Week Two - 2012

Started by PhillyPhreak54, September 16, 2012, 10:18:02 AM

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Don Ho

J, Papsmear is pitching the bottom of the 9th if you need a good laugh.
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.


Quote from: Don Ho on September 17, 2012, 09:42:35 PM
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on September 17, 2012, 09:33:13 PM
Asante has been injured - come back - and made a good tackle.

You know there was a collective "Where in the hell was that the past 4 years?" from all Eagles fans.

lol exactly what I thought...

Yooooo this is comical now. These scab refs are awful! John Fox is going to stroke out on the sideline tonight!

Don Ho

Denver looks horrible tonight.  I really thought they'd play well.  They are lucky they're only down 13.
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.



Wow - another Asante big hit

Don Ho

WTF with Samuel?  Where did this inner demon come from?
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.

Don Ho

I'd take Asante over Assy right now.
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.


Oh my lord...ANOTHER blown call.

They have to overturn this...beautiful catch by Thomas


only way real refs are coming back is if players stage a walkout

at this point they ought to. jerry jones and his buddies dont care as long as tv/advertising contract pays out and people buy tickets.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Quote from: Don Ho on September 17, 2012, 10:13:10 PM
WTF with Samuel?  Where did this inner demon come from?

Asante has had more hard hits in this game than I think he did in his entire tenure with the Birds.

Don Ho

Matty Ice is pretty damn good.
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.


Quote from: Diomedes on September 17, 2012, 09:07:52 PM
What do you idiots think about Coughlin getting upset over the Bucs going full bore on them in their victory formation?

I think he's a whining bitch.

I think Coughlin is a whining bitch and the HC of the Bucs is a fleshpophead for telling his players to do that.


Quote from: Don Ho on September 17, 2012, 10:48:16 PM
Matty Ice is pretty damn good.

Agreed. But OL seems average and running game is really, really bad. Will hurt come playoff time.


Playoffs? You typing about....playoffs?
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


Steve Sabol. Dead.

Why aren't any of you posting about this?

Is this the NFL films guy or his dad that I never knew?
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05