Eagles fire McDermott

Started by SD, January 15, 2011, 05:48:07 PM

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After listening to Moss I hope they pass.


He really did an interview 4 days before the Super Bowl?

Way to keep your eye on the ball douchbag.


He babbles a lot and comes off as a kiss ass. They asked  him questions about the D and he started naming every player and how great they all were. Pass.


Quote from: SD on February 02, 2011, 11:50:06 AM
He babbles a lot and comes off as a kiss ass. They asked  him questions about the D and he started naming every player and how great they all were. Pass.
so how many years does Howie give him, i think 4
"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


Black guys can't be kiss-asses. He would be an Uncle Tom in that case.

Also, apparently Roy Horton is very interested in becoming a DC, and Trgovac wants to keep his options open.


sounds like someone who would have no problem snuggling in the pocket of banner inc

Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.

ice grillin you

The NFL's defensive player of the year is well-acquainted with Ray Horton and Darren Perry, two possible candidates for the Eagles' defensive coordinator position. Steelers safety Troy Polamalu said he thinks either man would be a fine choice.

First, Polamalu on Horton, his current secondary coach: "first of all, he's got the toughest job on this team, coaching the secondary," Polamalu said. "The reason I say that is, we're always a run-stop defense first. There's always a lot of pressure for the secondary to tackle, but our responsibility is not to get beat deep. That's a lot of pressure for the players and the secondary coach. He's been here a long time and he's handled that. He has an in-depth understanding of the defense coach (Dick) LeBeau teaches, and he has an in-depth understanding of what the offense is doing, personnel groups, percentages."

Perry was Polamalu's secondary coach his first four years. Now he coaches safeties for the Packers. "He's like a father to me," Polamalu said. "he taught me so much. We've been through a whole lot, because my rookie year wasn't very good. I had to lean on him a lot, emotionally as well as learning the defense. I don't know much about this game, but I would think Darren Perry and Ray Horton would be great candidates for defensive coordinator jobs."
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Here's an idea:  Get players like Polamaulu and it wont matter who is coaching them.


supposedly they're announcing the new DC any minute now.


QuoteMultiple folks report that the Eagles are close to naming a new defensive coordinator.

"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


yeah, it's farging Juan Castillo

what the farging farg
I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.


"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


no its not. please shut the farg up.
"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


Jeff_McLane Jeffrey McLane
The #Eagles have named Jaun Castillo their next DC, a league source said.
I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.


EaglesInsider Eagles Insider
#Eagles have their man at defensive coordinator: Juan Castillo. Legendary Howard Mudd will fill Castillo's previous role as O-line coach.
I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.