2009 Point and Laugh at the taterskins thread

Started by Diomedes, January 26, 2009, 10:29:46 AM

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Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.



TB fumbles the ball and taterskins recover.

They are going to win.



Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


I cannot wait for the Eagles to beat this team by 30 points in DC.
They are going to feel all confident at 3-3 after beating KC. I hope we annihilate them.


I take some satisfaction in the Bucs losing. Hate the Bucs, and anything that can keep zorney there on life support is ok by me.


More delicious dysfunction from good ol' DC...

1. They hired Sherman Lewis as a consultant. The problem(s)? He's been out of football since 2004 and Cerrato and Snyder did not consult the guy with whom he'd be consulting with, the head coach. When Cerrato was asked what his role would be, he said they would figure it out as they go along.

2. DC Greg Blache decided he was done talking to the media. So they told the NFL that he would not speak and it would be DBs coach Jerry Gray instead.

These two things have prompted speculation that Zorn is going to be fired, Blache will be the interim HC, Lewis will be the OC and Gray will be the DC.

And then this came out today:


Portis apparently went to the coaches and told them to bench Mike Sellers. Sellers got wind of it and confronted Portis and they got into it.

QuoteI just received a few more texts and calls from league sources about the Mike Sellers-Clinton Portis incident, and this is not good for the taterskins.

Some people in the locker room wouldn't have been too upset if Sellers had landed a couple of blows (no punches were thrown), because Portis's act has worn real thin with some of his teammates, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. His teammates long ago accepted that Portis holds himself to a different standard and often has simply chosen not to practice, and that Portis's chummy relationship, at least in prior seasons, with owner Daniel Snyder is what it is.

Through a team spokesman, Portis and Sellers declined comment.

But for Portis to actually go to coaches to request/demand that a teammate be removed from a game? As word emerged about Portis's effort to essentially have Sellers demoted during Sunday's16-13 victory over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, many players were upset that Portis even felt emboldened enough to attempt to make such a play.

But, really, why should they have been surprised? In an excellent piece on Portis written by my guy, Barry Svrluga, back in August Vinny Cerrato, Washington's executive vice president of football operations, said former coach Joe Gibbs referred to Portis as an assistant general manager. On Wednesday, Potis jokingly said he got "fired. They released me from that duty. Right now, I'm just a part-time running back."

Asked about the incident after practice, Zorn played down the argument.

"These guys love each other. They absolutely love each other," Zorn said. "This is just how a team goes. I thought it was great. There's no fisticuffs. There's no shoving and pushing. These guys just, you know, ah, 'You didn't say hi to me.' 'No, you didn't say hi to me.' You know? I don't know really what the discussion was.

"In reality it's just a lot of nudging and posturing. It's just something that goes on. These guys are like brothers. And they care about each other. Seriously, it's not an issue."

Zorn was asked whether the events of the week at taterskins Park -- which in addition to the Sellers-Portis incident also included the hiring of a consultant, Sherman Lewis, to help Zorn on offense and the decision of defensive coordinator Greg Blache to reduce his involvement wit the media -- have created a perception that things aren't going so well.

"Only if you [reporters] create that perception," Zorn said. "There's nothing in our locker room that would cite that:"


Those guys love each other. No seriously, they really love each other.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds



QuoteImportant Message From the Hogettes- Imposter Hogette
The Hogettes asked me to post this for them. The imposter is from NY and you need to be wary of him if you see him at the stadium etc. He claims to be NY's only Hogette.

"It has come to our attention that an individual is representing himself to be a Hogette. Please be aware that 'HOGETTES' is a Registered Trademark and the Hogette likeness is COPYWRITED. He is currently in violation of both federal and state statutes. We have requested that he immediately remove any likeness of himself as a 'Hogette' from any public or private forum. Likewise, we have requested that he remove any reference to himself as a 'Hogette', representing himself as a 'Hogette' or in any manner alluding to himself as a 'Hogette' or representing the 'Hogettes'.

We have a very stringent set of rules and guidelines on who can become a Hogette and we monitor all of our members to insure that inappropriate action does not occur. We are very disturbed that someone would portray us in a negative manner and try to insure that this does not happen. However, from time to time we find it necessary to protect our Trademark and Copyright.

If you feel that you have been approached by an impostor or become aware of a potential impostor, please contact us immediately at:

hogettes.org or hogettes.net

Thanks you

Hail to the taterskins



After being down 17-2, Carolina just jumped ahead of the Skins... 20-17  :-D
"Now I'm completing up the other half of that triangle" - Emmitt Smith on joining Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin in the Hall of Fame

"If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is that considered rape or shoplifting?" -- 2 Live Stews


the refs hate us!  this will bring us together and only make us stronger.  i'm so zorny right now. 


"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons

QB Eagles

The Skins are one of the worst teams in the NFL and I'm loving every second of it.


It looks like it will be a very good couple of weeks when the Eagles play the taterskins. It'll be a pleasure to lighten igy's wallet.


The taterskins will probably win enough gmes this season to retain most of the morons in their fan base. Enough to ensure that by their last home game the seats will be at least somewhat occupied. Then Snyder will bring in and overpay some big-name coach in the offseason which will sucessfully rake in a few of the poor ignorant SOBs who lost most but not all of their hope.


Florio says Snyder is livid about today's loss and Zorn could be replaced by Sherman Lewis