Concrete Field Online Madden League

Started by PhillyPhanInDC, January 05, 2010, 02:35:26 PM

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No, I don't know wtf the problem is.  This issue came up before with the having to download the Ultimate team thing.  Anybody have any idea?
Official Sponsor of #58 Trent Cole

The gods made Trent

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell


Could be a port setting on your router, but if you didn't have any problems before it's tough to nail down. If you keep having the problem, you might have to go the support site and open up the ports. If you want to see if that's it, you could try connecting your modem directly to the xbox, thereby bypassing the router, to see if that's the issue.


It might be his.  I am able to play others on line. 
Official Sponsor of #58 Trent Cole

The gods made Trent

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell


same here, i finished an online game like 5 minutes before we tried the second time.


ok, so i've been able to play online no problem except for this game.  i guess we try one more time and if it still doesn't work we just sim it and see if we're still having problems in the next week of games.  i can try again tonight. 


Official Sponsor of #58 Trent Cole

The gods made Trent

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell



Official Sponsor of #58 Trent Cole

The gods made Trent

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell



week advanced, we couldn't get our game to work.  hopefully this doesn't happen again.  we simmed and my team won 9-5.  so gay.



thats zesty. did you guys try the whole skip the router thing zanshin suggested? weird cause i played both you guys and never had any issues.
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


yeah not sure why, it seems like we can both play other people online no problem.  sucks that our stats get killed like that too, plus he got a loss.  i threw 7 TDS with aaron rodgers in my next game against the comp.


My game is in the books. McNabb had a pretty good day...30-38 for 550 yards, 10 TDs and no INTs. Wouldn't have minded seeing that line at some point last year in real life. Like maybe against the Cowboys at the end of the year.

Also, whomever is playing the Cowboys this week...I think it's Coldasnyte...check the league board to get a time together. Sorvok wanted me to send word.


Oh, and I don't know what the deal is...but this is the second time my starters disappeared from the game. They'd leave the game and never come back-- they weren't hurt, but I couldn't get them in the game even with package subs. That sort of sucks.