Super Bowl XLIV-Colts vs Saints

Started by reese125, January 31, 2010, 06:49:53 PM

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Schefter reporting torn ligament in Dwight Freeneys ankle--making it very unlikely he plays now. They got him sleeping in a hyberbaric chamber to see if it can heal in time

Thats a huge boost for Brees, and could completely change how much time he has to deliver the ball. This game just got a lot closer



so youre saying one end that is less effective than the other is the same as having two? cmon now


the ochocinco  news network

this looks like it could almost be entertaining if they actually do video. twitter and facebook updates would be awful.  it'd be especially awesome if chad gets to interview goodell. 


Great, Baskett in the Superbowl

Whoda thunk it? Jesus, is there no end to the humiliation of Eagles fans...
Endless regression to the mean


Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


"Six months ago, Hank Baskett thought he might be in the Super Bowl as an Eagle."

so not only does he suck as a wr, hes not bright either.

ice grillin you

superbowl will have at least one 80+ yard touchdown
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Schefter's 10 Spot: The NFL's Jordan

Quoteundecided just days before the draft, they (Colts) actually posed a simple question to each of the quarterbacks: If we were to make you the No. 1 overall pick, what's the first thing you would do?

Manning briefly mulled the question over before telling the Colts he would request their playbook so he could immediately dive into learning it. Leaf listened to the question and told the Colts he would head to Las Vegas to party. And for all the intensive scouting and film work they had done, the Colts had their answer.


Are the Saints really that much of an underdog here? I mean they were basically just as good as the Colts all year. I want the Saints to win. Brees deserves a Super Bowl.
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


Quote from: mussa on February 04, 2010, 10:28:52 AM
Brees deserves a Super Bowl.


mussa is consistently one of the most underrated posters here. hes stupid on a reese/cole/munson level but its more of a weird/funny stupid than a god awful human being/insult to humanity level like the three headed monster of aborted babies are.

Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


Quote from: ice grillin you on February 02, 2010, 03:32:35 PM
superbowl will have at least one 80+ yard touchdown

do you mean by an offense?



Quote from: mussa on February 04, 2010, 10:28:52 AM
Are the Saints really that much of an underdog here? I mean they were basically just as good as the Colts all year. I want the Saints to win. Brees deserves a Super Bowl.

this is the first super bowl in years where i really don't have any reason to root for one team more than the other.  i'm about as neutral as anything on this one.  so all i'm really rooting for is for each team to put on a good show.  lots of offense, a little bit of defense, scores in the 30's and a tight game with 2 min left. 

the only thing i really don't want to see is for a game featuring 2 of the best qb's in the league to come down to a field goal.  gw td passes only please. 

i'm also rooting for my liver as sunday is going to be an uphill battle for the little guy.