Random Eagles information not worthy of a new thread

Started by Eagaholic, July 02, 2009, 12:51:53 PM

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Quote from: SD on January 11, 2011, 01:00:34 PM
Quote"We were just thinking about how nice a day it was and it was a good memory," Peter Coenen said. "Then I looked up and said, 'Oh my God.' "

You know what, go farg yourself. I'm glad someone wrecked your stupid car. You're a complete idiot for parking your car in the lot. waaahhhhhh Philly fans are mean. Damn right we are.

I'm glad something like this happened because it shows me our fans still have their edge. The wussification of Eagles fans has been trending downward fast recently. First we have a new stadium - which is nice - but it's cookie cutter and has no personality of its own, now we're going to have farging solar panels and wind turbines. The average fan used to be some drunk 40 year old from Fishtown, now it's some bratty college kid. I can't remember the last time I saw a fight in the stands, and I'm not talking about security running up the stairs because two people are bickering, I'm talking someone beating the shtein out of someone else. I wouldn't partake in such activities but I do enjoy watching it when it happens. Fights happened every quarter at the Vet. We need to take a stand! Let's take our city back!


lurking wierdo

The Kicking Mule was a replacement player during the strike. He played with Buddy's sons in college. He was a short fat guy who played NT in college. He could, however, kick off knuckle balls inside the 20. Buddy never referred to him by number like most players, he referred to him as Mule or The Kicking Mule (like The Ohio State University).


TE John Nalbone
TE Cornelius Ingram
WR Jeremy Williams

All signed!


Losing in the first round was all part of Reid's master plan so that he could sign these guys before teams like NE or ATL try and scoop them up. 

Don Ho

Quote from: lurking wierdo on January 11, 2011, 04:46:03 PM
The Kicking Mule was a replacement player during the strike. He played with Buddy's sons in college. He was a short fat guy who played NT in college. He could, however, kick off knuckle balls inside the 20. Buddy never referred to him by number like most players, he referred to him as Mule or The Kicking Mule (like The Ohio State University).

Don't remember him.  Trying to forget the strke year.  Didn't the birds go 0-3 during the strike?
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.

lurking wierdo

0 and whatever. But it led to the bounty bowl and the Eagles intentionally running up the score vs Dallas so there was that. What was memorable about the Mule was the stadium announcer referring to him as "The Kicking Mule".


Juan Castillo's name is popping up as an OC candidate in Cleveland should Shurmur land the job.


His reputation is good and all, but he's replaceable.  In short farg him.


He's been here since the Rhodes years. About time he got a coordinator job.

The man. The myth. The legend.


Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Pretty good story


love this part:

QuoteStaley was unsure if he had the temperament to coach; going from a seven-figure salary to a five-figure salary, huddled in an office like workaholics such as his former offensive coordinator, Jon Gruden, staring at endless loops of film, dealing with ever more petulant players.

"You hear the horror stories. I've been around Gruden," Staley said. "I heard the stories about him staying here all night long. I always told myself, 'I can't do that.' "

It turns out, not only could he do it, he couldn't get enough of it.

"I was never dragging. I was so excited, being a part of the team. I never thought about rough hours. Not getting enough sleep," Staley said. "The crazy thing is, I still love the game. And I still appreciate the game. You can love someone but not appreciate them. You can misuse someone or something you love."

Staley, at 35, is the youngest of the group, recently removed from playing, the scent of churned turf still fresh in his nostrils.

"I play the game through McCoy," Staley said. "When somebody's making a move, I catch myself making the move along with them."

Seated on a bench in the Eagles' practice facility, he starts his right leg to twitching: "The way I stay satisfied is playing through them."
"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen



Eagles have signed OL Fenuki Tupou and DB Jamar Wall to contracts.