Eagles/Cowgirls Playoff PBP Thread

Started by Rome, January 09, 2010, 06:45:38 AM

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Quote from: ice grillin you on January 10, 2010, 10:36:22 AM
Quote from: Rome on January 10, 2010, 08:52:47 AM
ha - exactly right.  the defense can't get any sustained pressure on the quarterback so dawkins would have made no difference whatsoever last night.

the pressure was irrelevant against romo yesterday

the guy is in a zone right now

he took three step drops and put just about every single ball he threw on dime...you literally cannot stop that....you just gotta hope a qb isnt that good...unfortunately romo is that good right now

the only defense for that is some sort of offense.....and to put it lightly the romo mcnabb match up was not in the eagles favor

No. Romo was able to do it against an Ealges D that had invisible linebackers and a D backfield that couldn't cover anyone without drawing a flag. The Defense sucked last night, as it has pretty much all season. They had gaps wide as the proverbial Mack truck for Dallas to run through. Receivers were wide open all night long. Stop giving Romo credit he doesn't deserve.


the receivers were as wide open as the running backs were free to roam wherever they wanted.

it was the most embarrassing display of defensive ineptitude i've ever seen from this group.  it was sad, it was humiliating and it was as predictable as hell.


It was like they didn't care, they mailed it in, didn't show up, they should all be embarrassed.

ice grillin you

Quote from: shorebird on January 10, 2010, 10:40:36 AM
Quote from: ice grillin you on January 10, 2010, 10:36:22 AM
Quote from: Rome on January 10, 2010, 08:52:47 AM
ha - exactly right.  the defense can't get any sustained pressure on the quarterback so dawkins would have made no difference whatsoever last night.

the pressure was irrelevant against romo yesterday

the guy is in a zone right now

he took three step drops and put just about every single ball he threw on dime...you literally cannot stop that....you just gotta hope a qb isnt that good...unfortunately romo is that good right now

the only defense for that is some sort of offense.....and to put it lightly the romo mcnabb match up was not in the eagles favor

No. Romo was able to do it against an Ealges D that had invisible linebackers and a D backfield that couldn't cover anyone without drawing a flag. The Defense sucked last night, as it has pretty much all season. They had gaps wide as the proverbial Mack truck for Dallas to run through. Receivers were wide open all night long. Stop giving Romo credit he doesn't deserve.

im not gonna argue with you...all i will say is watch the game again...and watch where romos passes went...in almost every instance they went exactly where the dallas receiver could make an easy catch...were there guys running open like romey said...of course...there are guys running open in every nfl game...its hard to cover people in todays nfl...the fact is the way he was placing the ball made them inmpossible to defend
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


i have no doubt they cared.   no one likes to get humiliated like that and they clearly have pride, but reid set this team up for failure by not selecting the right sort of talent.  he picked guys based on jim johnson's scheme, and that's fine.  problem is he picked the wrong players to implement it so we have mediocre players playing in a scheme that's been thoroughly solved by good teams.

there's too many juqua parkers on that team and not enough trent coles.


I saw a pass from Romo - to I think Crayton - where the ball was behind him and Crayton had to reach back on the run and grab it... which he did.  In fact - it looked almost identical to a pass McNabb threw that went through Maclin's hands the week before.

Now I'm not here to defend McNabb today - far from it... but I do think it's funny how some here were ripping McNabb for that pass, - yet Romo does the same thing and those same people are praising him saying he's basically throwing it exactly where it needs to be.  Whatever.

I thought Sheldon defended the long ball in the endzone pretty well... Ed Hoculi (sp?) saw it differently.  Again, Whatever.

Piss poor effort by the coaches and all phases of the team.  Bah. 

Hey - there's always next year, right? 


terps... i saw the same ball and i agree to a point.   the difference between the two passes is the speed at which they were thrown.  the ball from donovan was a rocket and romo's ball, while fast, was much more catchable speed-wise.

just saying that was my impression.   i could be wrong, obviously.


you are wrong.  i aimed a radar gun at the tv for mcnabb's pass to maclin and then again for the romo pass to crayton and the speeds were identical. 


Quote from: ice grillin you on January 10, 2010, 10:51:41 AM
Quote from: shorebird on January 10, 2010, 10:40:36 AM
Quote from: ice grillin you on January 10, 2010, 10:36:22 AM
Quote from: Rome on January 10, 2010, 08:52:47 AM
ha - exactly right.  the defense can't get any sustained pressure on the quarterback so dawkins would have made no difference whatsoever last night.

the pressure was irrelevant against romo yesterday

the guy is in a zone right now

he took three step drops and put just about every single ball he threw on dime...you literally cannot stop that....you just gotta hope a qb isnt that good...unfortunately romo is that good right now

the only defense for that is some sort of offense.....and to put it lightly the romo mcnabb match up was not in the eagles favor

No. Romo was able to do it against an Ealges D that had invisible linebackers and a D backfield that couldn't cover anyone without drawing a flag. The Defense sucked last night, as it has pretty much all season. They had gaps wide as the proverbial Mack truck for Dallas to run through. Receivers were wide open all night long. Stop giving Romo credit he doesn't deserve.

im not gonna argue with you...all i will say is watch the game again...and watch where romos passes went...in almost every instance they went exactly where the dallas receiver could make an easy catch...were there guys running open like romey said...of course...there are guys running open in every nfl game...its hard to cover people in todays nfl...the fact is the way he was placing the ball made them inmpossible to defend

Guys running open in every NFL game, yeah, unless it's the Eagles offense against Dallas's defense. Romo's passes were accruate, but no more so than any other accurate qb. The Eagles coverage was virtually nonexsistant, as was the pass rush. Any qb in the league would have a good game in those conditions.

ice grillin you

keep being a pathetic homer and not give a dallas guy credit...the man is on farging fire right now and really has been all year...there was no pass rush or linebackers on the planet that could have stopped him yesterday
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


The Eagles blitzed and left their corners in man, against which Dallas ran lots of slants.  The reason Dallas was so successful was Romo being able to hit receivers in stride, opening up possibilities from YAC.  He's played very well the last half of this season.

ice grillin you

Quote from: Eagles_Legendz on January 10, 2010, 07:24:07 PM
The reason Dallas was so successful was Romo being able to hit receivers in stride, opening up possibilities from YAC. 

yup his balls were almost universally on point...but the key to everything was his ability to do it all from the three step drop
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Quote from: ice grillin you on January 10, 2010, 07:21:42 PM
keep being a pathetic homer and not give a dallas guy credit...the man is on farging fire right now and really has been all year...there was no pass rush or linebackers on the planet that could have stopped him yesterday

How does me saying the Ealges D sucked make me a homer? Get off that crap. The only difference in the Cowboys team the Eagles lost to this year and the one they beat last year is no TO. I'm not saying that he's not playing good, but let's wait to see what happens when a good defense gets some pressure on him before we talk about how great he is. He's won one friggen' playoff game for christ sakes. Get off his cock.

ice grillin you

just admit you cant give credit to a dallas player and move on...or continue to embarrass yoursefl
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


I'll give him credit when he beats a real team.