2012 NFL Draft

Started by reese125, February 26, 2012, 09:43:58 AM

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Quotehttp://Pat Kirwan ‏ @PatKirwanCBS
There are at least 4 teams serious about Mark Barron...the safety group is weak. Teams must get at least to the 12th pick but maybe the 8th



ice grillin you

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Burfict and Jayron Hosley tested positive for marijuana at the combine.  Some people are saying Burfict could go undrafted, that's how far he's fallen in 12 months

ice grillin you

perfect to the ravens in the 6th
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


I'm fully on the 'weed is awesome' bandwagon and think that judging kids based on whether they smoke squeef or not is farging retarded. BUT, how farging stupid do you have to be to smoke get high before the combine? You know that your future depends on testing clean. You know that teams look down on it. Just lay off for a while, get drafted, get paid and smoke later you farging idiot.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.

ice grillin you

stupid and still not the stupidest thing he did before the combine (getting fat and out of shape)
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous

ice grillin you

schefter saying barron is the hottest player in the draft right and theres no way he makes it to dallas at 14 much less to the eagles at 15 which really sucks
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Its always funny how there is a guy that is hot going into the draft then all of sudden he goes exactly where you thought he would go anyway.  That being said I could easily see Barron going high because the safety class blows. 
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barron going top 10 would be overvaluing him IMO.  dude is really solid but he isn't a 'game changer' like other safeties who go in the top 10 are supposed to be.


if hes really that good then move up and get him

talent. they need talent. get good players.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Yeah I think if he goes top 10 then its overvaluation for sure.

I saw a few people say that he's drawing comparisons to ES HOFer Sean Taylor.

BTW Mayock said he thinks Chandler Jones will be the best defensive player in the draft in three years.