Phillies Offseason Thread

Started by Rome, October 08, 2011, 02:27:50 PM

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It's being reported Papelbon is now a Phillie pending a physical on his shoulder



Starks is saying it might be 4 years $13 million per.


Gross. I'd rather have 11 mil per year, better stuff, year younger madson
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


I'd rather have Lidge.  This isn't about talent or ability at this point, it's simply about Paplebon being one of the few players I genuinely can't stand to watch.  He's really good, no doubt.  I just don't like him or his stupid face. 


hate this guy but he's a top-5 closer, so I dunno

Salisbury says it's around 4/$50M


Don't the Phils have to give the Sox the 31st pick now too?


yup, but they'll get a better pick back (plus a comp pick) if one of the top teams signs Madson


Quote from: Munson on November 11, 2011, 02:37:41 PM
Gross. I'd rather have 11 mil per year, better stuff, year younger madson

isn't papelbon like 3 months younger than Madson.

I'm indifferent to it.  Papelbon's ERA has gone up a little the last few years, but his WHIP is still really low and his K/9, K:BB rates are solid.  Meh.



Stark is saying there's a 5th-yr vesting option that could make the deal $60M


that is way too much for a closer, even one as good as he's been.

i still can't get that annoying farging boston accent out of my head. Papppellbonnnn.  Bleh.


Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 11, 2011, 03:14:42 PM
$50M?!  :boo

don't worry, you can pay in installments.

juicy smug filled installments.


stolen from another board with extra sabermetricy stuff added on to make igy's head explode:

Player A: 64.1 IP, 2.94 ERA, 8.70 BB/K, 145 ERA+, xFIP 2.16
Player B: 62.2 IP, 2.44 ERA, 2.43 BB/K, 146 ERA+, xFIP 3.67
Player C: 60.2 IP, 2.37 ERA, 3.88 BB/K, 164 ERA+, xFIP 2.94

A is Papelbon, B is Bell, C is Madson.

I think Bell at this point is a product of Petco due to how many fly balls he gives up.  I think Madson and Papelbon are pretty interchangeable.  Madson's ERA is better, Papelbon k/bb ratio is way better.  Little more concerned about Papelbon's arm than Madson's arm though towards the end of the deal.