the way the public perceived the humor, to the hero of the incel community that garnered his familial wealth from diamond mining in apartheid south africa.
this timeline is so stupid but it yields moments like this so i dont know, maybe we're living a dream
This is all very normal 46&t=6Cjsgl_cAznLyUz6Zq-LCw
I'd say MAGA supporters should be embarrassed but they have zero shame
This is the most American thing ever
Apartheid Boy is now banning journalists on his tiny dick tantrum site who've been critical of him.
Because nothing says free speech quite like banning anyone who disagrees with you (while being entirely correct about you). 46&t=cVTRzVQ2Ad4uLE94e9UTqA
Quote from: Rome on December 15, 2022, 08:26:40 PM
Apartheid Boy is now banning journalists on his tiny dick tantrum site who've been critical of him.
Because nothing says free speech quite like banning anyone who disagrees with you (while being entirely correct about you).
Yeah he's whacking quite a few 46&t=rszazkSAlI-bHEL1kSfWBQ
go figure that hed do something like this
Lmao even Dril is roasting him and tempting fate 46&t=TBdu1_X6vPtbxivSfLrxiA
Now it's Discord servers. The more things, change, the more they stay the same.
LOCK HIM UP 46&t=zE9EIGZc37dCWxcqo-RvXQ
What a read... 46&t=ucRa-TCdIg_F7IlzEgPCdg
this is quite cathartic
is that the first ever corporate media story about why a liberal in rural america votes the way he does
yet another reason the post is king
7 years later a hearty congratulations to the swampy egomaniacs at the post for not writing a story about cletus' trump flag at the local diner
they certainly do not do it regularly but this isn't the first time either...they validly hate trump
Sure they do.
Anywho, the Pelosi doc on HBO was incredible. She's a bad ass bitch and we are beyond fortunate to have had her as the leader of the Democratic Party. It's too bad her time has come. I would have really enjoyed watching her punch Trump in the face.
I think we all know what you would have really enjoyed watching her do.
She literally said in the movie she wanted to punch Trump in his fat face. Glorious. It would have been glorious.
Pelosi or Vuke's widow?
as disgusting as that is shtein like that doesnt bother me cause it would never happen where i live....its just another small step towards succession of those states which i fully support cause i dont give a flying farg about america
Repubs in Disarray
Love to see it
McCarthy song
Gaetz nominated Jordan who nominated McCarthy now he's crushing McCarthy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Holy shtein Repubs are even more farged than I thought.
They apparently care about the budget now too 🤣🤣🤣🤣
is there a bigger loser in recent american political history than kevin mccarthy?
dude sold his soul to maga years ago, voted to overturn an election, jetted down to mar a lago to kiss the ring after the insurrection and now cant get any lunatic magaers to vote for him for speaker.
god this feels good to see such a horrible person fail so extremely on such a big level
despite a third failure
my money is on they cave and he's speaker
Gaetz and Boebert turned on Trump
McCarthy still not speaker after 6 votes
What a glorious shteinshow.
I saw a clip of that scumbag Hannity putting the screws to Boebert. They're turning on each other 46&t=OQ8bk0F0M--PdrlVFpquTA
McCarthy 7 losses for soh. I hope the repubs keep this up. Feeling they pivot after a few more votes.
eventually there will be some hacky republican speaker but god damn this is fun to watch mccarthy get publicly humiliated over and over again
Indeed it is.
He's getting dragged and it's fracturing the GOP
This is the only time I've had anything but revulsion and contempt for Andy Harris. I'm kinda proud the only MD R is such a goddamn shteinbag.
Quote from: MDS on January 05, 2023, 12:47:25 PM
eventually there will be some hacky republican speaker but god damn this is fun to watch mccarthy get publicly humiliated over and over again
Joe Neguse from Colorado just gave a sensational and rousing speech for Jeffries. Holy shtein I'd run through a barb wired fence for that guy.
Shocked! 46&t=HZJ1DM0bq0Qgp9bY2rzIyg
Would that classify him as a vampire or a werewolf
Vampires go for the throat. Werewolves, like dogs, greet each other via crotch. 46&t=3bgn0L__EWgoqJGcmRF40Q
Attention whore Matt Gaetz has all he wants right now.
McCarthy no speaker for you! 🤣
They're all confronting Gaetz. What a shtein show 🤣 I hope they start fist fighting
Quote from: Hurts_Defense_Superbowl on January 06, 2023, 11:06:12 PM
McCarthy no speaker for you! 🤣
They're all confronting Gaetz. What a shtein show 🤣 I hope they start fist fighting
Looks like it came close. Someone had to pull the Rogers from Alabama away with a hand over his mouth.
the pathetic look on mccarthys face when he couldnt reason with shteinposting rapist matt gaetz...chefs kiss
Will someone make a mock-up of this historic cartoon?
This is awesome. They're all fighting each other.
Large Marge had Cheeto Dick on the phone and she was trying to get another rep to talk to him and they got into it and he gave Marge the hand.
mccarthy will go 1/15 (.067)...slightly better than scott kingery's 2021 avg of .053
Quote from: Diomedes on January 03, 2023, 05:06:48 PM
despite a third failure
my money is on they cave and he's speaker
I was right, but wrong: they all caved and he's the speaker. I look forward to two years of NextDoor level drama from the Republican majority.
its going to be two years of hunter biden impeachment hearings
Brazil has their own J6 going on right now.
People have stormed their version of the capitol
Footage from Brazil is ugly.
People beating the police and their horses.
Speculation that this was planned in the US amongst Brazilian pols and Bolsinaro
I cant believe the US would try and topple a foreign government
I wouldn't call Jason Miller and Steve Bannon The US
But point taken.
Couldnt have been more of a joke
Ku klux Karen was using Still D.R.E. in some political campaign grift she was his lawyer sent her a cease and desist order. The letter is amazing 46&t=2zgo4x6i1LEbmZEdI9DGvg
Pretty sure I just saw on a news broadcast: "This just out - Rudy Giuliani's a penis ..Rudy Giuliani is subpeonaed ..." This should make the Freudian slip news compilation HOF.
theres not even a remote chance rudy's wee wee doesnt look like a thumb
Cheeto Dick and Thumby
either diamond or silk died and trump didnt have the decency to call her by her actual name in his post about it
Feinstein hasn't said she isn't running again, but Katie Porter isn't waiting for her to do it: she announced that she's running for Senate.
I will send her money. She is fanfargingtastic.
Oh, look: classified docs at Pence's home, too.
How much you wanna bet the only recent POTUS or VP with zero docs at home is the black guy? I'll bet you he was very serious about that.
One hopes they are all conducting similar searches to this one, Clinton, the Bushes' etc.
These tanks the Ukranians are gonna get are fire.
TIL the Abrams tank runs on jet fuel, not diesel. Because of course it does. America!
The real value of this though is that because the U.S. sent these tanks, Germany did as well and since they finally did that, now a lot of other countries that have the german-made leopards can also send theirs (they had to wait for Germany).....big big help for Ukraine even without the U.S. Tanks.
This is the least of what happens when you ban books.
Quote from: Diomedes on February 03, 2023, 06:01:44 AM
This is the least of what happens when you ban books.
The newly elected school board of Collier County (Naples - where I live, but I work in Lee County) has apparently pulled all of their social studies textbooks because of "woke ideology."
The teachers have to find and/or create all of their materials to cover the state standards... but those have to be submitted for approval.
Time to change careers.
Which is, of course, part of the goal.
True. Not a teacher's fight though; Let 'em have their pyrrhic victories, and get to safety.
I don't think it's pyrrhic at all. They get fewer public teachers, get to push homeschooling and expensive private schooling, and push education out of the hands of people that can't afford it. Now you've got even more people who won't learn that America is built on atrocity after atrocity, and will become violent when anyone even hints that it might be, completely oblivious to the irony because nobody taught them what irony is.
Meanwhile, the people responsible for it are completely isolated from any consequences and are instead reaping financial benefits.
At some point, as the State slides further and closer to an American Taliban dystopia, even the most removed figures will feel the consequences. Especially when people burn their homes and shoot their dogs.
Quote from: Geowhizzer on February 03, 2023, 09:59:14 AM
Quote from: Diomedes on February 03, 2023, 06:01:44 AM
This is the least of what happens when you ban books.
The newly elected school board of Collier County (Naples - where I live, but I work in Lee County) has apparently pulled all of their social studies textbooks because of "woke ideology."
The teachers have to find and/or create all of their materials to cover the state standards... but those have to be submitted for approval.
can you even be a teacher in florida how does one "teach" there
My daughter is an English teacher at a middle school in Jacksonville. The Nazi fargs removed all the books in her library. No problem though. She's one and done in this hell hole of a state. Sad, really.
Any bets on how long till she starts using the N word? 46&t=kSHA_KjZ8CRvFdAt7ZvrWQ
Quote from: Hurts_Defense_Superbowl on February 13, 2023, 12:14:41 PM
Any bets on how long till she starts using the N word? 46&t=kSHA_KjZ8CRvFdAt7ZvrWQ
you mean in public right?
this dude's life spiraled so out of control after the nazi rally he was living in mexico and running fentanyl over the border for cartels. got arrested for it. a few weeks ago on the day his trial started, he offed himself. leaves behind 5 kids and a planet who are better off without him.
His wife/baby momma marrying a Jew to raise his kids would complete the circle
I'm not shocked by this but the idiot Mattress Mark, known right wing boomer nut job, filed suit in court today trying to overturn the Harris County judge vote.
Judge is kinda like a county mayor here btw - but he backed a soulless woman who conveniently used her Spanish maiden name to appeal to voters - and lost. He dumped $400k into her campaign. He used business ads to stump for her and he also bought her endorsement by the Houston Chronicle.
He also took six months to pay out his dumb 2020 election promotion bc "we just don't know who won".
The cherry on top and the GOP mantra of rules for thee but not for me is he opposes legalized gambling in TX because he's got impulse issues.
I'm sick of that dude getting airtime and I'm glad the Phillies fans who got after him did.
Quote from: Hurts_Defense_Superbowl on February 14, 2023, 10:26:03 PM
His wife/baby momma marrying a Jew to raise his kids would complete the circle
to be clear its the dude in black...i want to say the guy with the amon goth hair got IDed immediately and tried to backtrack to save face. the dude in black loved the attention and tried to become a star in the nazi world. it didnt work, which is why he was running drugs a few years later. womp womp
hopefully his woman is next
Quote from: MDS on February 14, 2023, 11:02:19 PM
Quote from: Hurts_Defense_Superbowl on February 14, 2023, 10:26:03 PM
His wife/baby momma marrying a Jew to raise his kids would complete the circle
to be clear its the dude in black..
Much obliged and good riddance
Russia must fail in Ukraine.
There was a special election today in virginia and if the democrat wins it will be the first black woman in their house of reps. Not a governor senator or congress person a farging state rep.
I was way off its an actual congressional seat
QuoteState Sen. Jennifer L. McClellan defeated conservative pastor Leon Benjamin to become the first Black woman to represent Virginia in Congress, the Associated Press projected Tuesday.
looks like a d+50 result when its normally been ~d+25
its a decently black district so their precincts probably overperformed to get this done, and nobody generally gives a shtein about specials, but hey lets take this as a good sign
We're officially the Banana Republic of Florida:
obviously this is unconstitutional (i hope) but the fact that this white supremacist feels emboldened to do this is frightening
Get ready, because our governor is prepping to run in 2024. 46&t=f_KRPzUFzLWptdoCxSazBg
I mean, does anything sum up today's GOP more than "farg you we'll lie about whatever we want because no one, especially our followers, gives a shtein about the truth"?
Very 1939ish Germany by Little Ron 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
I don't waste time reading or listening about this clown so just seeing this now.
my god I hate this guy lol but he is so unintentionally hilarious sometimes.
He's indisputably American
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on March 02, 2023, 11:34:50 PM
Very 1939ish Germany by Little Ron 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
I was asked if I wanted to attend the state hurricane conference hosted by that farghead. In my position it would behoove me to attend conferences like that.
I asked my boss if * I'm * the guy he wants anywhere near DeSantis? He kinda chuckled and said we all have to do our part no matter how distasteful we think the people are in positions of political power.
I said, you're right... but... I draw the line at Fascist bullies like that POS.
So someone else is going in my place.
he's fine taking your tax money
Good read
Trump expects to be arrested Tuesday...calls for protests aka violence 20
catching a charge for that guy will never cease to amaze me
One can only hope he does actually face arrest, and that his troops bleed out in the streets over it
hes been ducking charges since the 70s...i refuse to believe anything will happen
in fact its much more funny if everyone around him falls (racist supporters, dumb cokehead children, lindsay graham, etc.) while he scoots free
It's too bad he didn't get taken out a long time ago. The GOP had it in their grasp to simply vote for impeachment and his entire political life would ends right then and there.
Moral cowardice is the singular characteristic they all share.
Dude's gonna be in a foreign country grifting until he dies before he ever sees a pair of cuffs.
Anyway, someone's thoughts on fashion as it pertains to politics.
So trump played video of jan 6 at his rally this weekend?
even for that pos this is pretty staggering
Yeah because in his warped ass mind, and his cult members, nothing was wrong that day. Just a peaceful protest mixed in with tourists.
Apropos the he chose the White Nationalist Mecca, Waco, as the place to do it.
farging coward.
As we know that's weak. That's the answer of the people with NRA money in their pocket.
Other countries don't have this issue.
I'd be willing to compromise on keeping handguns and not letting the civilians have high powered assault rifles. Nobody can convince me that someone NEEDS and AR15.
the fun thing about republicans not caring about gun violence is nobody cares that they dont
online libs get mad then those people get reelected and some folks in the "middle" vote for them. there is no hope
Ronnie D is finding out that Disney doesn't farg around.
Holy shtein that's amazing.
Best part of their agreement:
Quote"I'm going to read to the term of this restrictive covenant. 'This declaration shall continue in effect until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England, living as of the date of this declaration,'"
Loooool perfect
No one noticed. That's the headline. That's how incompetent DeSantis and his band of fargwits are.
Quote from: Rome on March 30, 2023, 01:45:45 PM
No one noticed. That's the headline. That's how incompetent DeSantis and his band of fargwits are.
Disney did a masterful job of laying low and acting like they'd comply with everything. The new agreement was mentioned briefly during a public meeting...just not enough to draw attention. Desantis is now getting his ass kicked by Trump and Mickey Mouse. What an embarrassment
Quote from: Rome on March 30, 2023, 01:45:45 PM
No one noticed. That's the headline. That's how incompetent DeSantis and his band of fargwits are.
almost more than incompetence is they just dont care what they claim to believe not saying that there are not homo or transphobes or racists in his admin but for the most part those are nothing more than bloodlust low hanging fruit issues for his voters...desantis wants to look like hes fighting for his people far more than he actually believes in whats hes doing and because of not truly being invested in what you are doing you are going to overlook regular shtein much less something like what disney did...
to desantis it was the over arching fight against disney and gayness becoming public that once it was ringing out that he was going after the "woke" corporation he didnt much care what came after
pretty much
its really all performance art for the dont actually have to do anything or believe in the things that you say, even. and the entire right wing world is in such a homogeneous echo chamber that this bit of information wont even make its way to people. fox, newsmax, oan, libs of tiktok, etc. wont touch it so the base wont see it. right wing pols know this so they are free to be as empty and useless as possible so long as they say what the mouth breathers like.
Trump Indicted by grand jury
Criminal indictments are nasty business. They're not indicting him unless the evidence is overwhelming and ironclad.
He'll still skate, though. It only takes one to hang a jury.
I'm sure that it's being spun by fox as something good for him and no big deal
theyre inciting another riot and claiming its political persecution...glenn beck put a maga hat on in the middle of his tucker spot. nobody is jumping off.
lets goooo burn it down maga chuds burn it all down
I saw a clip of that stooge Dan Bongino crying on FOX
the fact that everyone is saying this will help him in the primaries tells you all you need to know about the repug party.
I don't buy it. His political career is over. Trump 2.0 out of Florida is next for the American Taliban.
this is all a waste until hes indicted for jan 6 or even more so for the georgia election shtein....that stuff is treason as far as im concerned
Quote from: Diomedes on March 31, 2023, 09:45:22 AM
I don't buy it. His political career is over. Trump 2.0 out of Florida is next for the American Taliban.
if hes not charged in the j6 or georgia stuff, which are more serious offenses, i wonder how long the process will actually take for him to be convicted of a crime in ny
up until that point he can run for president, no? less than a year from now he will have the nomination wrapped up and theres no shot hes found guilty in less than a year. and even if hes guilty cant he still be on the ballot. some real fun constitutional crisis going on here.
There comes a point when you have to wonder if the FBI is even worth keeping anymore if this guy hasn't died from "natural causes" yet.
To be clear, I'm not saying that I think this indictment is the blow that finally kills his political career.
I think his time is up. He's lost the juice. His supporters are looking elsewhere. January 6th hurt him, as will this indictment, and whatever follows around his efforts in Georgia. But regardless how any of them turn out, I think DeSantis has the momentum and is likely the future of the Republican party.
That may be, but he's shown a willingness to drag everyone down with him if he doesn't get his way. He would happily split the vote and run as a third party candidate if the Republicans won't step in line, but Republicans are more than willing to step in line no matter how stupid it would be, so long as they keep getting elected for doing it.
Every person in the country has cheated and every one of those would pay the other person to not tell
this will help Trump
He violated campaign election laws. This has nothing to do with him paying a whore to zip her hole about a tryst.
They had every chance to bury that farg up to his turkey jowls, but they all passed. Dems tried but moral cowardice is the defining characteristic of GOP stooges, so now they keep having to feed the monster.
Quote from: Rome on March 31, 2023, 08:49:03 PM
He violated campaign election laws.
That seems like something anyone would care about if they even knew that was what it was about.
this is really big and great news
QuoteBreaking: Democratic-backed judge wins Wisconsin Supreme Court race, giving liberals one-vote advantage as abortion and redistricting decisions loom.
Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz is expected to beat former state Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly, according to the Associated Press. The race for Wisconsin's highest court is technically nonpartisan and was the costliest judicial race in in U.S. history. The candidates, political parties and ideological groups spent more than $40 million on the race.
trump arrested, dems flip a state supreme court seat and the more liberal candidate wins the chicago mayoral runoff
a good day in the great old usa
The MAGA meltdown and Large Marj getting run outta NYC have been great
This too 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
lindsey graham after speaking to his daddy yesterday.
Trump would powder his ass orange to match his face, wouldn't he.
All the makeup sweating off has to pool somewhere.
Impeach this scumbag. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
clarence thomas could kill every republican senators children live on youtube and they wouldnt impeach him
this story is great, im sure, but not a single solitary thing is ever going to come from it
what will come of it is that it will once again show the democrats to be soft as farg while if this was a liberal judge the noise coming from the right wing echo chamber and R politicians would be unlike anything youve ever seen
Quote from: Diomedes on April 05, 2023, 09:26:58 AM
Trump would powder his ass orange to match his face, wouldn't he.
Lol, that's funny
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 06, 2023, 12:45:45 PM
what will come of it is that it will once again show the democrats to be soft as farg while if this was a liberal judge the noise coming from the right wing echo chamber and R politicians would be unlike anything youve ever seen
The GOP goes scorched earth and the Dems never answer back.
Look at what's going on in Tennessee today. A god damn shame. Three dems protest a farging mass shooting and get expelled for it.
Adolph DeSantis is doing his thing... 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
i havent been on twitter since elon took over but for some reason went to this thread and holy shtein is that place beyond seems like it's basically parler now
Yeah I've always hated twitter but used to check news on there every now and then. Now every alt right racist in the world is amplified. I tried blocking Elon and all of those republican douchebags but they are still the first people to show up in my feed.
I follow only progressives and sports stuff so I don't think there is an algorithm anymore.
I don't think twitter will last much longer. Imagine spending 44B and losing it all in a year.
Quote from: phattymatty on April 07, 2023, 09:52:34 AM
Yeah I've always hated twitter but used to check news on there every now and then. Now every alt right racist in the world is amplified. I tried blocking Elon and all of those republican douchebags but they are still the first people to show up in my feed.
I follow only progressives and sports stuff so I don't think there is an algorithm anymore.
I don't think twitter will last much longer. Imagine spending 44B and losing it all in a year.
I usually go on fb mid September to send invites out for my daughters bday...usually last a few months then deactivate my account. I tried Twitter a few months ago and had the same issue. Mtg/boebert were always at the top of my feed. They never show up on recommended people to follow but Musk always does...I deactivated a few months ago. I have a few sports forums open and various news sources and rely on that for my updates.
if you are willing to pay the 2.99 a month the athletic is really all you need for sports.....god its so good
Quote from: phattymatty on April 07, 2023, 09:52:34 AM
Yeah I've always hated twitter but used to check news on there every now and then. Now every alt right racist in the world is amplified. I tried blocking Elon and all of those republican douchebags but they are still the first people to show up in my feed.
I follow only progressives and sports stuff so I don't think there is an algorithm anymore.
I don't think twitter will last much longer. Imagine spending 44B and losing it all in a year.
is there a twitter adjacent site that people are going to....obviously nowhere near as big as twitter yet but if twitter shut down tomorrow what would be the contingency plan for the "normal" everyday fans of what twitter used to be
TRUTH SOCIAL. the only place for real truth.
I heard some people have figured out how to use something called Mastodon
Not the band.
Substack announced their own Twitter-like, which got their links banned on Twitter. Mastadon is the closest thing to a competitor right now, but that's just open source software running on a thousand unrelated servers that you have to join.
Ain't a bigger group of dumbfargs than the GOP and those who support this shtein 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
And it continues for Clarence... 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
oh man they got him now!
just before the trial begins, after jury selection, fox settled with dominion
have to imagine its for north of a bil and includes some specific parameters of fox (hannity, tucker and their "news" operation) admitting they defamed and lied
$787.5 million settlement
pocket change for rupert
nice little pay day for dominion. now I hope they rig the next election for us.
Lol that's the spirit
Strike another one for the regressives.
all those unaborted babies gotta do something
A shame we didn't get a trial.
tucker is out at fox and this is just a monster story
I'm assuming dominion blowback
the full story will come out eventually, but it mustve been super ugly for this to end this quickly without a is trying to negotiate new carriage fees with cable companies and this wont help. tucker had to of pissed rupert off big time.
the funny part is how little respect fox and tucker have for the people who watched him. they just abruptly pull the plug and neither side gives a flying farg about the audience lol.
oh wow - good riddance, shteinbag.
They were still teasing his show tonight this morning - so something over the weekend had to have happened.
Quote from: Hurts_Defense_Superbowl on April 24, 2023, 11:48:36 AM
I'm assuming dominion blowback
878 million reasons to bring the online rhetoric back to (juussst) this side of libelous/demonstrably false.
And now apparently Don Lemon is out at CNN.
media drama!
As I understand it, Tucker also had a whole lot of messages come up in the case that had him badmouthing higher ups in the company.
Sounds like fox and cnn made a deal. We'll give you Tucker Carlson for Don Lemon and we'll throw in our 10pm host in 2024. Or maybe this is draft week and I've been doing too many mock simulations. Strange they both got the ax at the same time though.
I guarantee this is about his former female producer's lawsuit. It's one thing to lie continuously for 20 years, foment an insurrection, appease tyrants, and literally be the mouthpiece for a Russian dictator, but it's quite another to openly refer to women as funholes, especially in their presence.
he got fired for calling sidney powell a funhole?
"You're trying to embarrass me!"
So many salty tears. So so many.
I agree with Tucker about something...Sidney Powell is a funhole.
We are well aware of your sympathy for misogyny. You don't have to tell us that you ride or die with his ilk on that point.
Quote from: Diomedes on June 10, 2007, 09:28:23 PM
They're crazy. farging nutso. Something wrong with them.
I"m living in your head rent free, Tucker.
You can evict me if you get over your fear and hatred of women.
Apologies should have lead with my favorite quote from the GOAT thread
Quote from: Diomedes on June 10, 2007, 10:44:40 PM
What the hell is wrong with these people? They have vaginas so they're crazy? Every farging one of them? Jesus Christ, it's a goddamned nightmare. Really it is.
Wow Tucker, you really got me with that one!
I'm not accusing you of being misogynist towards females, I'm just asking questions
Females, lol. Like we're talking about apes or holly trees.
Is Holly Trees single?
Why, you wanna pound the sap of her? Rail her so hard her roots ache until Fall?
DIO throwing shade in here.
hell of a read
republicans made it so a trans member of the montana state house simply cannot speak on the floor because she is trans...she can vote and is still in the assembly but she cannot speak.
so while theyre doing that liberals are sharing stupid nyt articles asking if gun violence needs to be shown. you farging commies are so far behind the game
You realize both issues are worth discussion?
As are those fargin freak show clowns in Tennessee. Especially the local alder woman who is going full Q and tinfoil hat about the mass shooting there
Quote from: Diomedes on April 26, 2023, 03:50:06 PM
Why, you wanna pound the sap of her? Rail her so hard her roots ache until Fall?
Sometimes you just wanna bust a nut.
Sleepy joe was pretty good at the correspondents dinner last night. Fox got roasted all night.
Were any of their people in attendance? 46&t=SMD_81TvVT-H5sNwmpVLIQ
Just saying it out loud 46&t=SMD_81TvVT-H5sNwmpVLIQ porn
Defrauding the welfare system of one of the poorest states - check
Sending dick picks to a chick while married - check
Showing the world you're a giant scumbag - check 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
this is part of a coordinated media effort by tucker's people to put pressure on fox to settle his contract out so he can be free to work. right now tucker is getting paid to do nothing.
its in fox's best interest to keep that arrangement. also my god is favre stupid, its so hard for him to get the words out. you can see his feeble alcohol syndrome brain working overtime just to put sentences together
Quote from: MDS on May 08, 2023, 09:27:24 PMits in fox's best interest to keep that arrangement.
Newsmax would scoop him and his ratings up in a millisecond, and it's only a matter of time.
newsmax has as much money as you do, they couldnt afford tucker.
going solo and tying into some larger right wing ecosphere like brietbart makes more sense for him. if he were to go for newsmax/oan it would be 100% to spite fox, the salary would be insulting.
Could he not leverage a large stake or something in lieu of salary, given that he'll bring them an audience the size of which they've never seen?
He could launch them into more direct competition with FOX, just when they are weakest, no?
Feels like that shteingibbon Clay Travis and Tucker are a match made in hell
convicted sexual assaulter former president donald j trump
Won't lose a single vote.
It'll gain him votes.
His line about shooting someone on 5th Ave and still winning is the truest thing that clown has ever said
Being present and observing the inner workings of the political machine in this state is truly nauseating. There may have been two of us (libs) in a room of 50 the other day.
I have eight years and two weeks left till retirement. Cannot wait.
Also - my colleague noticed that I didn't say "under God" during the pledge of allegiance (whose recitation I also believe is creepy and deeply un-American).
When she asked why I didn't say the words, I replied, I don't believe in God, so why would I pledge allegiance to it?
I'm "woke" for believing such things, incidentally. 20
What's this world coming to when politicians have to fear for their lives because they lied a little?
this trump town hall is every bit the abomination everyone expected it to be
our planet cannot be engulfed by the sun soon enough
I wouldn't watch that even if Will Smith walked on stage
To smack a woman? That you'd watch. Over and over again.
Quote from: Diomedes on May 10, 2023, 10:00:32 PMTo smack a woman? That you'd watch. Over and over again.
Not a woman...maybe a female
Quote from: Diomedes on May 10, 2023, 10:00:32 PMTo smack a woman? That you'd watch. Over and over again.
Lolol 20 20
Copy of the's pretty farged up
Anyone surprised?
yowza yowza bo bowza
Surely this is merely a coincidence right? 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Remember when I said DeSantis was every bit as bad as Trump, only even more corrupt and desperate for power?
I was wrong.
He's worse than that.
And now he has one of the richest iceholes on Earth platforming AND bankrolling him.
I'm shocked Texas impeached that scumbag Ken Paxton.
Hopefully he's finally convicted on his open indictments too.
Piece of shtein
How bad do you have to be to be a Republican in Texas being impeached by Texas Republicans?
The mind reels.
Without even looking I'm going to assume he farged with the money.
Chuck Todd is out at Meet The Press. Of course they gave him a promotion despite his being a colossal right-wing apologist who carried water for Trump for his entire administration.
Kristen Welker is his replacement. Meh.
I am admittedly paying very little attention to politics of late, but I have never heard Chuck Todd called a right wing apologist before.
Are you posting drunk and angry?
Am I missing something about Todd?
I haven't watched the show in forever but Todd has developed a reputation of not pushing on the MAGAts and their lies.
chuck todd is legitimately a stupid person, but meet the press is a completely meaningless and antiquated entity. its an echo chamber for washington swamp monsters
Dunno what it says about me but I've never watched any of the Sunday morning shows. Or any television news since, I don't know, 9/11?
All internet and newspaper/printed press or public radio.
Cornel West has decided to toss his beret into the ring. Evidently Biden isn't "authentic" enough, or at least as authentic as Trump and Bernie were in 2016.
No one will actually vote for him, because he's a farging clown, but the next couple of days will be fun on social media with the leftists screeching about how Biden is a corporatist flunky who caved to Republicans the first chance he got.
Personally I am so goddamn tired of stupid people in this country, I'm starting to actively root for Trump to win again. The sooner he burns it all to the ground, the better.
We'll be in Ireland if anyone needs me or mine.
PS: Todd is a disgusting apologist. He's no worse than the scum at CNN inviting Trump, and Pence and Nikki Hailey on to air their fascist lies, though.
Quote from: Diomedes on June 05, 2023, 11:37:38 AMI am admittedly paying very little attention to politics of late, but I have never heard Chuck Todd called a right wing apologist before.
Are you posting drunk and angry?
Am I missing something about Todd?
not a right wing apologist but his both sides are the same whataboutism helped trump get elected...hes a garbage coward of a human
Trump grabbing Hoydas was a footnote hillarys emails got the full hour for months
New Florida law says that teachers have to register any book in their "personal library" (i.e. not purchased by the district) on a website to approve them.
Select district personnel will also be trained to carry firearms on campus.
farg Ron DeSantis.
Maybe just throw a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird at a shooter.
MAGAts think that does more harm than a gun
i saw somewhere people are calling desantis' funhole wife "tacky-o" and im in love with it
Sounds like Cheeto Dick was just indicted again by the DOJ in the classified docs case
Nothing will happen
But her e-mails.
Don't forget Hunter's laptop.
he was indicted a few months ago and what has happened with that?
this wont change one single persons opinion on trump/republicans and he wont see a single second of jail time
nm - wrong thread
This indictment is uhhh pretty bad.
Also lmao 46&t=SMD_81TvVT-H5sNwmpVLIQ
The media is doing such a predictably poor job of reporting this, I swear they're going to get Trump re-elected. I used to think it was just a case of humans being human and therefore lazy and utterly incompetent. But now I think it's something more sinister at work. The scum at CNN are a perfect illustration of this phenomenon. They're salivating at the prospect of watching that farg go through a trial because it means big business for them. Not because he's a criminal who deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life. Not because he sold out his country for money. Or raped dozens of women. Or sowed dissent or personally was responsible
for the needless deaths of millions of people due to his monstrous handling of Covid. They're ginned up because that freak means eyeballs on their zesty networks and millions in revenue in their grimy hands. That's the sinister part. Or one of them anyway.
Tomorrow could be wild if the Gravy Seals, KKK and the rest of the little Johnson crews bow up 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Oh wow
I wish I hadn't watched that
I love Baltimore City!
Chefs kiss... 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Ah we have a little coup action going on in Russia do we?
This should be interesting
shtein does seem to be going down.
Yeah this is wild. Unfortunately the only sources we have are an insane merc general and the Russian govt/state TV, so literally nothing reliable
Prigozhin was waltzing his way into Moscow before suddenly stopping and heading for Belarus. All this after Putin called him a traitor in the midst of hauling ass out of town?
Something is fishy here.
Also - don't cheer for that piece of shtein either. He's a monster and no different than Putin and the rest of those subhuman Mongoloids in Russia.
PS: Patton was right.
Belarus' current leader is ill and has no immediate replacement, so the theory going around is he's been handed the country, which was already sent some of Russia's nukes.
Damn I was hoping to see Vlad keep shteinting his pants in fear some more
Oh he's not pleased, I'm sure.
Hard to think of something that has demonstrated how nearly useless Twitter has become then this news event. Basically had no idea what was going on/what sources to trust
"Cis" and "Cisgender" are now considered slurs on Twitter. But if you're feeling frisky and want to drop some N-bombs, you're just fine there. Free speech and shtein.
how does bill maher still have a show on liberal ass hbo
Every one of those fargfaces have been fully vaccinated including Kennedy.
The whole "I'm just asking questions" thing is really tiresome too.
I see the Supreme Court continues to launch us back into the stone ages.
Dems have to win and expand the court
I have a hard time buying the idea that "packing the court" would find much support in America. It'll be very easy to run against.
Whether it's a legit option the GOP likely, especially after these rollbacks, will use it as a rallying cry for the base.
We can only hope that it motivates the dem voters to get out in droves. 46&t=SMD_81TvVT-H5sNwmpVLIQ
Bigger things happening today with SCOTUS but uhhh Josh Shapiro sucks I guess
I guess everyone who didn't vote for Hillary probably learned their lesson about sitting out elections, huh?
Good job, Merkkka!
Dude, her emails though.
This country is turbofarged like it's never been before. Just the supreme court verdicts from this week would have been a completely failure of a full presidential term. It's going to get worse, and then worse, and even worse, and then we get another republican president that'll make us all long back fondly on these good old days.
The Supremes continue to bathe themselves in glory.
The case of the baker refusing to bake for the gays - it's come out the person cited in the suit says he wasn't involved.
How pissed off must Erdogan be? Finally relents on his extortionary block of Sweden into Ukraine NATO, timed for the start of the NATO talks, looks set to be the hero of the hour for his belated embrace of reason....and he gets entirely upstaged by Zelensky. farger was planning on a week's worth of positive press, applause and thanks from the rest of NATO....and is promptly forgotten.
Got his F-16s though, right?
Can any of you three fools offer the name of a conservative columnist whose writing is worth reading?
I'm struggling to find a counter-point to the stuff I normally read. Most of what I find is so poorly written, or unimaginatively argued, that it's just a waste of time. There have to be some decent right-of-center editorialists, no?
Wish I could but nope I don't know of anyone. It's either uneducated tripe or just full flown MAGA or Q stuff.
Literally zero. Sorry. There's no such thing anymore.
Quote from: Diomedes on July 14, 2023, 05:28:15 PMCan any of you three fools offer the name of a conservative columnist whose writing is worth reading?
I'm struggling to find a counter-point to the stuff I normally read. Most of what I find is so poorly written, or unimaginatively argued, that it's just a waste of time. There have to be some decent right-of-center editorialists, no?
george will?
its basically impossible to be an educated, thoughtful republican. either youre a maga idiot or defending maga idiots because hillary clinton is the spawn of satan or whatever
I can't bear Will's ostentatious writing. I too know a lot of words, George.
I've been directed to Ross Douthat at NYT, but I don't have a sub, so I need to look into getting access through the library or something like that. I've also been told to look at the Bulwark as another option that isn't repugnant.
I guess I admire your willingness to seek out different perspectives, but I can't say I share it. The DeSantis lovers in government that I deal with are truly vile, despicable and hypocritical iceholes. I have 7 years and 50 weeks left until I retire and get the ever-living hell out of here. Wherever we go you can be sure that I will avoid so-called "conservatives" if at all possible.
I just don't want to fall completely into a Left echo chamber..trouble is, there's very little on the right that's palatable. I try to read the stuff WaPo publishes from their token conservatives but have you read anything Marc Thiessen wrote? OMG...nutbag and bad writer as well. There's GOT to be someone putting forward some kind of counterpoint to the folks I tend to agree with, right?
do you really need to read a counterpoint to forced birth or billionaire tax breaks
Reasonable takes aren't profitable.
Quote from: MDS on July 15, 2023, 05:45:24 PMdo you really need to read a counterpoint to forced birth or billionaire tax breaks
No, but I do appreciate know what their arguments are. And there are some matters around which I don't know what I think, so I prefer to look around. Good idea to send cluster bombs to Ukraine or not, for example. I read a bit and decided: Good. But before I decided, I checked what various takes were...pretty simple critical thinking skill, really.
I think the world needs more people with your attitude, Dio. In today's climate there is an intolerance of tolerance, much to our detriment, and it may just be the death of us. Somewhere along the line we've equated a willingness to listen to Other with a tacit agreement and approval. And therefore pitchforks and torches is the only reasonable response to someone willing to listen. In this country it probably derives in part from years of weak and ineffective responses from the left, but I think it's the wrong answer. Obviously this doesn't pertain to egregious social violations but we seem to have lost the ability to distinguish between psychopathic neo-nazis and someone who uttered a racial slur 40 years ago. And like GF said, reasonable takes aren't profitable.
Whataboutism is the best
A genuinely awful human on multiple levels. But this one is his worst act yet. Just an odious scumbag. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
One wonders how the Governor would fare if he were pushed into the Rio Grande.
He should be pushed into hell
Yep. He's a true piece of shtein.
Came out today that the Dept of Public Safety (DPS aka State Troopers that were utter cowards in Uvalde) put razor wire on private land despite landowners saying no.
What are muh guns for if not for shooting government officials taking away your actual freedoms?
from cnn's blog type thing listing recent developments:
QuoteBelarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday that the Wagner fighters who are in the country have begun to "stress" him, because they want to "go to the West" on "an excursion."
"Maybe I shouldn't have said it, but I will. The Wagnerites began to stress us. 'We want to go to the West. Let us,' they tell us," Lukashenko told Putin during a meeting in St. Petersburg.
"Why do you need to go to the West? 'Well, go on an excursion to Warsaw, to Rzeszow,'" Lukashenko said. "I keep them in the center, as agreed, of Belarus."
Lukashenko is an ally of Putin and he was apparently joking with him. A video showed Putin smiling at the comments.
If Poland is attacked, WWIII is on.
fact check: true
and that's how you get a new nickname
Lindsey Ladybugs
Wtf did I just read?!
Bleach my eyes
not a great start to the week.
anyone in 1991 have ice cube mingling with white nationalists on their bingo card
Senate Republicans have a leadership problem on their hands. Mitch ain't well.
That's a T.I.A. Guaranteed.
Too bad he didn't drop dead right then and there.
I did chuckle at the total indifference shown to him after he froze. They just kinda shuffled him off and went on running their usual line of horseshtein.
Monsters one and all.
The show must go on.
I a doctor? Anyone? A pit of vipers there.
Jury duty tomorrow. Gotta serve the People's Republic of Florida!
Ear plugs are a must for that here.
Trump is so farged. He should already be in irons and orange prison fatigues, but he is totally farged.
I'm not a fan of term limits but when McConnell and Feinstein are in charge...uhm...these people are not healthy enough to function..they need to let go of the power.
A Jan 6 indictment by Jack Smith for Cheeto Dick.
Great news. The MAGA meltdown is likely a sight to behold.
trumps attorney is fine as hell
shes a lying grifting religious fanatic but my god i would eat her butt
you'd be getting limp dick's sloppy seconds, have at it boy
He's had so many attorney's I'm not sure I've seen the one whom Todd wants to fornicate with.
Her name is Sidney Powell
gimme dem big iraqi's tits ill shoot in her, keep the baby, raise it jewish to spite this funhole
Todd the father...yikes. What a world.
Haha. That's the dumb ass who said Trump was the most ethical person she'd ever met.
It's not even a freak show at this point.
Yeah she has some milk cannons 46&t=SMD_81TvVT-H5sNwmpVLIQ
Cheeto Dick is getting indicted in Georgia too.
Lock him up.
I'm sure FOX is covering it. Oh wait I mean I'm sure they're probably talking about Hunter Biden and pretending their mans didn't just get got again.
I'm not tuning in to check, but I think this week they're talking about how Obama once wrote that he thinks about sex with dudes.
Haha holy shtein really? Makes sense to why I happened to see that scumbag Jason Whitlock promoting a Twitter spaces discussion about what it Obama is gay.
Georgia dropped a hammer.
19 counts I think he got? RICO is the main one.
Meadows, Eastman, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Rudy too.
Giuliani catching a RICO indictment is funny
i hear donnyboy is going to release another one of those trump team's "kraken" reports on monday that will prove beyond a doubt, that the 2020 election was rigged.
stop laughing, he's serious this time.
Yeah a yuge news conference. Just like that crackpot Mike Lindell
I really thought DeSantis was going to be the guy for Republicans. Just pointing out that I'm clueless. Thanks.
He has the same awful views as Trump but he tries to act professional. Trumpers don't like that. They want their guy dumb, mean, and sweaty.
Tim Scott is sitting right there, ready to win a general election against Biden...and these idiots want the mob boss.
They want the guy that the lowest common denominator will vote for, since the less crazy voters will fall in line.
Quote from: Diomedes on August 17, 2023, 11:58:23 AMTim Scott is sitting right there, ready to win a general election against Biden...and these idiots want the mob boss.
scott or christie would have a chance to beat biden IMO, but trump cucks are gonna cuck.
Neither of them would win the General imo because the Trump purists would abandon the party in droves and just stay home, and they'll both say enough crazy shtein about abortion to continue pissing off the youngs. It doesn't matter anyway because the base doesn't want their brand of conservatism and that's not changing any time soon.
Quote from: Munson on August 17, 2023, 03:27:25 PMNeither of them would win the General imo because the Trump purists would abandon the party in droves and just stay home, and they'll both say enough crazy shtein about abortion to continue pissing off the youngs. It doesn't matter anyway because the base doesn't want their brand of conservatism and that's not changing any time soon.
you could be right, but i think a ton of them would still vote just to own the libs.
none of it matter though, because the cucks won't see trump for what he is and they will go down in flames with him if need be.
Quote from: Diomedes on August 17, 2023, 11:58:23 AMTim Scott is sitting right there, ready to win a general election against Biden...and these idiots want the mob boss.
Hahaha. A black a Republican. Dude, please.
Is cuck now the word for people we don't like? I need some clarity on how to use it, and against whom.
Yeah. It's a general use term now.
Also if Cheeto Dick isn't nominated his hardcore people ain't voting for anyone else
But, but, but... cIvIL wAr!
Quote from: Diomedes on August 17, 2023, 07:52:00 PMIs cuck now the word for people we don't like? I need some clarity on how to use it, and against whom.
Cucks are woke now.
I'm thoroughly confused.
Just call anyone who you disagree with a cuck. If they're a magat then cuck snowflake works too
I thought cuck was just the PC way of calling someone a Hoyda these days.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 18, 2023, 09:40:37 AMJust call anyone who you disagree with a cuck. If they're a magat then cuck snowflake works too
cucks, cultists, trumpers ... all the same.
a few weeks ago this graft was publicized:
since about rush hour yesterday, the site's been hacked...
Maybe him and his idiots sons will go broke
Oh, there's still plenty of people willing to give them money.
No like for real, if he said "take to the streets" there would be nationwide blood. Plenty of people giving money, plenty willing to give more.
Well let the rubes who send him their money go broke then. I don't have sympathy for anyone sending him money or buying into his latest scam(s).
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 19, 2023, 07:32:42 PMWell let the rubes who send him their money go broke then. I don't have sympathy for anyone sending him money or buying into his latest scam(s).
i dont have sympathy for anyone who has ever cast a vote for him.
That too.
But the dipshteins who spent racks on Trump NFTs or whatever other lamebrain scams his people cooked up can enjoy the bread lines. They will be bitching about welfare and dadgum socialism all while looking to latch onto Uncle Sam's teat.
To the surprise of no one on planet Earth, least of all himself I'm sure, Wagner mercenary boss, former cook for Putin, former thug prisoner, Yevgeniy Prigozhin appears to have perished in a so so tragic, so very accidental, plane crash.
Yeah, just saw that. Good riddance, and right on the heels of Putin's humiliation with India's successful moon landing. Also, in pics from Georgia with Trump and Giuliani, couldn't help but notice how much better Giuliani's hair looks. Good news day.
I'm surprised his plane crashed. You'd have thought he'd get poisoned or would somehow shoot him self in the back of his head
I would have had money on "fell off a bridge while on vacation" but everyone knows what's up. Putin just killed him and everyone else on that plane. Messy business, being a mob boss.
That's some Pablo Escobar shtein to down a plane
And reports are clear: it was shot down. Everyone knows what's up.
So... my county has proposed to become a "Bill of Rights Sanctuary. ("
The ordinance:
QuoteCollier County has the right to be free from the commanding hand of the federal government and has the right to refuse to cooperate with federal government officials in response to unconstitutional federal government measures and to proclaim a Bill of Rights sanctuary.
In 2020, 62% of votes in Collier County went to Trump.
You're gonna have a buncha those sovereign mofos there.
The "I don't have a license or insurance bc I don't recognize that nonsense"
For some reason, I am subjecting myself to the GOP shteinshow.
How in the ever-loving farg did this idiot state I live in elect Ron DeSantis... twice?
The Phillies loss made you gluttonous for schadenfreude
Dude move back to civilization.
Moving out of those shteinshow states is expensive, now more than ever.
Quote from: Geowhizzer on August 23, 2023, 08:45:58 PMCollier County
this is what happens when you name a county after phillies legend lou collier
see the fear
Oooh scary. Such an alpha male
Can't a man be insecure about his wrinkly orange neck folds and all the pictures of him mocking other people that make it look like he has no chin? So much for the tolerant left.
That picture looks like AI to me for some reason.
This story matters more than most.
Sorry, I sub to WaPo. You'll have to find your own way around the paywall.
Fox News prints outright factually incorrect shtein....does not correct it. This is some of the most basic shtein in all of civilization. The printing press got us out of the muf. People who scrupulously print truths and facts are among the superheroes of humanity, and we honor them highly for it. When a "news" organization is this egregiously incorrect and refuses to retract, admit, can't just be ignored. If you know anyone who defends Fox news, this is an acid test: they agree with you that Fox is anti-socially wrong in the this case, or you are talking to someone who should be excised from your world, cast out, expunged and ejected. These people must be repudiated. They have forsaken facts. Their next move will be worse. Identify them, watch, be prepared for them to do worse.
not the retraction that it ought to be they were forced to pull it and apologize
"Alright, I'm sorry y'all we're gonna need a minute."
This guy (and Feinstein too) need to be put out to pasture.
Can't a man enjoy a remote controlled vibrating butt plug in public without everyone jumping to conclusions?
Quote from: Diomedes on August 26, 2023, 05:15:10 PMThis story matters more than most.
Sorry, I sub to WaPo. You'll have to find your own way around the paywall.
i do too...there is this little copy and paste thing i use to get around it
That scumbag proud boy leader Biggs got 17 years.
Now hopefully they'll dig into the secret service who enabled them
I want age limits, not term limits.
Everyone is being far too deferential to McConnell and Feinstein.
They both need to go.
No one over 65.
I'd be okay with an even higher high as 80.
This zombie senator routine, with wormtongue handlers escorting them around and holding the pen so they can sign something has got to end.
It would be a start. Get age limits enacted and then terms.
Pie in the sky is getting rid of the PACs and money but that ain't happening in any of our lifetimes
No to (congressional) term limits. The elections are the term limits. There's value to experience and continuity.
Term limits for the executive branch and the judiciary make more sense.
the deck is stacked so much toward incumbents, though. im not sure if that was considered or known when the government was set up. they didnt even have presidential term limits until fdr, but congress was never going to put itself out of a job.
its basically impossible to unseat an incumbent. most of the districts or states are uncompetitive and theres no way to amass enough money to beat an incumbent without a ton of money, which you cant obtain because the donor class is beholden to the existing rep. im not sure what the right answer is, maybe 8 years in congress and 12 in the senate. in a hypothetical functioning world.
Oh my god thoughtful Todd is on the job
Who says the kids don't want to work?
One of the big reasons I'm not supportive of congressional term limits is that institutional knowledge and expertise is super valuable and hard to achieve...the money interests that ply Congress are not subject to high rollover resulting from term limits. They can have decades of running their campaigns with super effective highly expert players, giving them s substantial long term strategic advantage over their opponents (Congress)
I want our reps and Senators to be around long enough to withstand these lobbies but if they get bounced every few years they'll never learn the inns and outs of any given issue, like agriculture insurance, or taxes for the trading of financial instruments, etc.
You're not wrong about the power of incumbents being a problem
sure, thats fair. but cant you accomplish that in 10 years in congress? do you need 20, 30? nobody becomes a politician unless they are addicted to power and fame. especially now. so these people arent just gonna give it up when they hit 65 and enjoy the grandkids at the beach house like normal folk.
get in, do your decade if the people keep electing you, then farg off to something else
I'm with dio for mostly everything he said. I'd be down for age limits first. Somewhere between 65-75. Absolutely no need for 80+ year olds to be running a country they don't even understand.
lauren boebert getting felt up and giving some guy an over the pants HJ at a performance of beetlejuice
totally normal stuff
Family values!
If AOC did that fox would combust
if AOC did i would hope it was my cork she was giving an over the pants handie to
Well yeah.
She had a college vid unearthed of her dancing and was portrayed as trashy. Yet we have the vaping, handjob giving, finger shooting Bobo here and it's nbd
Sly way to get Trump to put her on the ticket as VP: whore it up so he knows what he'll be getting.
She's a hot piece, no doubt. Kinda surprised she hasn't bailed and taken a slot on MSNBC, though. She should.
These dumb fargs are gonna acquit Ken Paxton on all charges it seems and he won't be impeached.
It's not surprising but god damn the MAGAts will ignore every thing.
Quote from: Rome on September 16, 2023, 11:33:06 AMShe's a hot piece, no doubt.
Your tastes are well known here, and they are not universal. She's common AF. A trailer trash whore dressed up, no more. Hard pass for me.
boebert? she is gross. she looks like common trailer trash. fake tits, busted face coated in makeup, tramp stamp. i wouldnt dare stick my cork anywhere near her diseased box.
AOC though, i would convert to catholicism for
Dude. They believe the priest actually turns the wine into His blood, the wafers into His flesh...then they eat and drink it...
"I'd take communion from AOCs butt"
- Todd
id eat that cracker right outta her poon
Getting back to the age limit discussion, there's a pending case now
QuoteA 96-year-old U.S. federal appeals court judge was barred Wednesday from hearing cases for a year after a panel said she refused to undergo medical testing amid concerns that she is no longer mentally fit to serve on the bench.
It's the latest development in an unusually public and bitter fight over whether Judge Pauline Newman should continue to serve on the Washington-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that has sparked a lawsuit and turned judges against one another.
Newman, a President Ronald Reagan appointee who has been on the court for nearly four decades, insists that she remains physically and mentally fit to decide matters of the law, and has accused her colleagues of making baseless claims in an effort to push her out because of her age.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is one of 13 U.S. appellate courts. It hears cases on issues like government contracts, patents and trademarks. Federal judges chosen by presidents and confirmed by the U.S. Senate are appointed for life, and there's no mandatory retirement age.
The Federal Circuit's Judicial Council, which is made up of Newman's colleagues, said the suspension was necessary because the longest-serving judge on the court won't cooperate with an investigation into her mental fitness despite "reasonable concerns" that she "suffers from a disability preventing her from effectively discharging the duties of her office."
The Judicial Council's order said the suspension could be renewed after a year if she continues not to cooperate, or could be rescinded if she decides to comply. The decision suspended her from hearing new cases, though there are no old cases either because was already suspended since April amid the investigation, according to her attorney, Greg Dolin said.
Dolin said they will be seeking review from another committee that oversees the judicial conduct nationwide. He said they believe the sanction is "flatly illegal," and that the process has been seriously flawed.
"The Judicial Council has been willing to grab onto as fact any allegation to support what appears to be a predetermined conclusion," he said.
Newman filed a federal lawsuit in May against her fellow judges over the investigation, which Newman's lawyers say was launched after she refused to resign despite demands from Chief Judge Kimberly Moore that she step down.
The Judicial Council said interviews with court staff point to "significant mental deterioration including memory loss, confusion, lack of comprehension, paranoia, anger, hostility, and severe agitation." The order said the judge had also "amassed a troubling backlog of cases" and was lagging behind her colleagues in issuing opinions.
"Judge Newman has been having trouble recalling events, conversations, and information just days old and having trouble comprehending basic information that court staff communicate to her," the council wrote.
Newman's lawyers say the recommendation that she be suspended ignored evidence, "including a statement from a qualified neurologist that Judge Newman's 'cognitive function is sufficient to continue her participation in her court's proceedings,'" as well as data showing there has been no decrease in her productivity.
"Were the committee formed to investigate these baseless allegations actually interested in ascertaining the truth of the matter— that Judge Newman, despite her age, is in no way disabled — it could have done so months ago," her attorneys wrote in a response.
"Instead, Chief Judge Moore and the committee she appointed have been interested in one thing and one thing only — keeping Judge Newman off the bench via the exercise of raw power unconstrained by statutory requirements, constitutional limits, any notions of due process, conflict of interest rules, or even basic fairness," they wrote.
When asked if she expected to prevail in the case, Judge Newman replied "donuts should have a smaller feather, not shoes."
scab republican farg bill maher wasting no time getting into GOP taint licking..first guest up is desantis
every show he gets to do is a shock to me on liberal ass hbo
McCarthy ousted as speaker lmao
Dems all sided with the Trumptards. I mean I don't know about that but if we're rushing headlong into oblivion, it may as well come with lulz.
Quote from: Diomedes on September 16, 2023, 01:46:36 PMQuote from: Rome on September 16, 2023, 11:33:06 AMShe's a hot piece, no doubt.
Your tastes are well known here, and they are not universal. She's common AF. A trailer trash whore dressed up, no more. Hard pass for me.
I was referring to AOC, not Boebert.
What? Would you have preferred the Democrats to bail Kevin McCarthy out and save his job? The Democrats didn't join anyone. They were joined by the MAGATs. Whatever happens, Bye Felicia to McCarthy.
Quote from: Rome on October 03, 2023, 06:53:42 PMI was referring to AOC, not Boebert.
AOC is like the finest woman in America. Of course you were talking about Boebert.
I really wasn't but you do you, boo.
I am curious as to whether my burner phones are going to go off with this FEMA thing. Lots of affairs going to busted open today.
farging dumbshtein traitor
ABC SCOOP: An Australian billionaire – Mar-a-Lago member – has told investigators Trump shared potentially sensitive info about the capabilities of America's nuclear subs.
The Australian then shared the info with scores of others, including more than a dozen foreign officials, according to sources familiar with the matter.
gym jordan getting the speaker push
following the grand dennis hastert tradition of rapist speakers
Both wrestlers, no?
If anyone is surprised that Trump literally committed treason by disclosing incredibly sensitive military secrets at his rat infested roach motel golf club, please slap yourself upside the nuts.
Guy is a farging menace and should be sent immediately to the nearest Supermax.
Watching these Republicans chew on each other's dicks is the most amusing political spectacle in weeks.
Yeah the scumbag Jordan lost again.
The Cole dud was openly talking about how he supports Jordan because he'd cut social security and medicare/medicaid
Sidney Powell plead guilty and turned State's witness. She'll cooperate with the prosecution now.
Apart from the fact that she's a spineless liar whose motives could never be trusted, that's bad news for the Trump crime family.
So she's released the kraken as states witness?
Ken Chesebro flipped, too.
Hang with snakes..get bit.
Cheeto Dick is screaming how Powell was never his attorney lol
If she wasn't his lawyer, bye bye privilege.
He really is a colossal moron.
He also has a problem spelling "stollen."
For how long and to what depths of chaos and dysfunction can the Republicans carry on? This is amazing.
Starting to wonder if it's okay for the Democrats to just let them hang like this. There's business at hand.
Serious question: is there a number of Palestinians the Israelis won't kill here? Like, if it takes killing 95 thousand people to uproot and execute Hamas, they're good with that? But over 120k and they re-think it? 200 thousand? How many are too many? Right now they're easily at 10,000. And all they've done is bomb. If they go into tunnels, clear building by building, etc. and effectively (if not totally) eliminate Hamas, this is only the beginning and the numbers dead will really climb.
Another question: Can Hamas be crippled without such a response? I don't know that you can deal with folk like Hamas in basically any other way than killing as many of them as possible as quickly as possible. The time for understanding on this case seems to have passed, you know?
I don't know shtein, myself, obviously.
I don't know either. I'm not well versed on the deeper roots of their conflict. So I'm not sure I can properly gauge it.
But it seems as if neither side would be satisfied until the other was completely eliminated.
I do think that civilian lives should be spared and humanitarian efforts allowed to happen. I do think Israel has a right to go after Hamas in full for their atrocities against Israel.
From the Gaza/Palestinian side it somewhat seems like Vietnam in the sense that the VC hid in plain sight without regard to civilians. And Hamas seems to be doing the same for protection.
Cynical answers are no and no. Israel is fine with killing as many Palestinians as it takes, and you only create more terrorists by doing so.
Hamas are savages who use civilians as cannon fodder. They are fanatics and every last one of them have to be rooted out and killed. There is no other choice for Israel.
Israelis are enlightened children of Civilization who kill 100 innocent people in order to also kill one "savage."
I'll pass on beers with both.
It's a terrible situation, no doubt. But Israel has the right to defend itself.
And Hamas has never once NOT broken ceasefires. There was one in effect on October 7th when they slaughtered innocent Israelis.
Sorry but the Palestinians allowed those fanatical lunatics to rule them and now they're paying the price. Hamas is ISIS and this is what happens when religious fanatics are given power.
We should all remember that considering this country of ours is about 5 seconds away from becoming a Christian version of a fascist theocracy.
I don't see much daylight between the tactics of either group, would not break bread with either of them.
If Israel wants to solve the problem of Hamas, let them send troops to battle every tunnel, every room, and pay for their security with the blood of their own warriors rather than bomb the refugees, and once they've accomplished that, they need to return the stolen land, support a two state solution, and pay to rebuild.
They don't want any parts of any of that though, because they actually like having terrorist enemies...helps to keep them in power, gives them free money from the U.S., etc.
The Israeli government is despicable.
No big deal - just an ex-President quoting Adolf Hitler verbatim and issuing threats to exterminate 11 million immigrants and round up his enemies and kill them too.
Quote from: Diomedes on November 12, 2023, 07:30:23 AMIsraelis are enlightened children of Civilization who kill 100 innocent people in order to also kill one "savage."
I'll pass on beers with both.
Hamas isn't supposed to drink beer, so you'd be a bad influence on them.
Possible terrorist attack at the Canadian border.
or it was two meth heads from methville, western ny
fox was trying to make this about arabs as usual
Fox isn't even a news source. It's a propaganda outlet for aggrieved white people.
But it was interesting how some outlets used the "T" word in a titillating way even before there was any confirmation either way.
The state of journalism in 2023 is not great.
the immediacy of social media ruined the job. something happens like this and everyone, including capital J journalists are throwing shtein out there in real time. whereas 20 years ago, there would be almost a full 24 hours between the actual event and the time of you reading know, time to report, vet, parse, etc.
the good news is now disingenuous hungry hungry hippos can use a drunk rich dude firing his benz over a curb near the border as a means to attack biden and itll score points
So that's what the MAGAts were screeching about today?
The peacocking from them to see who can strut bigger on social media is a scourge on society.
I saw the tweets from some congresspeople and thought it was a legit terror attack.
I'm having a hard time following. Are the red hatters all upset over the reaction to Jim Irsay's idiotic complaints about being persecuted?
Well the Red Hatters now are going into conspiracy/cover-up mode. The FBI came out and said zero terror and of course it's met with "oh yeah like the FBI is telling the truth".
It has to be exhausting to be on the level of everything is a conspiracy.
And Irsay's comments? Of course they wouldn't be upset. They agree with him. Because they too feel persecuted by (insert whatever people/agency/organization here).
Mitt Romney might want to increase his budget for personal/family security after admitting that he'd vote for a Democrat before any of the Republicans running for President.
Meh it fits into their make believe story that the Democrats are all for wealthy elites. As they vote for a guy who shteins in a golden toilet.
I keep coming back to ratios...
Seems inevitable that eventually it will be at least 20:1 Palestinians dead:Israelis dead
And this article makes me think about how willing Israel is to just bomb a thousand at the chance of taking out ten, but when ten of their own soldiers are lost actually fighting militants instead of bombing civilians, it makes the news
It would seem to me that if you want to disgorge terrorists from Gaza, you have to go building to building, tunnel to tunell, block by block, and sacrifice a great deal of blood because bombing doesn't just not kill them all, it creates still more by it's utterly dishonorable origin. Not much moral difference between targeting civilians and killing so broadly that it's impossible not to target them en masse.
Maybe if you go fight them toe to toe, and you don't kill thousands indiscriminately, you have a chance to actually kill them all, or at least to kill them fast enough, to eliminate their influence. If that's the goal Israel needs a tougher stomach for suffering their own military losses.
trash takes itself out
Would that it did.
By their own admission, IDF just shot three shirtless, white-flag waiving Israeli hostages to death.
And we're supposed to believe this war is being conducted in good faith, as carefully as possible, etc.
If they can't not shoot unarmed, white flag waiving Israeli do you think they're treating Palestinian civilians?
I mean, these are rhetorical questions.
The world should call this war off. Israel has taken far more than an eye for an eye.
War is a savage and nasty business. Hamas unleashed this and while I agree that Israel appears to be engaging in its own savagery, I still don't blame them.
Every country that surrounds them wants Jews incinerated. They want the country wiped off the map and a new non-Jewish state established in its stead. That's not going to happen.
If Muslims really gave a shtein about other Muslims, they would stop arming terrorists like Hamas and leave Israelis to live in peace with a separate Palestinian state. But they don't. Just look at that monster Assad in Syria for confirmation of that. He's slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Syrian Muslims but where's the worldwide moral outrage over those atrocities? Or how about African Muslims murdering, maiming and raping other African Muslims just because they subscribe to a slightly different fairy tale?
And by the way, we can't abandon Israel any more than we can abandon Ukraine. The second we abandon Israel every one of our enemies would use that as a rallying cry to go after other Democratic allies. I'm not sure how many times we have to learn that lesson, but appeasement never works; it only emboldens the bullies.
Yes Danny from grandma's neighborhood impales babies on spikes, but he always lets us park in his driveway. We can't abandon him to the other baby impalers.
we should def give the nazi's a win
let hitler have poland
-1933 dio
Let's not forget that the first terrorists in this region were the Zionists--they were not yet Israelis, and I won't call them Jews even though of course they were, beccause not all Jews were violent extremists, just like not all Pelestinians are violent extremists.--not the Palestininans.
The white folks who let Germany slaughter the Jews felt badly about it, and they wanted a strong base near the oil, so they forced a Jewish state on the Palestinians, murdering and all but enslaving them, which is how it's gone since then. No Israeli government has seriously sought peace, in stead taking more land whenever they can, tigheting the noose, allowing setters to steal land and kill non combatants.
Whereas Rome doesn't "blame" Israel for their barbarity, I do blame Hamas for slaugherting innocent people. That's never honorable. But I understand. ( They have no other option, unless you think people of any kind are given to just commit mass suicide. That's kinda their only option.
Meanwhile, Israel is awash in sugar daddy money and partying at rock concerts while Gazans wither in squalor.
What Israel is doing is morally equivalent to what Hamas is doing.
farg israel to the ends of the earth, but they are taking out genocidal terrorist scum
hamas wants to massacre jews for the sake of massacring jews
we arent operating on the same wave length here
So by your "logic" a couple nukes would be justified?
What they are about right now appear to just be a slower version of killing everyone
Most people are pretty okay with getting rid of Hamas/killing them. They're just not okay with the way in which they're doing it, which is killing a lot of innoncents and, seemingly, doing some pretty brutal and farged up things if reports are to be believed.
dont kill the innocent nazis! theres so many innocent people in germany
farging tik tok libs
I'm glad we learned nothing from those decades of the war on terror.
Quote from: MDS on December 17, 2023, 08:49:09 PMdont kill the innocent nazis! theres so many innocent people in germany
So yes, you're good with just nuking Gaza, got it thanks bye.
we decapitate and do business with whatever is left
- phil leotardo
Anyone listened to Reiner's Who Killed JFK podcast?
I'm on episode 1 and its been pretty solid.
Quote from: General_Failure on December 17, 2023, 10:43:40 PMI'm glad we learned nothing from those decades of the war on terror.
That's been my biggest takeaway from this so far. The world watched us farg up our response to 9/11 in epic ways, and instead of learning from it, Israel has basically been on a speed run of all of the US's biggest mistakes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Took us a couple years to do some of the things they're doing (or maybe it just took us a couple of years for the media to actually report on it)
I don't think any of the interested parties have a real incentive to "learn" anything. The leaders of Israel and Hamas alike are simply making hay while the sun shines on the farm of misery they till together. Hamas' attack was as predictable as sunrise, as has been Israel's response. Each group of leaders gaining exactly what they want. May they all rot in hell together.
"the leaders of hamas"
genocidal terrorist barbarians have leaders?!? better negotiate with bin laden next!
Quote from: MDS on December 21, 2023, 08:13:59 PM"the leaders of hamas"
genocidal terrorist barbarians have leaders?!? better negotiate with bin laden next!
Bibi is not just a leader but a prime farging minister so yes they do
after the IDF is done eliminating good for nothing palestinians from the world, they can come for you next
Netanyahu is what Trump would be in any military situation. If that isn't enough for you to vote for Biden, I'm not sure what it would take to convince you.
That said, I still support Jews everywhere even if their homeland's designated idiot is a bumbling monster.
Marge Greene was swatted on Xmas. Such a shame when good people like her are harassed. You know, like when she openly harassed a teenaged victim of gun violence in David Hogg or AOC outside her own congressional office.
Karma truly is a bitch.
Been good to see two states step up and do what has to be done regarding Trump and the insurrection, even if it won't matter much
It's not hyperbole to talk about the death of American democracy.
I think we have bad times ahead, wouldn't bet on the Republic surviving.
At least we have the Eagles
QuoteUS intelligence says China's military purge stemmed from serious equipment issues, per Bloomberg.
Examples of these include missiles that had been filled with water instead of fuel.
The problems are a blow to Xi Jinping's focus on the Rocket Force, China's main nuclear arm.
So communism can be bad, too. Who knew?
I haven't seen a good argument against private property yet. I've seen good arguments for the establishment of systems to ward against the deleterious effects of it's wildly unequal growth, etc...but if you're first assumption is that all people are created equal and have equal rights to the product of the community's labor...I'm out.
Quote from: Eagaholic on January 08, 2024, 03:32:17 AMQuoteUS intelligence says China's military purge stemmed from serious equipment issues, per Bloomberg.
Examples of these include missiles that had been filled with water instead of fuel.
The problems are a blow to Xi Jinping's focus on the Rocket Force, China's main nuclear arm.
So communism can be bad, too. Who knew?
No wonder Cheeto Dick loves Xi so much - they're both dictators who can't manage things
So syphilis infected Cheeto Dick goes on a rant about Nikki Haley being responsible for J6 (confusing her with Pelosi) and the MAGAts say Biden has mental acuity issues?
To top it off news orgs, even MSNBC, normalize this and still flat out refuse to call him a liar. They drop a "appears to confuse Haley with Pelosi" report.
Another year of this shtein. That scumbag needs to go away.
cant wait for nikki haley to get her knees for trump in like...i dont know, 3 weeks?
these people are so pathetic and are debasing themselves. its so sad. the whole thing is so sad and gross.
Think Trump will let Tim Scott give him a handy? Because Tim would totally do it.
tim scott isnt as pathetic as ted cruz but god damn is he close
total votes in the primary are blowing past 2016. i knew the maga shteinheads would be out, wasnt sure if the anti trump vote would care enough or be motivated enough, but its there. decent sign just for a temperature check.
Gotta love the lies starting already about vote totals - Cheeto Dick screaming into the void about dems and indies voting in a GOP primary is obviously wrong but his cult is eating it up
The Tangerine fargtard is already threatening violence if he's convicted. Just farging put him out of our misery already.
Biden needs to wake the farg up and put Texas down ASAP
Trump ordered to pay E Jean Carroll $83.3 million
She will never see a cent of that $83M.
yeah she can just frame that judgement paperwork bc that's all she's going to get
did rudy have to pay yet?
He doesn't have two nickels to rub together
Only downside is no Biden sending SEAL team 6 to mar a lago
Funny that Cheeto Dick is the only president to be so demanding about having blanket immunity. I wonder why that is....
Not that his cult is smart enough to understand it.
There's nothing stopping Biden from sending a team to Mar-a-Lago. Or from launching a cruise missile to incinerate Palm Beach either.
What this ruling means is, no one is above the law, especially an elected official.
The Rule of Law won today. That's a huge victory for us all.
No huge victory in this. This ruling was all but a foregone conclusion. The case served principally as a delay tactic, to which end it was a success for the Trump team. He will now appeal, pushing, pushing, pushing to delay until he's President again, at which point he can have all of it shut down and do away with elections altogether.
For weeks these farging idiot Republicans have been wasting the Nation's time trying to impeach Majorkas...and they just failed.
House vote to impeach Mayorkas just failed 214-216
Ronna McDaniel is being forced out Lolol
Dumbass dropped Romney from her name for Cheeto Dick and laid down so he could walk all over here and eventually she's cast aside
joe biden needs to die and he needs to die tonight
What did he do?
He was called forgetful in the Special Counsel's classified doc investigation, which concluded that there were no grounds for a case to be brought, any improprieties were likely inadvertent, and certainly not proveably intentional, etc.
but they called him old and forgetful so the American Taliban is all over that and Little Hitler here is very sensitive to the screeching right.
youre right, its not big deal and he should just run. whats the worst that can happen when youre white and christian
The special prosecutor was nice enough to mention his dead son and whether or not he remembered him.
I would have kicked the farger in the face of he mentioned my dead child in a depo.
Cheeto Duck's comment about not protecting NATO allies if Russia moved on them should be the lead on every news channel.
But I'm sure we will get some NYT OpEd on how's it's not that bad.
And his cult applauds it.
south carolina:
trump votes - 451,905
non trump votes - 435,374
the R primary was semi competitive and the D was not (biden got like half his vote from 2020). but this is gross south carolina, land of 1000 nooses still swinging from the tree - that the vote is tight with suppressed D turnout is something.
the hunter biden transcript is worth a read...not all seven hours obviously but theres a lot of good shtein in there above and beyond the cable news bullet points
Dude handed them their asses.
latest ny times poll is just suicide inducing...matt gaetz getting embarrassed in a closed door meeting aint doin the trick
lol what trick? Its a transcript of a hearing...thats it
Can't you see? We were celebrating the fall of Trumpism prematurely, but thankfully our Little Hitler friend has stepped in to set us right.
what does cokehead hunter biden pantsing cokehead matt gaetz mean when trump is lock city dictator
What do the eagles mean or will stop talking about and watching them since trump is going to win
My hot take is polls this far out are nearly useless especially ones predicting some extremely wild splits
Quote from: ice grillin you on March 02, 2024, 04:22:18 PMWhat do the eagles mean or will stop talking about and watching them since trump is going to win
eagles maybe, soccer never
Driving home tonight and heard an ad in Sirius for "kids need Trump" dot com.
The voiceover says it's a book for kids showing how unfairly Trump has been treated and why he's needed.
Just farging asinine.
brainwashing is a long-play game
Its going to be a long year with this shtein.
Although maybe this is the year that Ted Cruz finally gets knocked off. His challenger Colin Allred looks to be a decent dem candidate. Former LB for the Titans.
i dont even care anymore...let them have it
if the apes in this infested country of morons want this guy again, fine. take it. i dont care. when we pull out of nato and you cant travel internationally or when your 12 year old daughter gets raped and you cant get an abortion - dont come whining to me
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on March 06, 2024, 07:33:01 AMAlthough maybe this is the year that Ted Cruz finally gets knocked off. His challenger Colin Allred looks to be a decent dem candidate. Former LB for the Titans.
a D is not winning a texas senate seat...are you insane?
the climate was as ripe as itll ever be for a D in texas and beto lost by 200k+ votes. cruz will be behind trump but that fish farging parasite wont even break a sweat. texas is a cesspool, unfixable and unsalvgable
Quote from: ice grillin you on March 06, 2024, 04:34:04 PMQuote from: PhillyPhreak54 on March 06, 2024, 07:33:01 AMAlthough maybe this is the year that Ted Cruz finally gets knocked off. His challenger Colin Allred looks to be a decent dem candidate. Former LB for the Titans.
a D is not winning a texas senate seat...are you insane?
Yes. Hopefully insane.
i would throw one or two in katie britt but my god is she auditioning for a bravo reality show or something
Quote from: MDS on March 07, 2024, 11:10:51 PMi would throw one or two in katie britt but my god is she auditioning for a bravo reality show or something
Thought it was fitting for Republicans their rebuttal was done by a woman in the kitchen.
Biden crushed the sotu.
Herr Trump posted a full bond for the Carroll case. The screws are tightening.
How is a certified farging lunatic like Marge Greene permitted within a city block of the President?
The secret service is a joke for allowing her near him.
Quote from: Diomedes on March 08, 2024, 12:40:57 PMHerr Trump posted a full bond for the Carroll case. The screws are tightening.
The company which provided the bond is located in... wait for it... Moscow.
Literally cannot make this shtein up.
britt is making the rounds on tv today, which is the most republican thing ever. just keep firing straight through an abject disaster as if it never happened. dont even acknowledge it. youve got a none trailer trash woman under 50 who is a republican you gotta make it happen
i think my favorite thing about her is that her husband played for the pats for 4 years in the 00's and incredibly has 0 rings
LOOOOOOOOL 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
He's an Alex jones sandy hook denier too
off season workouts for his post playing career fox news commentator gig
hell never be on fox...hes not maga. hes a government psyops everything is rigged soft brained idiot. he did some conspiracy podcast and hated on trump and biden. his brain is absolutely fried but not to the point he will be a talking head on fox listening to his talking points
Odds he's banged or will bang Boebert?
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on March 14, 2024, 07:49:16 PMOdds he's banged or will bang Boebert?
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Everything this cubt has been accusing Hunter Biden of for the last year her son has actually done in the last few weeks lol.
I have no idea how old he is but I really hope someone plays the kids sex tape in the chamber
Quote from: MDS on March 14, 2024, 07:30:21 PMhell never be on fox...hes not maga. hes a government psyops everything is rigged soft brained idiot. he did some conspiracy podcast and hated on trump and biden. his brain is absolutely fried but not to the point he will be a talking head on fox listening to his talking points
not a chance he isnt a regular guest on fox shows at some point
Rodgers is diseased vermin.
hes infowars or joe rogan, not fox
Quote from: SD on March 14, 2024, 08:00:45 PMQuote from: PhillyPhreak54 on March 14, 2024, 07:49:16 PMOdds he's banged or will bang Boebert?
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
He may start dipping his toes into Fox appearances but he's destined for regular sessions with smelly Steve Bannon and Alex Jones.
just before 3 p.m. Herr Trump went to bat for "his" judge, Cannon.
just after 3 p.m., she ruled against him, rejecting is assertion that the PRA protects him from prosecution for stealing classified government docs, etc.
how soon before he starts posting photos of her children with their school address?
Why can't that fat piece of shtein just farging die already?
If he died then the internet, fox and people of that ilk would think someone whacked him
Even if he choked on a ketchup covered piece of well done steak
Ketchup on well done steak
Of course
What trash
To include his love for McDonalds and taco bowls that's how his dumbass eats steak
There is a Jewish Heritage festival going on in my little circle of hell today. It was beautiful. They had cultural booths along with performers as well as the typical food and beverage offerings found at any other festival.
What was not typical was the unbelievable police presence. They had a mobile
command unit (think SWAT), a water presence in the river, and other security measures seen and unseen.
No protestors thankfully. Sad times we live in when folks can't get together without fearing some iceholes will cause static.
Airlines are fearing an imminent attack on Israel by Iran and are rerouting flights. Jordan has closed its airspace.
Trump supporter sets self on fire outside court house. I'd like to encourage more Trump supporters to follow suit
75 million people are going to vote for the guy the guy who set himself on for
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 19, 2024, 09:04:28 PM75 million people are going to vote for the guy the guy who set himself on for
i hope, one day, we stop focusing on him and start focusing on the people that support him. our society is fundamentally and irreparably broken in that 75 million people look at this white supremacist moron and think he should be president.
yup...trump could die tomorrow but these people are going nowhere
an interesting take from the pa election results:
phillips got 6% state wide and haley is at 17%. both didnt campaign and have dropped so its a fairly even protest vote. in philly and the collars, phillips is under and well under the 6%. haley is well over. in the maga shteinhead counties, it's the opposite.
so, essentially, we're seeing increasing unpopularity of biden in small counties and trump in big ones. guess which have more votes?
The Phillips votes were nimrods who hate Biden because he's not their dream date. (OMGAZA!)
They will sit it out in November because they're ignorant fargheads who deserve their fate. Biden will more than make up the difference in pissed off female independents who've had enough of Gilead preview from the MAGAtards.
The GOP votes for not Trump should scare the shtein out of the Pubs.
I don't understand what the great urgency is to dislodge/break up/shut down campus protests. No surprise that Republicans want to send in the National Guard, but since when do they care about University life? They hate education..this should be making them happy, no?
i dont really get it either...also the news coverage of the protests has been despicable...youd think this is the end of civilization the way they are covering normal milquetoast protests
What's wrong with giving these kids some space to do some shouting and sign waiving, and just let them get tired of sleeping on the floor? It's not like they're crippling the economy, closing ports, etc. There's no actual risk of violence from these people..until you start smacking them in the face with stun grenades...I don't know. Something about kids protesting really gets the old people in power scared.
I dont care if they protest and play camping on campus...think they crossed the line blocking major roadways.
those are two different groups
the roadblockers are organized socialists. professional protesters. they have been doing shtein since 2016, and for them its more about the fight than obtaining any actual results. they blocked off roads in major cities all on the same day, dress similarly, carry similar signs, etc.
the college protests are born out of social media. its a tik tok trend. its not even really a protest. its a bunch of rich 20 year olds camping in the quad. school A started doing it so school B did it and bla bla everyone saw it on tiktok and now they want in.
meanwhile bibi wants to genocide another city and nobody is going to stop him. good job everyone!
police forces treated the nazi's protestors better than they do college kids too
we've been on wailing on idiot college students for generations. four dead in o-hi-o
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on April 30, 2024, 10:00:34 AMpolice forces treated the nazi's protestors better than they do college kids too
It's awkward to have to apologize for kicking your partner in the head when he was off duty.
Quote from: General_Failure on April 30, 2024, 10:04:59 AMQuote from: PhillyPhreak54 on April 30, 2024, 10:00:34 AMpolice forces treated the nazi's protestors better than they do college kids too
It's awkward to have to apologize for kicking your partner in the head when he was off duty.
lol true
I think blocking streets for protest is counterproductive to whatever the cause may be, and I want my local police to show no patience at all with that kind of activity. In the interest of public safety, anyone doing that should be hauled into custody immediately.
I too want my protests to be convenient and agreeable. That way the bear spray doesn't get all over everyone else.
Quote from: Diomedes on April 30, 2024, 12:53:04 PMI think blocking streets for protest is counterproductive to whatever the cause may be, and I want my local police to show no patience at all with that kind of activity. In the interest of public safety, anyone doing that should be hauled into custody immediately.
I tend to agree. If I am trying to get home and some group has traffic blocked, especially in this city where one wreck alone can shut a highway down and add hour(s) to the commute, I'm no longer sympathetic to the cause.
My complaint is not about convenience. It's a matter of public safety. I get that people want to be disruptive, and that's fine. Just be ready to get arrested much more quickly if you decide to disrupt the fire trucks and ambulances from getting to their calls than if you pitch a tent on the lawn in front of City Hall.
Some disruptions are simply not tolerable. These kids taking over buildings and quads...fine. No one is going to die because of it. Block a highway though, and yeah, someone might die because the EMTs can't get to them.
Some protesting is just plain stupid criminal behavior.
and not only could someone die because of the ambulance not getting through buuuut now that the MAGAts seem to like passing bills okaying it for motorists to run over protestors...thats more death
Had to laugh at the Columbia U student holding a PC saying they need food and water delivered.
I couldn't care less about Palestine or their cause. The populace turned their government over to religious fanatics and this is what always happens as the end result.
Turn the whole place into a parking lot or a Disney Land for all the good it would do over there.
As for The USA, the clueless useful idiots blocking Jewish students from their rightful places on campus should be kicked squarely the farg out permanently. Expel them all.
what we're seeing with this is how melted young peoples brains are. this is the first generation raised entirely on 24/7 social media and this is the result. not good!
NYPD is now moving onto the campus to break it up
The adults are not in charge. We're at the bar, trying to survive and forget.
this is so sad
So after a bit more thinking, I've come up with an answer to my question: one reason for University administrations to clear out these encampments is because if they don't, and they just let the kids ride it out...then they've surrendered the "don't camp on our quad" rules to anyone else who wants to do some protesting, and should the officials try to evict the next group, having failed to evict this one, they open themselves to accusations of favoritisim, etc. Let the peace in gaza people protest fine, but then you get the 'covid is a scam" or the "white people are being replaced" protestors next...
some queen in his crop drop and amazon scarf camping out in the mess hall to support a terrorist organization that would castrate him if they got the chance...hell of a "protest" those idiots had there
The Little Hitler doth protest too much, methinks.
Just go get you some trans sex and be happy.
can anyone translate hakkan's nazi propaganda to english?
Yeah, he said being against the genocidal policies of Israel does not equate to antisemitism, no matter how often people say it does, and that you need some bussy.
fact check: true
unfortunately theres too many people who go straight from the justifiable hatred of genocidical maniac bibi cheltenham to wanting to see Auschwitz II
Quote from: MDS on May 01, 2024, 10:50:04 AMfact check: true
unfortunately theres too many people who go straight from the justifiable hatred of genocidical maniac bibi cheltenham to wanting to see Auschwitz II
cant we hate bibi
and want auschwitz II?
Ummmm... I think you forgot a word there, big guy.
Quote from: ice grillin you on May 01, 2024, 02:30:48 PMcant we hate bibi and want auschwitz II?
id rather see a Bergen-Belsen sequel but thats just me
This business about abortion being illegal in one state but legal in another is producing predictable results. State vs. State, just like with slavery. There was no way in hell the country could survive if slave owning states could send gangs into free states, onto private property, to retrieve their runaways. Only blood would result, for obvious reasons.
Now we're doing it again.
its all terrifying for women but what is really heinous and scary is that the man doesnt even have to care about the baby...he could just be a salty ex who is looking for break up revenge...then there is the whole thing of it doesnt even have to be your gooey little fishies that made the baby...a womans own father or best friend could sell her out and get her hemmed up
wonder how many abortions will be okayed by the bible thumpers who think this is a good thing when one of their kids or wives get knocked up
How many States will refuse extradition?
Quote from: Diomedes on May 03, 2024, 09:42:05 AMHow many States will refuse extradition?
California for one. If it kills me I will get my daughter out of this state.
biden is up on trump in likely voters, trump is up among registered voters
michigan is 7 points to the right of wisconsin...trump is doing better in georgia than brian kemp...there is a 14 point difference between biden and jackie rosen in nevada
great polling we got here
Quote from: MDS on May 13, 2024, 09:05:55 AMbiden is up on trump in likely voters, trump is up among registered voters
michigan is 7 points to the right of wisconsin...trump is doing better in georgia than brian kemp...there is a 14 point difference between biden and jackie rosen in nevada
great polling we got here
For my own mental health I had to stop obsessing over polls.
Quote from: SD on May 13, 2024, 11:00:53 AMQuote from: MDS on May 13, 2024, 09:05:55 AMbiden is up on trump in likely voters, trump is up among registered voters
michigan is 7 points to the right of wisconsin...trump is doing better in georgia than brian kemp...there is a 14 point difference between biden and jackie rosen in nevada
great polling we got here
they ceased becoming relevant about 15 years ago
For my own mental health I had to stop obsessing over polls.
EXCLUSIVE: ICC seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 attack and Gaza war (
QuoteThe warrants against the Israeli politicians mark the first time the ICC has targeted the top leader of a close ally of the United States. The decision puts Netanyahu in the company of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, for whom the ICC issued an arrest warrant over Moscow's war on Ukraine, and the Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi, who was facing an arrest warrant from the ICC for alleged crimes against humanity at the time of his capture and killing in October 2011.
By applying for the arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders in the same action, Khan's office risks attracting criticism that it places a terror organization and an elected government on an equivalent footing.
A panel of ICC judges will now consider Khan's application for the arrest warrants.
It's odd how they didn't immediately put in the request for arrest warrants when Hamas raped, butchered, kidnapped and otherwise terrified Israelis on October 7th.
Must have been busy?
Also - Lol at the one for Putin. Just goes to show how fundamentally unserious they are.
So you two are pro-Hamas now?
You've been in Florida too long pal. You've gone native.
when your mind is melted by left wing dogma, you have to pick a side between two genocidal animals. them be the rules.
I grew up with Jewish friends. They welcomed me at their homes. Weirdly enough they accepted a little Irish Catholic kid without much of a home or family. None of them ever tried to assimilate me or convert me or demand that I believe what they believe. Never felt unsafe or hated among them either.
So when people suggest I'm partial to Jews over Muslims or Palestinians, I have to proudly say I am.
If that somehow makes me MAGA in certain quarters, welp, to borrow a line from a certain book... I am that I am. 😁
Just as long as you're fully aware that you're rooting for a genocidal regime that's wholly responsible for creating the terrorist regime they claim they're fighting against when they shoot kids in the street.
Quote from: General_Failure on May 21, 2024, 09:15:46 PMJust as long as you're fully aware that you're rooting for a genocidal regime that's wholly responsible for creating the terrorist regime they claim they're fighting against when they shoot kids in the street.
That's fair. The UK and US redrawing maps after WWII certainly didn't help, nor did the thousands of years of religious zealotry I guess, but it is always in a regime's best interest to have a an enemy that just so happens to be the people you want to kill anyway.
Quote from: Rome on May 20, 2024, 08:57:32 PMSo you two are pro-Hamas now?
they are terrorists and awful but still not as awful as Bibi and his thugs
"the jew killers are pretty bad, but not as bad as the killer jews"
I'm genuinely surprised that you're on the wrong side of this one.
You see the situation with American Blacks pretty clearly, but for some reason you've got a block on the situation with Israel's Arabs.
You're young yet, maybe you'll come around. Or maybe you'll become more and more like your MAGA dad/Rome.
yea, its a shame im not on the side of the terrorists who want to exterminate jews
or the terrorists that want to exterminate palestinians
ill come around one day
Better kill 35k more civillians, I guess.
Quote from: MDS on May 23, 2024, 10:13:10 PMyea, its a shame im not on the side of...the terrorists that want to exterminate palestinians
Oh? You've had a change of heart?
Quote from: MDS on December 24, 2023, 10:52:19 AMafter the IDF is done eliminating good for nothing palestinians from the world, they can come for you next
once an IDF stan, always an IDF stan
oh no, the dreaded joke. you got me again. gonna bring all my female family members with me to gaza and cheer on as theyre raped. a deserved punishment.
Avoid the soldiers while you're there so you make sure they get assaulted by the right people.
You guys are confusing my support of the Jewish people for anything resembling support for Netanyahu and his gang of savages. You can unconditionally support Jews and Israel as a country while still despising the shteinbags leading it.
And yes, I think Bibi belongs in front of a firing squad for what he's done. Put Hamas against the same wall and stack em six deep to save ammo for all I care.
i thought hamas were just oppressed freedom fighters?
That's definitely what was said and not "Hey, maybe a nation's military shouldn't jerk themselves raw when shooting kids in the street so Aunt Ethel can move into a stolen house."
nothing quite like justifying a little genocide with a little genocide
Quote from: Rome on May 24, 2024, 11:10:36 PMYou guys are confusing my support of the Jewish people for anything resembling support for Netanyahu and his gang...
Oh? This you?
Quote from: Rome on April 30, 2024, 07:57:24 PMI couldn't care less about Palestine or their cause. The populace turned their government over to religious fanatics and this is what always happens as the end result.
Turn the whole place into a parking lot or a Disney Land for all the good it would do over there.
Mistaken, lol.
i cant tell if romey and lil guy are pro white murdering colonizers or anti brown confused
I don't care about the Palestinian "cause" and neither does anyone else in here. At least be honest about it.
And as long as Palestinians continue to allow fanatics like Hamas to represent them, they get what's coming to them.
Please continue on with the meaningless virtue-signaling, however.
A friendly reminder that, despite all token displays to the contrary, we all live in a nation run by fanatical sickos.
Quote from: ice grillin you on May 25, 2024, 08:13:31 PMi cant tell if romey and lil guy are pro white murdering colonizers or anti brown confused
can someone explain what this means? i dont speak online liberal
i just want terrorists to stop killing jews
Quote from: ice grillin you on May 25, 2024, 08:13:31 PMi cant tell if romey and lil guy are pro white murdering colonizers or anti brown confused
I can.
im a white supremacist and i jerk off to dead brown got me
We're not here to kinkshame.
I'm here for the kikeshaming.
Quote from: Diomedes on May 26, 2024, 07:42:59 AMQuote from: ice grillin you on May 25, 2024, 08:13:31 PMi cant tell if romey and lil guy are pro white murdering colonizers or anti brown confused
I can.
Quote from: Diomedes on May 27, 2024, 06:58:40 AMI'm here for the kikeshaming.
was october 7th your favorite day or was that when the ravens won the super bowl
Poor bastich .. to afraid to admit that you laughed
i laughed when the "palestinians" were "bombed" and their "hospitals" couldnt tend to "children"
but not at my hilarious racist play on words...oh well, I guess you're gone
nice knowing you
HA(mas) HA(mas)
are you happy now
Verdict is in...I'm sure he's getting off on all counts
Guilty as farg! 34 felonies
First time in his miserable life he scored a 100 on anything. Put his fat ass in prison fatigues for life.
lol...He's not going to jail.
i guess it feels good but
1) hes not going to prison
2) this is going to move a single needle for november
It's pride month
Nothing triggers snowflakes more than when the sports teams change their logos on Twitter or FB.
Putin's gaze is reptilian. Trump, bovine.
These days Trump is more Ozempic face than anything.
lol is that a thing?
Quote"Ozempic face" is a term for common side effects of the type 2 diabetes medication semaglutide (Ozempic). It can cause sagging and aging of facial skin. A doctor may recommend lifestyle modifications or facial fillers to treat skin and facial side effects.
Cackle, cackle, cackle
He does seem as bit..haggard of late.
Between that and all of the other pills he takes it's a minor miracle he hasn't keeled over.
OK, so this has very little to do with actual politics other than it's the family of a politician, but let me get this straight:
Beau Biden's widow had a romantic/sexual relationship with Hunter Biden after Beau's death.
That's f'n creepy.
cocaine + grief = weird sex...the fail son and the woman who thought she was gonna be first lady
I've seen a best friend marry the wife of the friend after passing
Quote from: Diomedes on June 05, 2024, 10:19:01 PMOK, so this has very little to do with actual politics other than it's the family of a politician, but let me get this straight:
Beau Biden's widow had a romantic/sexual relationship with Hunter Biden after Beau's death.
That's f'n creepy.
Happens all the time in the south. Not even kidding either.
It's just about as common here as grandparents raising the child of their daughter as their own child and never telling the grandchild.
It's Old Testament biblical and shtein down here.
Makes my skin crawl.
WTF is wrong with people.
Think about it. Uncledaddy Dio has a ring to it.
I've expressed my revulsion to a few people irl and their reactions are all more or less shrug of the shoulders. A lot of "they were both in grief," etc. etc.
Maybe I've never had grief so bad it drives me to crack cocaine and farging a family member?
minimum ratio of dead palestinians to freed Israeli hostages from this last operation
surely all 274 Palestinians were terrorists or their sympathizers, just like every black person in the ghetto is gang affiliated and culpable for their drive-bys
Anyone know why the media seems to have only one photo of Eileen Cannon? Every headline involving her, it's the same zoom-esque shot, smudgy in the lower left
I believe that's her official picture for the judicial yearbook.
I hadn't seen her enough to notice them just using one pic but maybe its the one that Trump likes best
Dear god this is a disaster. Brace yourselves, maga is coming back
I'm not watching. It'll just piss me off and raise my blood pressure
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on June 27, 2024, 09:18:42 PMI'm not watching. It'll just piss me off and raise my blood pressure
I was hoping we'd get sotu Biden. We're getting sick confused Biden. This is bad.
Obama needs to pull Biden aside and convince him to not run.
Cheeto Dick is going to end the US
the only good thing about this debate is its 4 months out from when anyone votes and nobody will remember it by then
Quote from: MDS on June 27, 2024, 10:24:38 PMthe only good thing about this debate
There's no coming back from this disaster. Ruth Bader Biden needs to step aside...say it's due to health issues.
i know what youre saying but it literally could not matter less...its june 27 and the narrative will change by the time october/november roll around. this night will not matter
the pundit class is having a meltdown. theyve had 4 years to do something. they arent doing anything at quite literally the last minute.
Quote from: MDS on June 27, 2024, 10:49:25 PMi know what youre saying but it literally could not matter less...its june 27 and the narrative will change by the time october/november roll around. this night will not matter
the pundit class is having a meltdown. theyve had 4 years to do something. they arent doing anything at quite literally the last minute.
It's not going to change he needs to step aside. Tonight was an absolute disaster. He has 0% chance to beat Trump. We are farged.
I agree that he needs to step aside. Give someone else a chance to beat Trump's the only shot Democrats have. No one is going out of their way to vote for Joe Biden.
But what are the odds they pull him from the ticket?
Less than 5%?
And even if they do and bypass Harris how does that fly?
its not happening and theres no recourse for it
it would be an even bigger disaster than propping up a dementia riddled senior citizen. look, the audience for the debate was half of the 2020 one. the audience was massively old. its june. im trying to talk myself into this. they did a day after poll that had biden +1. deep breaths.
I will never wrap my head around the idea of these kinds of things swinging elections, or even people who exist that don't already know who they've voting for based on major issues.
Quote from: General_Failure on June 29, 2024, 08:24:05 AMI will never wrap my head around the idea of these kinds of things swinging elections, or even people who exist that don't already know who they've voting for based on major issues.
Yup...Biden is not the problem it's farging humans voting for people instead of issues. Who cares who the candidate is....farging vote for what the man or hopefully one day the woman will support...two Supreme Court justices are going to be replaced next term...who do you want replacing them?
SCOTUS just granted Trump immunity. Take a shovel to this trash heap of a country. It's over now.
i hope trump wins and i hope everyone dies
RIP Rule of Law.
The dems shtein all over themselves again didn't they?
We have got the Supreme Court operating as a political arm of the MAGA cult. Joe is bungling his reelection chance. Is he going to drop out? And if he does is Kamala going to be able to take down Cheeto Dick?
Meanwhile the Project 2025 people are out here talking about a second revolution and the news agencies would rather focus on a lousy debate.
What a time.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on July 02, 2024, 10:55:07 PMIs he going to drop out? And if he does is Kamala going to be able to take down Cheeto Dick?
No, and a no that would have me laughing in tears if not for the consequences of that outcome.
I'm still firmly "step aside, Joe."
People are people, not reasonable creatures. They don't care that Joe's regime will pursue sane policies. They think he's unfit. Right or wrong, that's the bottom line. If the Democrats don't swing for the fences and give their fans someone else to cheer for, they won't come to the ball game.
Joe must go. He's not wanted. Better to lose trying than to persist in this death march to handing America over to the fascists without a fight.
I watched his interview with Stephanopoulos. He's all in and we're farged. He thinks he just had a bad night. Thought Trump was going to win before the debate now it's a certainty. Get ready for the orange farg and project 2025. I'm not kidding If you haven't already you should tool up. I'd recommend an AR. The malignant narcissist ain't leavin this time and that's a wrap for America.
Meh...what I'm gonna do with an AR if he and his friends have the Army?
Quote from: Diomedes on July 06, 2024, 12:04:23 PMMeh...what I'm gonna do with an AR if he and his friends have the Army?
Take out as many as you can for the rest of us. The military won't fall in line with his bs. I'm not saying a portion won't but they're not your concern.
OK, well if my only concern is vanilla Isis, then I guess I can rest easy because those farging Hoydas wouldn't dream of messing with Baltimore city
My wife, who is the most peaceful anti-gun liberal snowflake you will ever meet, told me to start buying more guns and ammo.
to do what with? shoot your neighbor Jim the red hatter?
Congratulations to the gun lobby and military industrial complex, the real winners of every election since 1948.
you cannot comprehend the utter stupidity and venality of the american mind
Quote from: Diomedes on July 07, 2024, 12:28:29 AMto do what with? shoot your neighbor Jim the red hatter?
Lol people are so stupid
I mean if it comes down to it, sure, shoot Maga Jim and steal his pork rinds if we're going to see the end of American Freedom. Just save enough rounds for the wife, kids, and yourself. Oh, and destroy all your internet devices so I don't have to tell the secret service that I've never said one serious thing in my life. Thank you in advance.
Biden just gave a speech to NATO at the conclusion of which he introduced Ukraine's president Zelensky as "President Putin"
Oh Jesus. I'm sure the right wing screechers were stroking themselves with glee
Meh...he immediately corrected himself, made a joke and looked coherent doing so. I'm sure the right will spin it and only show him saying Putin. He should still drop out of the race but this wasn't nearly as bad as Trump siding with Putin on election interference.
Well, of course it wasn't as bad as that. Jesus Christ, that's not the point.
The point was Biden's old, has gaffes and should drop out of the race. No shtein
... and apparently, Trump met with Viktor Orban last night, a week after Orban's pow-wow with Putin.
Nothing shady there, I'm certain... :paranoid
the polling is and has been and remains pretty close to 50/50 which is a humungous L for the good guys anyway you shake it...we need to be up by 7-10 and then some
joe needs to go and needs to go yesterday
Trump got shot.
He took what looks like a graze to the ear
He's alive and now a lock to win the election
Very well could have won it for him - he got his bloody shirt moment, and the social media echo chamber will practically have Biden pulling the trigger.
I like candidates who don't get shot.
I saw the clip sounded like a BB gun but damn how do you miss
as if we werent farged before, my god are we farged now
We just have to get over it.
Reports that the shooter was a 20yr old Republican
Gun nut too...few inches to the right next time!
what a collosal f'n failure for the Secret Service
this guy is the biggest icehole of all time...we've all been asking for someone to take him out for years and he finally gets a clean shot. misses, hits some rando and a teleprompter.
I hope no one made the mistake of watching the Sunday morning shows. Lots of both sides bullshtein, dial down the rhetoric, (except if you're a MAGA guest - that went virtually unchecked) and other nonsense.
The good news is we stopped hearing about Project 2025, Trump's 34 felony convictions, etc.!
Thoughts/prayers and whatnot.
Nevermind if that happened to Biden what the rhetoric would be.
I had a thought earlier today. If Biden had ordered the hit, Trump would be lying on a slab right now. And if he did, there's not a thing the courts could do to him either. But a Republican definitely fired those shots. You can tell by how badly he missed Trump.
The bots and MAGA are out in force.
There are some really stupid farging people walking amongst us.
unity trump is sure hes gonna be singing koombaya with bernie and aoc. maybe rashida talib will blow him
There it is. The official end of Democracy and the rule of law.
That gun suggestion is looking pretty good right now
JD Vance will be your next VP
The job worked out great for the last guy!?
Not a State he really needs help in...
Triumph of the White Trash wing of the Republicans.
Rust belt guy. Good thing the Dems have Kamala so they have a chance of winning California
jd vance is 3 years younger than me, which is...great
his story is so american. he was a fat little bitch in appalachia with a junky mother, raised by meemaw. made it from there to the ivies. became educated, respected and wrote a book that became a zesty movie. was center right politically, staying there as trump rose to the point where he called him out honestly. as trump took over the party, his vapid need for power and attention superseded his true beliefs. he kissed trumps ass, got an endorsement and barely won an ugly competitive primary in a republican state. he became a senator, became even more vain and shallow, and now will be vice president.
only in america.
What a shtein show.
Just about every top dem is calling for Biden to drop out. And a report comes out where he says he would only if there's a major health issue.
Maybe the Covid thing yesterday is the beginning of them finding a way for him to bow out.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on July 18, 2024, 07:17:27 AMWhat a shtein show.
Just about every top dem is calling for Biden to drop out. And a report comes out where he says he would only if there's a major health issue.
Maybe the Covid thing yesterday is the beginning of them finding a way for him to bow out.
He now has a built in excuse to drop the farg out. He's been a good President...he stays in this race and inevitably gets his ass kicked he's not going to be remembered fondly. Let someone else take the reins. Kamala/Newsome/Whitmer seem to be the favorites but I'm not sure any of them beat Trump. Wish Pete wasn't gay
Or White
vance, the guy who thinks rape is just an inconvenience.
kid rock and hulk hogan on the card this thing really worth saving?
Yeah, I don't know. I mean fair point.
But farg I know a lot of kids who didn't do anything wrong.
The bridge from the mainland to the beach here has occasional demonstrations on the mainland side on Thursday evenings. The Trumper klan was out there last night in relative force last night. I honestly thought that was over after 2020 and it should have been if not for the cowardice and weakness of our so-called politicians and political process.
Now we're going to be stuck with that diaper-wearing useful idiot forever.
I don't know about anyone else here but I'm feeling utterly hopeless about the future.
Biden has dropped out.
Let the games begin
We are utterly farged.
Please not Harris
Chicken Little.
This is good news. Give us Harris/Whitmer. Guarantees the black vote, draws in women who aren't broodmares for Trumpers, liberal kids who hated the old white man, adds a VP from a swing state who has proven she can win (and knows what it's like to have someone attempt to kill her,) etc. etc.
Great news.
You'll get two old farg moderate conservatives on the ticket and you'll like it.
Quote from: Diomedes on July 21, 2024, 02:33:49 PMChicken Little.
This is good news. Give us Harris/Whitmer. Guarantees the black vote, draws in women who aren't broodmares for Trumpers, liberal kids who hated the old white man, adds a VP from a swing state who has proven she can win (and knows what it's like to have someone attempt to kill her,) etc. etc.
Great news.
Election is gonna come down to the rust belt states. A woman of color from California is not appealing to those voters. I could definitely get behind Whitmer. End of the day it's probably gonna be Harris because she has the benefit of the campaign money. I'm behind anyone on the Dem ticket but trying to be realist.
Also you guys should buy guns
Sick of the "buy guns" "advice." WTF do you think we're gonna shoot? Our neighbors?. I mean, not me--my neighbors have zero reason to worry about Trumpers--but everyone who doesn't live in a black city...who are they going to shoot? How do you tell who to shoot? Will team Trump all wear red hats so we know? Or do we just shoot at anyone waiving Old Glory driving an emotional support vehicle? And if Trump has the think we should shoot at the blackhawks? WTF are you talking about?? headline right now:
Exists. Jesus Christ people.
Thanks Joe, you're such a great patriot and selfless servant. Except you should have done this months ago, before handicapping your party. One less delusional selfish dick in the race isn't really a win at this point.
Quote from: Diomedes on July 21, 2024, 03:16:28 PMSick of the "buy guns" "advice." WTF do you think we're gonna shoot? Our neighbors?. I mean, not me--my neighbors have zero reason to worry about Trumpers--but everyone who doesn't live in a black city...who are they going to shoot? How do you tell who to shoot? Will team Trump all wear red hats so we know? Or do we just shoot at anyone waiving Old Glory driving an emotional support vehicle? And if Trump has the think we should shoot at the blackhawks? WTF are you talking about??
I've tried explaining it you you don't get it. Maybe expose yourself to the rest of the country
Maybe I'm wrong but this may energize people and throw Cheeto Dick's campaign off a bit.
However it may be - they have to beat the MAGAts
If Harris is the nominee, I think Angela Alsobrooks gets a big bump in the MD Senate race. Harris will bring voters to the polls who will not be as likely to split their ticket as Biden voters, without driving any of Biden's voters to Trump, or even for that matter, away from the polls. It means more Democrats will vote, bringing in voters who won't be friendly to Hogan.
I was beyond despondent earlier. But Harris is the pick and if the Democrats don't shoot themselves in their tiny white dicks, they could turn this thing around with the right VP pick.
Harris is brilliant and she's tenacious plus she's got the full Biden Monty with his immediate endorsement.
Women and young people are going to rally behind her for certain plus she would wipe the farging floor with Trump head to head on the debate stage.
harris is going to lose some of 2020 biden's white working class support...but she is going to pick up more women and more POC
how all that math will jumble and how the vp pick will factor in, who the farg knows. i have zero faith in this wretched country and will need to see a dark skinned woman being a white man to believe it. but joe had to go, he is gone, and his vp was the only possible replacement. so here we are.
Gonna rip the band aid off real fast for you guys...Trump is your next President.
Unless we buy pew-pews and start shooting our red hatter family members AMIRITE!?!
Quote from: Diomedes on July 22, 2024, 10:30:17 AMUnless we buy pew-pews and start shooting our red hatter family members AMIRITE!?!
Would be a good start
the woman hater has logged on
like i said i need to see kamala winning to believe it, but there is legit enthusiasm around her and some abject positivity in the cause (tiktok is going crazy with vids and fancams). how this all will translate, we dont know. but theyre going to have a very nice choreographed roll out at the convention which will be the first time the average person sees her speak.
the overarching concern to me is her easy hateability. biden won partly because (in 2020) people didnt hate him as much as trump. that obviously has changed, but back then the attacks didnt stick. hating kamala is going to be the easiest thing in the world for the maga see dark woman me hate
The enthusiasm is one thing, but the donations are another. All the money pulled what little rug out from Biden that was left after he said he wanted to raise taxes on the rich.
Now, if we want to talk real dumb shtein, something that will really hurt her in the voting booth is her white husband.
Her Jewish white husband, you mean.
But the money thing plus her corralling of all the delegates in 24 hours is an astounding bit of legwork on her part.
From the depths of despair to a significant chance in 24 hours. I'll take it.
theres not that many examples of it...but anytime its been hot vs old and ugly, hot has won
1960 jfk/nixon
1992 clinton/bush
1996 clinton/dole
2008 obama/mccain
2012 obama/romney*
*romney is handsome for an old guy, but he was old
there is a decisive difference in physical appearance here. kamala is a pretty middle aged woman, trump is about as gross as a human being can be. americans love hot people. we worship hot people. we judge everyone based on their looks. hold tight here.
House Republicans had to be told by their leaders to stop making comments (out loud) about Harris's race.
There are apparently a few of them who understand that being racist is a bad look in a general election.
I'd take action that Trump is caught using the "hard r" when talking about her.
While we're talking odds, what do you think they are that Trump ever actually faces Harris in a debate?
One way or another I all but guarantee he won't.
We were all kind of whatever on Biden getting the nod in 2020. He was the most experienced and was seen as competent and it was more of an anti Trump vote. The Kamala rollout has been impressive which is a huge surprise since she wasn't a popular vp. I already donated more to her campaign than I did for Biden's re-election. The Trump shooting bump has been completely erased nobody gives a shtein. Keep hammering social media and start running ads reminding everyone what a farging nut case he is...commercials about project 2025 should be running constantly
Bibi came to town expecting to be the headline...oops.
Even this dead back corner of the internet has been flooded with Russian bots trying to sign up the last week. Just one time I'd like an election cycle to not be worse than the last one.
How much of your time does that actually take?
Are you like manually removing new user accounts every day?
About a minute a day. The usernames are all the same format and easy to spot even if there were actual humans signing up as well. I click maybe ten buttons.
Quote from: Diomedes on July 24, 2024, 06:44:08 PMWhile we're talking odds, what do you think they are that Trump ever actually faces Harris in a debate?
One way or another I all but guarantee he won't.
Yeah no shot.
I've read stories wheee the campaign were completely caught off guard by Joe dropping out. Even leading up to the RNC/Milwaukee Klan a rally they told guest speakers to not direct any talk towards Harris - to focus on Biden.
The monumental fundraising and jolt of energy are encouraging to boot.
And now I read that Cheeto Dick's campaign wants the FEC to block Hardis access to the campaign funds. That plus the only real "talking points" from Magatville are her laugh and how they're feigning concern with Biden's delegates/primary voters shows they're shook.
Quote from: General_Failure on July 24, 2024, 08:53:17 PMEven this dead back corner of the internet has been flooded with Russian bots trying to sign up the last week. Just one time I'd like an election cycle to not be worse than the last one.
It cracks me up that some Russian bot farm targets CF.
Good job being better defense than the secret service
its one poll but kamala gained 2 points from where biden was....she is still on aggregate like 9-10 points off where she needs to be. i have no idea how shes going to get there.
Quote from: General_Failure on July 24, 2024, 08:53:17 PMEven this dead back corner of the internet has been flooded with Russian bots trying to sign up the last week. Just one time I'd like an election cycle to not be worse than the last one.
this is crazy...facebook must get 10,000 a minute
its kind of ironic with the disinformation industry because their intent is generally evil but the more they disseminate the less effective it is because it essentially trains people to not believe anything which diminishes the power of it...
you are always going to get people who were going to vote for trump anyway to believe the crazy shtein but that isnt getting new votes for trump or whatever you are trying to sway people to do...i feel like bots are just as plentiful this potus cycle but far less effective because of this
Quote from: Diomedes on July 24, 2024, 06:44:08 PMWhile we're talking odds, what do you think they are that Trump ever actually faces Harris in a debate?
One way or another I all but guarantee he won't.
at first i highly doubted it but now im all but certain he wont after he came out yesterday and said he wants to debate her multiple times...whenever he projects that hard one way the opposite is the reality
Russia (and other authoritarian regimes that sponsor mis-and dis-information campaigns) are not really trying to get anyone to vote for Trump. What they're trying to do is erode public confidence in information generally, in the idea that some things are true and others not, etc. By flooding people with mis-and dis-information, they weaken the institutions of democracy. The game is much bigger and longer-played than this election or that one.
they are one million percent trying to get trump elected as his goal is the same as the people he would put in the government which is to burn our institutions and democracy itself to the ground...project 2025 is nothing more than the russian playbook for america
It's a lot of goals going back a lot of years. Getting Trump installed, a general mistrust of information, the promotion of fossil fuels over nuclear or solar. Hell, they even make money off porn now.
we live in a deeply unserious country where 10% of people are like sure ok fine sounds good bobby kennedy's freak show son
RFK Jr's paternal grandfather was a Nazi sympathizing piece of shtein. He's garnering all the retarded libertarian lunatics who think Trump is a liberal in sheep's clothing.
Yeah, we're screwed alright. Gotta hope women and youngin's carry the day.
He's not going to pull 10%. By the time it gets to Election Day it'll be down below 5
( (
maga going full white supremacist today...what a time to be alive
Tim Walz it is. Great pick. Glad PA gets to keep Shapiro. Walz gets the old white guy rust belt vibe plus he's an attack dog.
Walz was my pick. Folksy, smart and liberal as farg to offset the bernbot losers on the left who keep insisting Harris is Attila The Hun in heels.
And he's only 60 which amazes me until I look at myself in the mirror these days.
Tim Walz rules pretty hard ngl
their lines of attacking were dems hate jews (for not picking shapiro) and waltz is a pinko commie socialist marxist tampon man
i.e. they got nothing
Yet that nothing still manages to appeal to 30% of the population.
Walz: I can't wait to debate JD Vance...that is if he's willing to get off the couch and show up 😂
So now they're smearing his military record because he was a command master sergeant who reverted back to a master sergeant because he didn't complete the training course before retiring.
Meanwhile they fly flags of Rambo Trump who was a draft dodger. Par for the course for the deplorables. Their panic is a beautiful sight to see
sofa loren lmaoooooo
Been a while since we've checked in on Ukraine. Lately they've decided to pull the ol' Soviet Russia joke and invade the invader. Can't say I've seen anyone talking anywhere about Russia just straight up bombing their own territory, which I think would be pretty likely.
i know polling is absolute nonsense but there is something to be said that both trump and vance are begging for more debates than harris and walz proposed
when youre down, you want to debate
If it an open format bring it.
Cheeto Dick and Couch farger would get wiped
I'm the ultimate worst case scenario dood having to do with anything but I somehow feel great about November... is that a horrible thing?
We've had presidential candidates that were inspiring and ones that had a backbone, but even the old fargs here haven't had one that was both. People should be excited.
Except this is the stupidest timeline, and we'll somehow wind up with Don Jr and Boebert in 2028.
Yeah I'm tamping my expectations and excitement for fear of a massive letdown.
But I can't lie not only do I love seeing the excitement but also how even the MAGAts are bailing on Cheeto Dick. Pretty soon he's going to be like a traveling preacher setting up tents in a cornfield because he can't fill out small venues. Love seeing clips of people walking out.
Freedom/Kamala entrance was 🔥🔥🔥🔥
damn Hillary looks good
Quote from: ice grillin you on August 19, 2024, 10:06:48 PMdamn Hillary looks good
She took an extra dose of adrenochrome
I didn't watch tonight - recap? Other than Havas wanting to bang Hilary.
Jasmine goin HAM
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on August 19, 2024, 10:24:58 PMI didn't watch tonight - recap? Other than Havas wanting to bang Hilary.
lol I'm just saying she is aging really well
I'm not going all romey ms.V on her
You bet your ass you're not. AOC is mine too, motherfargers.
DNC surprise guest tonight. Thinking Beyoncé or Swift or both. Read earlier they were afraid of Swift because her appearance would overshadow the event. I think she'd get a shtein ton of people to vote. My guess is Beyoncé sings Freedom live which would be pretty amazing.
Either would be great.
Getting the Beyhive and Swifties behind them would be amazing
Rumour is a pipe
Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures
And of so easy and so plain a stop
That the blunt monster with uncounted heads,
The still-discordant wavering multitude,
Can play upon it.
Shakespeare, Henry IV, pt2
trump campaigning hard with rfk jr and trying to back out of the debate...seems like things are going well for him
This Jack Smith guy is a hard mfer.
I hope these iceholes keep making these lewd comments then playing victim...especially in battleground states. I'm sure he'll start crying over his freedom of speech being violated next.
QuoteA defiant Bill Formica rejected calls to resign from the Souderton Area School District board during a raucous meeting Thursday, casting the outcry over his social media post that Kamala Harris "blew a lot of dudes" as the product of "partisan politics."
"This is being twisted by my opposition into a convenient narrative,"
Never mind the grotesque inference there's another level of this sort of allegation that's just bizarre and farged up: This dude is essentially saying that if somebody blew him, he would give her a promotion because that's what guys do.
Like the world is just full of men who will give people promotions in return for blowjobs. I mean that works in Penthouse Forum, but in the real world it's Ridiculous.
Cheeto Dick posted something about her blowing people and this shteinbag runs with it. I still cannot believe people bow down to Donald farging Trump.
Some people just want someone to tell them they're allowed to say all the stupid shtein they're always thinking.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on September 01, 2024, 12:00:13 AMCheeto Dick posted something about her blowing people and this shteinbag runs with it. I still cannot believe people bow down to Donald farging Trump.
Lol. Nice turn of phrase there.
So it turns out right wing iceholes parroting Russian propaganda were... wait for it... paid by the Russian government through a dummy (appropriate) corporation to spew Russian propaganda.
And NOW they're all claiming they had NO IDEA and that they're actually the victims in this nefarious plot!
It's like a bad episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle starring Boris & Natasha.
Which fargers got outed
I don't know why I'm watching this shtein
Cheeto Dick is lying already
You watch it because it's the only way to keep a gauge on whatever spin is put onto anything else you read about it. It's like a civic duty thing.
Trump is so farging unhinged 😂
Holy shtein Kamala is embarrassing holds barred
She got under his skin and he took the bait. The handshake threw him off.
But the dog about people dipping out of his rallies really pissed him off.
Repubs are pissed he took the bait on "illegals eating cats and dogs"
Looool she held back so bad on calling him a dumbfarg.
Here's the clip 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
That was way worse for Trump than the Biden debate was for Biden. Holy shtein she farging destroyed him.
right wingers attacking abc...oldest play in the book to whine about the media when you know you cooked
question is do the undecided/swing voting morons see it
"They're eating the doooogs!" lol what a farging moron
She hit him with the Central Park Five and of course we have the bots and MAGAts relitigating the case now.
As if this night couldn't get any better...not that it was a mystery but still big
Signed: childlesscatlady
brit mahomes is a dumb fat funhole
mother comes through again
You fargers want to know how yuge this election is? My 66 year old father, who has never voted in his life because Both Sides, is now registered and requested a mail-in ballot. He's spent the last seven months watching youtube videos about what dipshteins Trump and the usual MAGA politicians are.
He hasn't even thrown a slur at Harris, and I don't think I can say it was the same for Obama.
I don't think it was Taylor Swift that finally convinced him, but who's to say?
My daughter has two friends who recently turned 18. Told them they register and vote for Kamala lunch is on me their choice.
SD engaging in voter intimidation!
Quote from: General_Failure on September 11, 2024, 10:11:42 PMYou fargers want to know how yuge this election is? My 66 year old father, who has never voted in his life because Both Sides, is now registered and requested a mail-in ballot. He's spent the last seven months watching youtube videos about what dipshteins Trump and the usual MAGA politicians are.
He hasn't even thrown a slur at Harris, and I don't think I can say it was the same for Obama.
I don't think it was Taylor Swift that finally convinced him, but who's to say?
And that's how we know Cheeto Dick has exhausted people. GF's pop has bitten his tongue on the slurs!
for as many swifties or gf's pops, there even more red pilled morons/white resentment high school drop outs
good farging luck
I still can't stop laughing at they're eating our dogs.
He has to be trounced. This can't be close
it will you have any idea how dumb the american public is
I wanted to hear more from him about the transgender surgeries on illegal aliens in prisons. Sounds like a problem of national import.
Quote from: Diomedes on September 13, 2024, 06:33:23 AMI wanted to hear more from him about the transgender surgeries on illegal aliens in prisons. Sounds like a problem of national import.
Video proof
Welp now we have the proud boys and KKK marching in Springfield
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on September 14, 2024, 05:14:05 PMWelp now we have the proud boys and KKK marching in Springfield
Carpet bomb those KKK Proud bitches into the Stone Age. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
The "do your own research" crowd has moved over to the whole people eating pets shtein.
This shtein is exhausting. MAGA needs to go away.
And he flat out admits they made it up 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
"I Hate Taylor Swift."
- The 45th POTUS this morning.
I just... just end it all. Please.
Gunshots today near Mar-a-Lago where, of course, the pig was golfing at the time.
Had to be hustled into a safe room.
i repeat this country is not worth saving
Quote from: Diomedes on September 15, 2024, 03:23:54 PMGunshots today near Mar-a-Lago where, of course, the pig was golfing at the time.
Had to be hustled into a safe room.
Despite the conspiracy theories the first attempt that guy was just farging nuts.
Trump's getting crushed in the polls...wouldn't shock me if they staged this to gain support.
Coincidentally... has anyone heard from Romey? :paranoid
The internet says it was a guy from Hawaii, so maybe get the bail fund going for Don.
Happy to report I'm marked safe from being used as a patsy by the Trump campaign!
Israel taking out Hezbollah with explosive pagers is beyond awesome. I mean it's like brilliant and funny at the same time!
Well done, Jews. 🤣👏
Figures that you'd see this as good.
It's okay to just embrace your truth and vote Trump.
Nah. I just despise terrorists who murder innocent Jews. I'm funny like that.
Pretty heinous tactics you're celebrating there. Soon you'll be calling for a final solution for "terrorists."
uh oh, hakkan "dead jews are fine by me" maxipad is back and better than ever
Obviously I don't want innocent civilians killed or harmed on either side. But if terrorists have to get taken out, it's way better when a plan straight out of Kingsman does the trick.
Also - I only wish Democrats were as hard core about ridding us of Nazis in this country. We'd be better off without them all. Can't imagine anyone disagreeing with me about that.
Israel will put bombs in Nintendo Switches next. Anything to keep the cycle of violence going.
Never mind how anyone feels about religious zealots killing each other, tech companies collaborating with a government to kill people this way should have you upset and concerned, especially when you live in a country that's got a 50/50 shot at having a government that would jizz all over themselves to have that option.
If you can't see that weaponizing pagers/phones is utterly indiscriminate, is literally terrorism, I don't really care to talk with you about this subject anymore.
Israel has debased itself, is literally the moral equivalent of Hamas.
I can't disagree with that.
Then again, Americans murdered 100,000 innocent Germans when we fire bombed Dresden. We incinerated tens of thousands of Japanese in an instant when we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We committed genocide against our own native population and again in North Vietnam. Cambodia, Laos, and aided and abetted tyrants in half the countries in south and Central America. Oh, and slavery too. Just for bonus points.
A few thousand Hamas deaths is baby shtein compared to the atrocities committed in the name of American exceptionalism.
True, which is why we probably should be learning from those mistakes and or encouraging our puppet in the Middle East to be doing that type of shtein lol
One thing I can say MD does well: voting.
I registered as an absentee voter many years ago. Every single election, my ballot is sent to my home address well before the due date. I have time to review any contests I don't know about, read up on whatever referenda are proposed, etc. I haven't stood in a polling station since, and I've voted in every single election.
I get an email that they're sending my ballot to me. I get an email when they receive it back. And then I get an email confirming that they have counted it.
American Taliban states: Maryland rules, farg you.
Well looks like Alsobrooks did some minor financial fraud - and since we're the good side we'll make her quit the race so Hogan has an easy win. He was probably going to win anyway but I'm honestly sick of being the good guys. Let's just be horrible and win a few of these important races for once.
Maili in ballots have already gone out
I don't see how claiming a senior citizen discount on taxes for a house her grandmother owned, and she was inherited or whatever and then a misplaced homeowner tax credit on a house she rented rise to the level of losing the race because of it... particularly since she's admitted fault and is paying back the unwanted credits
I think it's a nothing burger
Kamala is walking in and also Brooks will squeak through on her coat tails
I hope you're right, I've pretty much stopped paying attention to all of it. Which is what the repubs want so I guess they beat me. I just get a condensed version of things from my wife. I'll vote blue down the line and just cross my fingers.
I like voting in person...I always wear my solid blue Nike Sixers jacket. Keeps the deplorables with their MAGA shtein in check. Plus it's only a quarter mile from my house so nice little walk.
I always vote in person. This will be the first election in 25 years I won't have my daughter with me. Makes me feel a bit wistful to be honest. There is so much on the line for her generation. I just wish they were more interested. She is and her friends and colleagues are... but in general, not so much. Or they're moronic MAGA iceholes, which is worse.
Anyway, go Blue.
Rome roots for laundry.
And dead Palestinians.
I have to vote in person. But we do have early voting so I go on a random weekday afternoon.
Maybe we get lucky and can get Rafael Cruz out.
My ballot is sitting in the mailbox. I didn't feel like getting it in the rain.
Eric Adams (D), Mayor of New York City, indicted by federal government controlled by Joe Biden (D).
This is proof positive that all Democrats are crooked AND straight.
Sports at ten.
Well obviously the crooked fake mayor that's nowhere near as good as Giuliani rigged the court case against an honest man like Trump and any cases in New York should be thrown out.
Quote from: Rome on September 25, 2024, 08:19:20 PMI always vote in person. This will be the first election in 25 years I won't have my daughter with me. Makes me feel a bit wistful to be honest. There is so much on the line for her generation. I just wish they were more interested. She is and her friends and colleagues are... but in general, not so much. Or they're moronic MAGA iceholes, which is worse.
Anyway, go Blue.
My daughter won't turn 18 until next May. She is pissed that she can't vote yet, but has already registered to get her card as soon as she does.
Eric Adams is a piece of shtein lifelong Republican pig and grift hustler. He's the poster child for corruption and bullying incompetence.
And to think New York could have had Maya Wiley as their mayor instead of that jackass.
I think Hochul is going to remove him
i have now heard from 2 trusted sources (one is chris coons, the delaware senator) that the election is a toss up. dont farg with the polling or your feels. we are on the razor's edge.
there was a very random, very poorly planned event thing right outside my house. coons and jasmine crockett were here. jasmine is fine af (she shook her head when i asked if allard had a shot, as if we didnt know) with a fat ass. WOULD.
it was organized by who else than corrupt city council president kenyatta johnson, whom i had a short convo with that ended with "you aint done shtein." he doubled back to me 3 minutes later, got in my face, and told me dont ever disrespect him. i did not mean to do such a thing, but held my ground that nothing gets done in his district, where i live. we will both be in the gulags in january and will have more time to discuss.
Did he really say don't ever disrespect him like he's a third rate white rapper?
That's funny AF.
literally got in my face and was angry about me saying the word "shtein" but was really angry that he was told he hadnt done anything, which he hasnt. unless you count lining his pockets. point breeze ave is empty, we cant even get protected bike lines, but he funnels money to national politicians coffer to get them to show up in his district.
let trump win and let us all die
Don't need Coons to tell me it's a toss up. If Trump gets re-elected well guys it's been a nice ride. At least we got to see a SB win. AOC is my political crush but Queen Jaz ain't far behind. You should have spit in Johnson's face. Kudos for standing your ground.
Yeah as much as I'd like Cruz to lose it ain't happening. One thing to note is a lot of the transplants whom have moved here are hard righties who moved here to support the MAGAts. That plus the rural hillbilly vote kills any shot we have of unseating him.
And yeah Crockett is indeed fine as hell.
Good on you for confronting Johnson. farg his indignant attitide.
We know this already but god damn we live in a country of farging morons.
The MAGAts think "they" are controlling the hurricane to hit heavily populated Republican areas of FL to swing the election.
more than anything with texas is latinos have shifted so far right...15 years ago people thought it would flip since latinos voted D in such large numbers. that has changed, and compounded with the influx of maga idiots, texas is forever a cesspool
homeboy acting like he was offended by me saying shtein when his wittle ego was bruised when someone called him out on his garbage
Most of the time people don't call them out face to face. Either bc they chicken out or because they stay insulated from it
Cheeto Dick will be in attendance at Bama/Georgia tonight.
The Harris campaign has arranged for a plane to fly over pulling a sign that says Trump is punting on the 2nd debate
A plane flying a "Roll tide" sign with Trump/maga shtein all over it would be better.
Quote from: SD on September 28, 2024, 02:11:59 PMA plane flying a "Roll tide" sign with Trump/maga shtein all over it would be better.
no doubt
watch his's gonna be Georgia red not Alabama crimson
Allred is running decent enough to at least force Cancun Cruz to have to spend money on ads
Too bad it's the same god damn one and it focuses on "boys in girls locker rooms and boys in girls sports"
If anyone is still undecided at this point, they either just need/want the attention, or they're voting for Trump and just don't want to admit it. So I don't think this debate matters but still annoying at how not-crazy Vance came off.
I have not seen him have a normal human interaction with anyone in months, so I assumed he would come off as a robotic dumbass, but they prepared him well. I mean it was lots of lies just like his boy but he at least came off confident. Blah.
Yeah, he's practiced under those lights. Really slick talking Yale graduate. Or was it Harvard? What's the farging difference? Taught him how to be polished and seem like he's not nuts.
He's a farging snake
i really hate how the pundit class puts stock into debates. as if looking slick in front of lectern with makeup caked on your face is a representation on your ability to work in public service. when joe biden comes out near death, yea thats a thing. otherwise...
the vp debate moves exactly zero needles. the only needle moved was vance did well for himself with the donor/pundit class, which is what his grift is really after anyway.
troubled waters
its not what you want but trump has caused just a massive shift in voting preference. the education gap is everything. smart, educated, wealthier people have shifted D and poor/stupid people regardless of race have shifted R. so those voters lost in philly are made up in the burbs.
The MAGA disinformation campaign against fema and relief efforts in NC is disgusting
Wipe MAGA and anyone associated with them off the face of the earth
Everyone ready for a Trump return? Starting to get 2016 Hillary vibes
Also not ready for that.
I go back n forth every day almost hourly
noon: there's no way the country would elect someone as completely despicable as him
4PM: were are a complete embarrassment of a country he's definitely winning
Quote from: ice grillin you on October 12, 2024, 12:19:29 AM4PM: were are a complete embarrassment of a country he's definitely winning
this is how ive felt for months
the only saving grace is his voters are all somewhere between deplorable stupid and poor and those are very low propensity voters
This shtein here... 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Trump said he will bring out the national guard to go after Kamala if he wins and everyone is like ho hum she needs to do more interviews
the "won't vote for a woman" crowd is about to farg our country.
I have to give credit to my woman she's been saying for 20 years America is definitely more misogynistic than racist...I've always pushed back but I'm thinking maybe she's right
biden was polling worse than she was. the country is probably more stupid and ignorant than anything, really. win or lose in 3 weeks the whole thing is over and completely irredeemable
Quote from: ice grillin you on October 14, 2024, 02:00:19 PMI have to give credit to my woman she's been saying for 20 years America is definitely more misogynistic than racist...I've always pushed back but I'm thinking maybe she's right
And when you combine a non-white with a uterus it really gets the MAGAts fired up.
trump goes on stage & sways to horrible music while shteinting his pants for 30 minutes and his supporters eat it up. we're farged.
Anyone listen to the Kamala/Charlamagne interview? Seems it went well
Fox News tomorrow
Quite the juxtaposition 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
300,000 + early voting in record. Geraldo Rivera is voting Kamala.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on October 15, 2024, 09:03:33 PM 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
i wonder how long they had to look to find the two
Quote from: MDS on October 14, 2024, 03:04:02 PMbiden was polling worse than she was. the country is probably more stupid and ignorant than anything, really. win or lose in 3 weeks the whole thing is over and completely irredeemable
good to know some people would vote for a woman over a corpse...should make everyone feel so much better
She shouldn't have done the fox interview
i feel like that kinda of went well? the interview was for the very small percentage of swayable fox watchers (they exist) gotta get off twitter the discourse on there is beyond reprehensible
Her fiery demeanor was incredible but Baier asked her tough but fair questions and she mostly pivoted to Trump. The sound bites and clips they're going to use are the issue. There are no swayable regular Foxnews watchers but they werent the only ones who tuned in.
I think the fact that the Fox News crowd is overly projecting how awful she did shows they know she did well.
I didn't get to see it in full but yeah the people watching Fox weren't voting for her anyways so no harm or foul.
Cheeto Dick shteins his pants, sways to music for half an hour in Oaks while people faint from the heat, and leaves his followers stranded in Coachella bc he didn't pay the bus company but Kamala did a tough interview and omg she's cooked.
there def are, thats why they did it. they have data on this.
how it plays to normies or on tiktok i dont know...the average person consumes very little political content
lol msnbc reporting Cheeto dick tried to pay stormy Daniels more hush money this past summer
i havent even seen a clip of the interview and im not on twitter but i have seen nothing but universal praise for the job she did
Hamas Chief Sinwar dead
Excellent now the war terror is finally over.
Tomorrow Trumps going to be at the McDonald's about 10 minutes from me. Really wish the birds weren't on I'd park in a nearby neighborhood walk down and heckle his fat ass.
In the last days of a campaign this dude is working at a Mickey D's for what? To "prove" Kamala never did?
farging idiot 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
john kelly finally let reporters record him talking about trump being a hitler loving fascist. doubt it will matter though.
the guerrara funeral stuff is also despicable as hell but again doesnt matter
not a single thing matters...not even the possible teenager grope video
Quote from: MDS on October 23, 2024, 10:04:06 PMnot a single thing matters...not even the possible teenager grope video
If that exists they need to release it asap. It won't matter to MAGA deplorables they'll just say it's AI but it might sway some semi decent voters to change their vote or not vote at all which is still a partial win.
I just don't see how in this day and age this video exists and has not been leaked yet. don't you all remember when he was president, leaks every week. but yeah even if it does, they will say its a fake so it doesn't matter.
What are we gonna do if Kamala doesn't win?
when she doesnt win
ive already accepted it. it wont change my life really at plan to finish off my years in hawaii may now shift to a non american island. anyone with a young female or a govt job, ill give you a hug
Trump had a klan rally at msg. They brought a comedian on stage who joked about a black guy in the audience and said they were gonna carve watermelons for Halloween, called Puerto Rico a floating pile of trash, made a lude comment about immigrants and sex.
Is this real life?
It's 1939 all over again.
Just amazing that this is going on
It's been going on forever. Social media just made it omnipresent.
I had a guy call me a corksucking flag on Thursday because I said I voted for Harris and Dems straight down ballot. Showed them pix of my ballot too.
He said this out loud in a bar I frequent and not one of the regulars said a word about it. I don't mind homophobic slurs being thrown my way by loudmouthed bigots (sticks and stones and whatnot), but the fact that no one bothered to say that I was entitled to vote how I wanted was a shock. I even said so. I said, really? No one is even going to say a word about freedom of choice in this piece?
Just shrugged and paid my tab and left.
On my way out he said something else about not coming back and I just turned and laughed at him. He didn't like that but I'm not getting into a 10 second scrap with the likes of that mongoloid. 10 years ago? I'm going in. Now? Nope. farg em.
if theres one good thing to come of this, at least well never see tony hinchcliffe again
Quote from: MDS on October 27, 2024, 10:10:29 PMif theres one good thing to come of this, at least well never see tony hinchcliffe again
If Trump wins he'll be the next Secretary of State
Never heard of the guy til today
i met obama tonight, at the rally
my buddy got on the meet and greet list via the movie people. i met him in the arena, sidled next to him and staffers moved us to the waiting suite even though i didnt have the correct clearance. after 2ish hours of waiting, everyone on the list got a card. if you dont have a card you dont meet him. i didnt have a card. one of the staffers, without prompting, added me to his card. we waited even longer...eventually made it down and had 10 seconds. no phones, they took a pic real quick and will supposedly email to him. it was so fast, but yes he is handsome and yes he gives a good handshake.
other people waiting included eagle thomas booker (way too friendly, said theyre looking good for sunday), local politicos and my good friend kenyatta johnson, who was evidently staring daggers at me. guess who is in the same spot as you, criminal farg. suck my balls.
i have now snuck into 2 world series games and finagled my way to meet a president. this friends, is white privilege.
Thats cool as hell
So Biden calls them garbage and they stage an event like this? Perfect. Thats a helluva message and apropos for him and his campaign.
And the dipshtein misses the door handle three times and almost falls down.
Also - Elon says the middle class is gonna get farged by Cheeto's economic plan and that the pain is needed. But no one listens. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
we live in the absolute dumbest country in known history and our demise cannot come soon enough
Quote from: MDS on October 30, 2024, 07:43:32 PMwe live in the absolute dumbest country in known history and our demise cannot come soon enough 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
The most shocking thing with that video is he didn't drop a single N bomb
Feeling much better about the election. I voted and a lot of Dems have shown up here in hells acres. I guess all that's left to do is wait and hope.
I also forgot to mention I've seen a ton of Harris signs pop up in the past few days. People are over Trump and his shtein. The creepy stuff he keeps saying about women is driving a lot of them to the polls.
That said, the number of dumbasses still voting for him is something I will never reconcile as long as I live. Women I've know for decades are voting for that icehole. It's just depressing as hell.
Then again, farg em.
I voted yesterday. Straight dem ticket down the ballot.
I was shocked by the lack of Cheeto dick propaganda signs at the voting location.
Ummmm wut 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Practicing for Putin
ann selzer is the goat pollster...she nails every election and knows Iowa like anybody knows anything...her final poll is Kamala +3. in iowa.
last cycle was trump +7 and she hit it on the dot.
if this is true, or close, then its going to be an absolute bloodbath on tuesday and we are going to all jerk off together
Man...just need this to be over. You can't even tune out because every farging commercial, piece of mail etc. is election nonsense. In the past 2 months I've had 4 people knock on my door. 2 for Harris (including today while I was watching Penn state choke), 1 for Ehasz..she definitely has my vote but Fitzpatrick is going to crush her..1 for Anand Patel who's running for PA House District 18. Ive lived here since 2015 and have maybe had 2 or 3 people knock on my door the previous 9 years and 1 was canvassing for a local Republican. If ground game is as critical as they're saying it is then the Dems crushed that segment.
Todd you going to the art museum concert Monday night? My mom floated it out there she'd like to go but I think it's gonna be too crazy.
I hope it's a bloodbath for many reasons. One to show that people are sick of the shtein thrown out there by the MAGAts
Also to show ain't nothing been rigged. If it's close they'll scream. I mean they'll still try to say it was stolen and blah blah but an absolute demolishing would be sweet
It cracks me up that Montco has GOP people whining about long lines etc - but when that happens in dem areas they don't give a farg and even ban handing out water to those in line
Kick the shtein out of Cheeto Dick and be done with this.
And if Rafael Cruz gets got somehow by Allred I'll be pantsless
Every god damn commercial here is
Boys in girls sports!
Sex changes for military people!
And then you have Bucks county 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 02, 2024, 09:08:56 PMI hope it's a bloodbath for many reasons. One to show that people are sick of the shtein thrown out there by the MAGAts
Also to show ain't nothing been rigged. If it's close they'll scream. I mean they'll still try to say it was stolen and blah blah but an absolute demolishing would be sweet
Biden kicked his ass in both the popular vote and EC and he still claimed it was rigged. If Harris wins I hope they've put enough safeguards in place to smother the shteinstorm
I know it's insanely sexist of me but goddamn Kamala is a sexy woman. She's beautiful and all but there's something about her (magnetism maybe?) that is just so appealing about her.
Anyway, I truly hope it's a bloodbath on Tuesday. I'm concerned about what Johnson and the SCOTUS are planning, however.
If people would just vote those iceholes out, we'd be much better off, but because of gerrymandering, we're stuck with them for now.
Quote from: SD on November 02, 2024, 08:27:57 PMTodd you going to the art museum concert Monday night? My mom floated it out there she'd like to go but I think it's gonna be too crazy.
i will probably go but its really easy for me to bike up and check it out...for anyone else its gonna be hours of standing and walking and finding parking and bla bla. so if youre up for that, sure.
if you just want to be there to be there, get there late like 730. the good shtein will happen around 730-9 generally. you wont be close to the stage but it would be an easier in/out. thats my plan.
Loooool 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
trump is really hitting up ga and nc the last days of the campaign. makes me think their strategy is hold the south and hope to pick off a blue wall...they must not feel great about alot of this
i hate being optimistic but i like what im seeing
Wish Butler AR guy had better aim
I don't.
Last thing America needs is the guy being turned into a martyr.
Also we wouldn't get to witness him slowly deteriorate into a slovenly puddle of shtein
The 35% who worship him will do it when he croaks the earlier the better.
Nope. America dodged a bullet that day. It would have done his cause wonders...and there would have been other blood elsewhere, which would have been a shame and a waste.
Yeah if he'd had died it would've been bad. Martyrdom and maybe even some really nasty infighting amongst the population.
Meal Team Six's wrath would have been something else.
Got my sticker
It's early and I'm in a predominately red township but there were only 10 people in line. Last year I went around lunch and the line was wrapped around the corner with MAGA shtein. I was voter #117, checked out the log, was pretty split with R and D's with more G's than I can ever remember.Gonna roll back around at 4 to see how it looks.
got a really good turnout report from my spot
cautious optimism, ladies
I'm off today and tomorrow, so I'm just gonna play video games and try not to look at any news about it on purpose.
Time to squash Cheeto Dick and his band of slovenly scumbags.
My daughter was pretty upset last night. She's scared because of who she is and what that means in a possible future where women like her are going to be hunted down.
Trump and his movement have to be put down once and for all because of that.
That's my two cents.
I've been ignoring reports up until now. Just put CNN on and will be settling in to flip between all coverage.
Gotta have it, America. Don't farg this up. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
wtf 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
Cheeto Dick is already tweeting about cheating in Philly
Setting up the scam again
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 05, 2024, 05:49:46 PMCheeto Dick is already tweeting about cheating in Philly
Setting up the scam again
Nah... he just heard about that call on the Saquon fumble.
He's expanded his bullshtein to accuse Detroit of cheating too
And more bomb threats at predominately black polling sites in Ga
We live in such a bizarro world
Even 20 years ago the idea that the Russians would be working on behalf of Republicans...
Not looking good. I'm nervous.
It's done. The dumbfarg contingent of this country wins.
Less voters in Philly by like 90k
Everything is either close or has given ground to Cheeto Dick.
If he does what he says he's going to do on "the economy" (which the uneducated farging morons don't understand) we will be in a recession/depression.
God damn.
Betting markets even have Cheeto as the fave to win the popular vote now lol
She isn't going to win a single swing state
Slimmest of hope is she holds the blue wall some how.
How in the farg do people vote for Trump.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 05, 2024, 11:05:49 PMSlimmest of hope is she holds the blue wall some how.
How in the farg do people vote for Trump.
There are two different realities right now. I work with people on both sides every day, and their "facts" aren't even close to each other. It's fascinating and frightening.
America is officially more misogynistic than racist....which is saying a lot
Quote from: Butchers Bill on November 05, 2024, 11:21:53 PMQuote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 05, 2024, 11:05:49 PMSlimmest of hope is she holds the blue wall some how.
How in the farg do people vote for Trump.
There are two different realities right now. I work with people on both sides every day, and their "facts" aren't even close to each other. It's fascinating and frightening.
That is true. I hear people say some of the wildest shtein that is patently false but it's like people don't care.
Quote from: ice grillin you on November 05, 2024, 11:22:28 PMAmerica is officially more misogynistic than racist....which is saying a lot
Gotta be bc I saw something that had black men up 23% for Trump.
This blew my mind "The story of the Texas Senate race: Ted Cruz won Latino voters by 6 points, per NBC News exit polls. In his last race in 2018, Cruz *lost* Latinos by 29 points.
A 35-point swing."
The dems needed to hammer the economy stuff and they failed.
They had to dumb it down for the dipshtein morons who can't understand things and they failed.
If this holds - and they win everything - when he tanks the economy for these idiots they'll have no one but themselves to blame.
theres no monday morning quarterbacking you can do...this country is a deeply unserious, racist woman hating place. we are not worth saving and we deserve what we get.
she lost major ground in VA and NY, even. price of gas, color of her skin, vagina, whatever. who cares. farg everyone.
They need a Hail Mary. I see a slim chance but JFC it should not be like this.
And if/when she does then we get "rigged" again bc those mouth breathing fargs will assume a scandal again.
But seriously though - save your money. Hoard it. Because he's going to tank this economy.
Quote from: ice grillin you on November 05, 2024, 10:59:12 PMShe isn't going to win a single swing state
she might not even win minnesota
Just an ass kicking - losing all senate seats too
Quote from: MDS on October 30, 2024, 07:43:32 PMwe live in the absolute dumbest country in known history and our demise cannot come soon enough
now and forever
-5000 odds right now
How are they going to pull the wool over their dumb voters eyes again when the economy sinks?
The dude bro effect - Joe Rogan. I heard one college kid say he was voting Trump for gas prices bc "I can't like fill my truck up. It costs me $90!"...maybe don't drive a truck that costs a bill to fill up as a college kid? 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
As it stands now with GA going red.
She has to win PA MI MN and WI and that gets her to 270.
If he wins AZ AK and NV he's at 268.
I am speechless right now.
The Republic just committed suicide.
Looks like Dems should have just stuck with trying to re-elect the ancient white guy with half a brain (Jimmy Carter, of course)
He's gonna win the popular vote too. We should be done listening to women now.
I will have to eat crow to my kids...told them yesterday there's no way he could win the popular vote, only by electoral college....I guess I'm the one totally out of touch with reality, not the red hatters.
Quote from: SD on November 06, 2024, 05:44:21 AMHe's gonna win the popular vote too. We should be done listening to women now.
this country really hates women, huh?
This country hates a lot of things.
I wake up in disbelief still.
The vagina storm Democrat strategy completely ostracized men. Reproductive rights are a women issue. I'm not saying men don't give a shtein but it's not a priority. Women graduate college 15% higher than men, men are 7x more likely to commit suicide than women, 9 times as likely to die on the job. In short men have just as serious issues as women. Hillary's campaign was the idiotic women should get paid the same as men (lol) Kamala's was reproductive rights. It's a losing strategy. I 100% understand why men would vote for Trump. Most of his votes weren't from MAGA. If you think I'm just being a misogynist you're part of the issue.
its about a million different little things, with misogyny at the top of the list. yes this country really fundamentally hates and doesnt care about or respect women...but they're also so braindead to believe that trump is going to wave a magic wand and lower gas and grocery prices
they also have subterranean character requirements and have zero understanding of geo politics or public health. we cannot let these people off the hook, there are more of them than there are of us and we cannot function with them
For the love of god the entire country doesn't hate women. There are a ton of women in power. There are a million times more programs for women...people actually give a shtein...anything happens to a guy who gives a farg...theyre killing it in college. The Dems got crushed because of men...they're sick of being ignored and woke shtein.
Yes. The babies are crying because they had the tit taken away 12 years after birth.
I usually put my TEAMS on DND because the chats get annoying...not one IM today. 2 relatives that I know of called out sick today.
Also Allan Lichtman can shove his 13 keys straight up his ass
Quote from: SD on November 06, 2024, 10:55:28 AMFor the love of god the entire country doesn't hate women. There are a ton of women in power. There are a million times more programs for women...people actually give a shtein...anything happens to a guy who gives a farg...theyre killing it in college. The Dems got crushed because of men...they're sick of being ignored and woke shtein.
insecure men, everyone
It's a classic strategy that usually works in the short-term. Convince a bunch of mediocre men that someone else is responsible for their zesty little life, and they'll gobble it up every time. Doesn't matter if you tell them that for sixty years, this time we're definitely gonna get it.
You can say men don't care about women's issues all you want, but I sure did hear a lot about trans athletes this year. Remember the Olympics? It's not that that they feel ignored, it's that they want someone to be punished for making any kind of decision they don't approve of.
Quote from: MDS on November 06, 2024, 12:37:35 PMinsecure men, everyone
He crushed it with white, black and Latino men. Are they all insecure or are the democrats dumb to ignore half the country?
How and why did 15,000,000 citizens who voted for her and Biden in 2020 against this same farging criminal sit this one out?
Something is seriously wrong with this.
Quote from: Diomedes on November 06, 2024, 05:25:26 AMThe Republic just committed suicide.
I actually texted my family that at least the Romans slid from a republic to despotism with a conquering general. We went straight to farging Nero.
Quote from: Rome on November 06, 2024, 02:35:56 PMHow and why did 15,000,000 citizens who voted for her and Biden in 2020 against this same farging criminal sit this one out?
Something is seriously wrong with this.
That one is easy. Kids didn't give a farg about Harris. Source: I work with them.
Voting was down for both parties, just significantly moreso for Democrats.
Trump ended up with basically the same number of votes as he got last time. She lost the equivalent of the entire state of Pennsylvania plus another million or so.
The math ain't mathing.
The math is fine, 2020 was simply an outlier.
the democrats didnt ignore are farging stupid and the messaging from the right worked. men dont care about abortion and think that democrats are Hoydas. some think trump is macho. men without college degrees are some of the most pathetic, insecure losers in the world and nothing pisses them off more than some educated woman and her friends.
the evil in this country is not trump. it is your friends and neighbors.
Yes Men are dumb misogynists...been seeing that all day. Keep going with that messaging. The messaging from the right worked on men because they actually targeted that demographic. What a lot of people overlooked was most of the battleground states already legalized abortion. Women in those states weren't voting on that issue. All 3 branches are now controlled by Trump who now has zero guardrails. Not sure if there's ever gonna be another election but if there is the democrats might want to tweak their strategy starting with men.
A national abortion ban is going to render all those state initiatives moot. If I were you I'd worry less about Democrats and more about Nazis having free rein to turn your daughter and mine into birthing slaves.
Quote from: hunt on November 06, 2024, 08:37:22 AMthis country really hates women, huh?
then add in a black woman and it's Armageddon
The Trumper women in my office wore red yesterday to show their joy at Trump being elected.
Many of them have daughters and are likeLy to see their SS disappear.
Chickens for Colonel Sanders.
Quote from: Rome on November 06, 2024, 02:35:56 PMHow and why did 15,000,000 citizens who voted for her and Biden in 2020 against this same farging criminal sit this one out?
Something is seriously wrong with this.
2020 was crazy with covid shutdowns, mandatory mask wearing, i think people were a lot more politically charged for that election. plus people are stupid and have short memories of how god awful cheeto was during his first term.
Quote from: Rome on November 07, 2024, 08:17:50 AMThe Trumper women in my office wore red yesterday to show their joy at Trump being elected.
Many of them have daughters and are likeLy to see their SS disappear.
Chickens for Colonel Sanders.
the 1 trumper woman in my office was all smiles yesterday & joked that she should've worn her trump hat to work. i shut that shtein down real quick but i heard about her telling others how great it is and that she & her husband will vote for cruz in 2028 to keep maga going.
i really need to move.
I've been preparing for this for a long time so not really too down in the dumps. Trump doesn't;t care about anything he has ran on, now it just depends on what types of weirdos get leadership and secretary roles. they are the ones who will get things done. Like this whack job RFK in charge of anything public health related is truly terrifying.
Quote from: SD on November 07, 2024, 03:12:46 PMQuote from: SD on November 03, 2024, 09:56:01 PMWish Butler AR guy had better aim
How bout now?
i can't decide whether or not vance would be an improvement. :paranoid
honestly worse (if that's possible). he's an exploiter also, just saying whatever to get the braindead maga crowd behind him, but seems like he truly believes some of the awful nonsense that comes out of his mouth. trump just likes the cheers and applause.
Vance couldn't get 50 people at his rally. He doesn't have trumps charisma to get MAGA in a frenzy.
im not even at that point of being able to comprehend 2028...the damage from this is going to be so extreme it almost doesnt matter.
really what i want is full scale destruction of american society, economic collapse, maybe another 9/11. burn it all down and let these people suffer for what they have inflicted on us
Quote from: hunt on November 07, 2024, 03:56:33 PMi can't decide whether or not vance would be an improvement. :paranoid
He's a demagogue, like Trump, not a Zealot, like Cruz.
Demagogues are more dangerous in a democracy.
But Vance has none of the canny, mobster-grade knack for bullying and grandstanding that Trump has, in spades.
So Trump is worse. No one is following Vance into anything.
Quote from: MDS on November 07, 2024, 07:22:39 PMim not even at that point of being able to comprehend 2028...
I don't believe there will be an election. War, declaration of emergency, congress passes some illegal unconstitutional law extending his term, courts unable to stop it....
"A Republic, if you can keep it."
Well Ben, we couldn't.
The next four years will be send everything to the Supreme Court and let's see what anyone can do about that 46&t=SMD_81TvVT-H5sNwmpVLIQ
Abortion being a major issue wasn't the problem with the campaign. It's just dumb voters blaming Biden for inflation and a bunch of other things
by other things you mean the overt racism and misogyny of the american people
Quote from: MDS on November 10, 2024, 07:03:58 PMby other things you mean the overt racism and misogyny of the american people
I took a drive to see my daughter yesterday. She lives about 90 miles from us, but after speaking with her on Saturday, I had a feeling she just needed to see her dad. Turns out we both needed a hug after last week.
Anyway, this exact point was made by her. It is shocking to many of us who live in red states to see that shtein coming from places up north we always assumed were more liberal/tolerant, etc.
Bottom line is nowhere is safe right now especially for her and her tribe. We formulated a plan yesterday for her. She's keeping it on the DL for now, but suffice to say she's ready at a moment's notice.
It's not even heart-breaking at this point. Enraging is more like it but here we are, folks. It's not like we didn't all know this was coming either.
Fox host Pete Hegseth is nominated for secretary of defense
What a group of unserious people
We are so farged
This is only the beginning
No doubt.
It is going to be a marathon of bullshtein.
Russian asset Tulsi Gabbard named director of national intelligence
New attorney general is Matt Gaetz :-D
Of course they are.
Nothing is off the table. Pardons for all Jan 6 traitors. Withdrawal from NATO. Nuking somewhere to prove we still can. Elimination of Dept. of Education, EPA, etc. Mass firing of federal employees in all manner of expert fields to be replaced with unqualified MAGA loyalists, etc., etc. Declaration of Emergency if there are protests, MAGA State National Guard used to shoot them.... Commissioning a Nationwide militia of non-military combatants loyal to him, etc. There are no stops. He can do anything he wants.
Yep. I'm not shocked at all.
McCarthy says out loud Gaetz was banging 17yr olds. And he resigns from Congress two days before the report was to be released.
Him and Cheeto Dick can talk about their pedo thoughts now.
Can't wait to see who he brings charges up on and how much Tulsi gives to Vlad.
theres nothing left to say or do...the apathetic and the moronic out number the intelligent and sensible. we are knee deep in idiocracy. sit back and watch it burn
I wonder how all those Trumper/Gaza supporters are feeling in Michigan right about now?
Also - Trump nominated a fanatical Christian zealot to the ambassadorship role in Israel.
And Gaetz too.
I mean farg every single person who voted for this. You deserve every bit of it now.
i hope they blow gaza to smithereens and every far left tiktok obsessed gen z smooth brain dies along with "wanted to vote your conscience" so now genocidal maniacs are in charge and all they want to do is kill brown people
A person I know described the choice between Trump and conventional Democrats as the difference between a shotgun blast to the face and death by starvation.
Take your pick.
Satire publication The Onion buys Alex Jones' Infowars at auction with Sandy Hook families' backing (
I'm on Bluesky now for my social media fix.
Zuckerberg and Musk can both die in raging fires while drowning in their own blood for all I care.
RFK Jr your new secretary of health and human services :-D
Each day gets dumber and dumber
Brain worms for everyone!
Although he said Cheeto Dick's food choices are zesty so maybe Donnie fires him already
Polio! Polio! Polio!
I'm shocked that Rudy "covid lol" Gobert is IN on Brain Wormz 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
I have stayed pretty calm because I was prepared for trump to win - but these cabinet choices have been literally the worst people possible. I'm fine with dying early but now most of our kids might die too.
he's putting foxes in charge of henhouses, Just as he said he would
There's no reason to think he won't do all the other things he said he would do
And there's no way to stop him
There's definitely a way to stop him. The question is, will anyone stop him before he ends up in a bunker?
The answer is no and he'll die comfortably of natural causes/old age.
Face reality.
It's his country now.
"A Republic, if you can keep it." - Ben
"Sorry bro, we couldn't." - America
Cult. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
All hail our dear leader.
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 17, 2024, 02:36:51 PMCult. 46&t=Uib2YOn6CJgx-z2RaE9o7Q
farging hate this guy with a passion
So no one is going to stop this? Just wondering.
Quote from: Rome on November 18, 2024, 10:10:42 PMSo no one is going to stop this? Just wondering.
Butler guy was our only hope
trump got more successive votes in each of the 3 elections...this is what these neanderthals want
Quote from: Rome on November 18, 2024, 10:10:42 PMSo no one is going to stop this? Just wondering.
Nope. And it's only going to get more absurd and worse as we go.
Who is there to rein that in? Any GOPer who dares not kiss the ring will be shunned. Dems are powerless.
Quote from: Rome on November 18, 2024, 10:10:42 PMSo no one is going to stop this? Just wondering.
What are you talking about? Who is going to "stop" this? The people voted for this, overwhelmingly (by modern standards.)
When they start rounding people up, what options do we have? Suicidal resistance and civil disobedience are the only options. Are you going to hide "illegals" in your house and answer the door with your shotgun blasting? Are you going to stop going to work as part of a general strike? Stop paying your bills, get yourself arrested by blocking roads, etc??
If you haven't listened to me by now here's another wake up call: Tool up
Would make a nice Xmas present from your spouse
Yeah, me and my shotgun, we'll win out.
Thank you for your service
To be fair, this stupid administration will directly impact Dio's business directly when all his workers get deported.
And the economy tanks and there's nothing to build.
I'm worried about that big time.
A lot of our biz is import plywood.
I'm my only labor. My people hail from Ireland and Sweden before America.
Please, deport me!
That ethics report must be damning
No doubt. And Hegseth should be the next deviant struck down.
But they have a stable of cretins lined up to replace these fargers so it doesn't matter much big picture
It doesn't matter at all.
The only qualification anyone needs for any of these positions is loyalty to Trump. The minute they don't do what he wants him to do he'll fire them and put someone else in.
Every single cabinet job may as well carry the title Trump lickspittle.
Pam Bondi is the next MAGAt up for nomination to be the AG.
Another wretched choice
i would really recommend not paying attention to the day to day minutia for your mental health...we have lost and it is over and nothing matters. we are done. who cares what rapist is the AG.
I couldn't agree more.
I'm out.
like i will vote but i am not going to bother even giving a shtein about anything...these apes wanted it, they got it. deport your uncle, your gardener, have elon musk run the country for all i care. aint my problem
Eerily similar to stuff I've been saying irl
I've gone so far to cancel my news subscriptions. They aren't doing their jobs.
I've had enough of everything, but I've especially had my fill of political comedy. It's either some smug dickhole or someone even less informed than I am. They've all had a hand in feeding this shtein, and it stopped being funny a long time ago.
Agreed. It's not funny anymore.
And I've largely ignored the news other than what I run across online. Or from some mouth breather here celebrating fargface's election.
I will enjoy (and have already) reading articles where the dipshteins who voted for him get ruined for it.
Like for example - there are people, upon reading that millions of pounds of beef were recalled for E. coli saying that it is tainted because of illegals and that they can't wait til Brain Wormz dismantles the FDA.
They want no vaccines, no oversight on the food and no one working to produce the food.
shteinbag announced today he's going to sign an executive order day one to place a 25% tariff on goods coming in from Mexico and Canada and an extra 10% on China.
If this holds it's going to get ugly. Prepare yourselves monetarily for the economy to sink.
Particularly in my biz so much lumber, plywood and other building materials are harvested and/or made in Mexico and Canada.
I already had a shtein day and a massive headache so this doesn't help.
Kash Patel as FBI director...hoo boy
im still waiting for someone to explain to me why we are worth for real just focus on things you enjoy until we all die
Meanwhile, an unarmed South Korea foiled their own coup yesterday.
Pretty big shtein going down in Syria
A coup has taken down Assad.
Despite Russia and Iran backing Assad....
Assad is Trump level evil.
In other news, apparently the authorities--working VERY hard on one little murder, wonder why!?--found the CEO shooter's backpack..with monopoly money in it.
America goes backwards while everyone else moves forward
The Middle East is doing Middle East things, and we'll see if this leads to a long-term change. Meanwhile, most elections around the world leaned heavily to the right this year.
Our ignorant belly soft farging shteinhole of a country is about to enter the find out stage of "FAFO" and I can't wait to see all the senior MAGA mongoloids out there feel every millimeter of Trump's 2 centimeters stuck up their ignorant asses.
Assad falling in five minutes after terrorizing a country and literally slaughtering millions over five decades is amazing.
But according to the NYT, he "resigned."
If the worst happens and Trump goes full dictator, I hope the fargs in legacy media are the first to get hung on meathooks. Because they deserve it.
We all deserve it for permitting it to happen, but those fargers? Yep. FIRST.
Yeah the NYT is off the rails.
I noticed they chose to use the resignation angle too.
Damn...looks like they found the uhc shooter...hope he starts a gofundme
Kill a CEO and suddenly the cops do their job.
Laquan down the block's killer...ain't no one ever gonna know...
It's anti-Italian discrimination
Betcha corporate security firms have seen an uptick in biz since last week - gotta protect the fat cats.
Who even looks at reviews for fast food joints?
People who live in Altoona
Has anyone ever been to Altoona? I always assumed it was one of those places that really didn't exist. Like Utah. Or Kill Devil Hills.
Anyway, hell yes set him up a legal fund. I would love to see him get the best shysters money can buy and beat the rap.
Turns out he's a Tucker Carlson/Peter Thiel pole chugger, but nobody's perfect.
i was there for a night a few years ago...passing through and saw a minor league baseball game. spencer howard pitched 6 strong and alec bohm went 0/4.
it was a rough place to live, and now their maga shtein head denizens ratted out an american hero
Quote from: Rome on December 09, 2024, 10:30:00 PMHas anyone ever been to Altoona? I always assumed it was one of those places that really didn't exist. Like Utah. Or Kill Devil Hills.
Anyway, hell yes set him up a legal fund. I would love to see him get the best shysters money can buy and beat the rap.
Turns out he's a Tucker Carlson/Peter Thiel pole chugger, but nobody's perfect.
Drove the curve a few times. Other than that... nope.
The snitch who ratted him out got his claim for the 30 pieces of silver DENIED.
My ironymeter melted.
Rooting hard for a few copycats
Not holding my breath
Penn state Altoona campus had a pretty good party scene 15 years ago. that's all I know.
Quote from: Rome on December 09, 2024, 11:39:06 AMAssad falling in five minutes after terrorizing a country and literally slaughtering millions over five decades is amazing.
But according to the NYT, he "resigned."
If the worst happens and Trump goes full dictator, I hope the fargs in legacy media are the first to get hung on meathooks. Because they deserve it.
We all deserve it for permitting it to happen, but those fargers? Yep. FIRST.
stayed in kill devil hills for a week every fall for the last almost 20 years
That was the joke we had when we stayed in Hatteras on surf trips when we were kids. Almost there when we'd hit KDH, but still a ways to go.
Gaetz report bout what I thought. Hunters laptop
I'm not following
Are you saying that the report is nothing burger?
Gaetz is rich, white and male. Not a single thing will happen to him in terms of an actual reckoning.
The NOLA attack is sad. Of course it's been a political shteinshow online.
Dude was born in Beaumont and served in the army and lived in Houston. FBI and many other agencies have a spot locked down on the north side waiting to search it.
MAGAts (including FOX and Cheeto) wrongly reported that the truck crossed the border. It's been proven false but they don't care.
And then the Tesla bomb at dickheads Vegas hotel...what a day.
The Tesla bomber was also an army vet
Special forces white dude
He also was stationed at Ft Bragg in NC like the NOLA terrorist.
They're still out there blaming illegals and democrats. And you know what - their retarded followers will still believe them no matter how many times the truth has been shown to them.
if you arent on twitter you dont see this shtein
i cant recommend this option enough
I'm not on Twitter. I'm seeing it on Google News and MSNBC. shtein, even farging Bluesky has been overrun with Elon dicksuckers. It's been inescapable and now it's worse since Zuckerberg decided to side with Nazis like the good little collaborator he is.
Trudeau resigning
51st state what
So Tangerine Mussolini is out here bashing Californians after 3/4 of the Palisades was incinerated overnight.
That fat farg CANNOT die soon enough.
Watch him deny disaster funding because liberals
all the culture war grifters should be bused to the front lines with a little hose...good luck alphas
The worst part of this is there are a lot of non-millionaires out there living day to day. In the Palisades and the northwest side of Santa Monica a lot of the rentals are or were rent-controlled, so they could afford to live there. Now those places are toast. You think there was a housing crisis before? 100,000 people were displaced overnight in SoCal. This is a total calamity and in (11) days, the absolute worst human being possible is going to be placed in charge of this hellhole of a country. Don't even know what to say otherwise.
Trump sentenced to exactly zero consequences.
I mean, why even bother with anything?
Russia and China are winning
The guy who took the gun into that pizza shop in DC over fears that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex slavery ring base at that location...
Yeah, that guy
Over the weekend, he pointed a gun at some cops during a traffic stop and when he refused to drop it, they shot him dead.
Good shoot.
See you in hell, motherfarger
I'm sure that they would have talked him down if they'd known who he was.
You know that he was white because they told him to drop the weapon and only shot after he did not.
So, shtein is once again kinda bad huh
Hasn't been anywhere near good for 8 years now, but somehow just got even worse a week or two ago. Weird.
So just spitballing here but how much longer does this shtein keep going on before someone does something that needs doing?
I know just the man for the job
Biden could have done it legally.
Democrats left us to fend for ourselves. They continue to vote for his cabinet nominees as well. They're corrupt and complicit and they deserve their fates.
Not all but most.
Also - Jim Acosta was fired by CNN today.
His final message: Don't comply. Don't fall for the lies. And don't give up.
ICE (USIC) was on my street bout a half hour ago. Single truck with Texas plates.
Everyone here is afraid. Seeing and hearing a lot of "we voted for Trump but didn't expect this"
Speaking of Cheeto Dick
His statement today about DEI being a cause of the horrific plane crash is one of the more appalling things I've ever heard.
What a subhuman piece of shtein