Charger Eagle Nonsense - Week 2

Started by ice grillin you, September 11, 2013, 12:30:16 PM

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NFL Network picked this as their game of the week and will replay it tomorrow night


Quote from: GeneralZOD on September 16, 2013, 03:12:49 PM
All day long at work a bunch of us have been going over the last two minutes of that game....

Although it doesn't matter, Here's what I would've done had I been head coach... What say u?

Trailing by three, the Birds had the ball at their 29-yard line with 3:05 left in the fourth quarter. It took them all of five plays and 56 seconds to reach the San Diego 14-yard line. That was fine.

Let clock run down all the way to 2 minute warning....

2:00-1st & 10 @ SD 14 yd line – Handoff to LeSean McCoy (possible 3-4 yd gain)
                                                        SD calls TO (1:50 remaining)
1:50-2nd & 6 @ SD 10 yd line –  Handoff to Lesean McCoy (possible 3 yd gain)
                                                        SD calls TO (1:40 remaining)
1:40-3rd & 3 @ SD 7 yd line -     Handoff to Lesean McCoy (benefit of a doubt; possible 2 yd gain)
   (SD has choice to take TO or save it – let's say they take their FINAL TO (1:32 remaining)
1:32-4th & 1 @ SD 5 yd line – Alex Henery FG (game tied 30-30) (1:25 remaining)

Alex Henery kickoff sails out of bounds in back of end zone – SD Ball at SD 20 yd line
                         1:25 REMAINING, NO TIME OUTS

SD would have to travel 45 yards to get in a long field goal situation with the clock running and no time outs available, plus run their kicker out with no warm-up time to try to make a 50 yard FG with time ticking down...  GO TO OVERTIME

But then again, considering this awful defense, anything is possible, so I guess this is a mute point...

Sorry yall, I reread my post and I understand what u guys are talking about in "playing for the win"  Let me reiterate my true feelings at that time...

At that particular time in the game the Birdz were rolling and I had no doubt that handing off to Shady three straight times from the SD 14 yard line would have gotten us a first down at the SD 4 and then after that of course do what it takes to score the TD with over a minute remaining and 3 Timeouts. 

I was trying to bring up a scenario in where they wouldn't have gotten the first down on three straight Shady carries, and what I would do in that scenario.  My badd, but the point of the matter is I would've called three different types of runs at that point and no passes (well, maybe a shovel pass would cross my mind)....
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ice grillin you

Quote from: GeneralZOD on September 17, 2013, 12:19:07 PM
At that particular time in the game the Birdz were rolling and I had no doubt that handing off to Shady three straight times from the SD 14 yard line would have gotten us a first down at the SD 4 and then after that of course do what it takes to score the TD with over a minute remaining and 3 Timeouts. 

I was trying to bring up a scenario in where they wouldn't have gotten the first down on three straight Shady carries, and what I would do in that scenario.  My badd, but the point of the matter is I would've called three different types of runs at that point and no passes (well, maybe a shovel pass would cross my mind)....

the second half they were passing the ball at will up and down the field...shady had like five yards rushing in the 2h on a handful of carries....they were not exactly in a run the ball down the defenses throat mode right there....they clearly saw the sd secondary as a obvious weakness and exploited the farg out of all of sudden at that point do a 180 with the offense would have been a major mistake

thats not to say there werent valid issues with the clock management there but not running shady three times wasnt one of them imo
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous

QB Eagles

Quote from: hbionic on September 16, 2013, 11:43:58 PM
Hindsight, maybe they should milk clock....but I can't get mad at a guy who uses all his bullets looking for the end zone in what has worked all game. Play to win. You'll keep the pressure on the defense and play on your own terms. If you play scared, you already lost.

I'm good with it. If they score, we're all sucking each other's dicks.

If Chip has some NFL learning to do, let it be in situations like this rather than in important games or emotionally charged games. The team isn't great and will lose more games just like this over the course of the season. As far as losses go, this was fine. The offense is good, the defense is disgusting. That's exactly what they are and exactly what they showed in this game. They aren't winning the Super Bowl this season and they'd have to be damn lucky to make the playoffs, even though the division is shtein.

They lost going for the win, playing the game the way they know how. Without really approving of everything they tried, I'm not agonizing over the way it went down. We are at the beginning of watching a crazy offensive coach do a bunch of weird-ass shtein in the NFL. The team is entertaining as farg right now and I'm feeling pretty good about the Chip Kelly experiment even if it eventually crashes and burns really hard. The games are fun and no one will even remember this game next season. Best loss in a while.

Don Ho

Correct.  This is something he'll fix and we'd rather see goofs like this in week 2 of a rookie coaches tenure rather than on Super Bowl Sunday or the NFCCG.  Seeing Vick get in rhythm and a groove in the second half was truly encouraging.  Pimp/Shady/TE's are going to excel in this offense.
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.