Eagles vs. Cardinals - NFC Championship game

Started by SD_Eagle5, January 11, 2009, 04:20:58 PM

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I could take it a little better if they would have played up to thier potential, but they looked like shtein for three quarters.

I blame most of the inconsistancy of this team on coaching and playcalling, and think Reid needs to go, not now, but right farging now. If I was Lurie I'd have fired Reid before the post game presser.


I love the Ravens/Steelers in the SB with the points. Don't care what the line is.

Gonna drop a lot on either.
Calling it right on the $ since day one.
Just pointing laughing, and living it up while watching the Miami Heat stink it up.


The fact that we were one of the top ten Offensives should tell that fat farg how deadly and nasty we could be with a TRUE #1 fargin Wr. How more clear does it have to  be. Fat  Farg likes to throw, but fat farg has no one great, stud, awesome person to throw it too. It's mind boggling.

And Congrats to CT, he is going to the SB and he was repulsive enough that a fat ugly chick left him. Hey 1 out of 2 aint bad.


Quote from: King Cole on January 18, 2009, 08:42:59 PM
I love the Ravens/Steelers in the SB with the points. Don't care what the line is.

Gonna drop a lot on either.

I don't the cards have two studs and Breston is better then anyone on both teams except Ward. Their Offense is clicking right now, this is Warner's Rams of 08/09


QB Eagles

Man... this sucks. I forgot how much these things hurt. I did think the Eagles were playing with house money, but it still hurts. The Cards were easily beatable and the game was within the Eagles' grasp. I think if the Eagles had gotten totally blown out by Carolina, I would be taking this a lot easier.

Worst of all, I'm surrounded by people celebrating the Steelers. They think the win over Arizona is a foregone conclusion and they're probably right. But now I gotta listen to their farging horseshtein for the next two weeks at least.



Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Quote from: QB Eagles on January 18, 2009, 10:32:22 PM
Man... this sucks. I forgot how much these things hurt. I did think the Eagles were playing with house money, but it still hurts. The Cards were easily beatable and the game was within the Eagles' grasp. I think if the Eagles had gotten totally blown out by Carolina, I would be taking this a lot easier.

Worst of all, I'm surrounded by people celebrating the Steelers. They think the win over Arizona is a foregone conclusion and they're probably right. But now I gotta listen to their farging horseshtein for the next two weeks at least.

I feel ya on that one....
   I have a lot of people in my family that are Steelers fans.  When I was a young impressionable kid, the only Eagles fan in my family was my Uncle, and he was born and raised in Philadelphia.  Whenever he came up for a family reunion or some kind of family function, the Steelers fans in my family would rag on him tremendously, but my uncle would hold his ground.  He would tell them how proud he was to be an Eagles fan and how the Eagles were the "working man's team" and that once they won the big one, the celebration would be unlike anything ever witnessed in human history.  As a six year old kid, his passion and exuberance for the Philadelphia Eagles drove me to become an Eagles fan too.  Once I did, it set me up for harassment by the other members of my family.  Two things I remember the Steelers fans in my family telling me.....

1.   "Ya picked the wrong side of the state...."
2.   "The Steelers will ALWAYS pull through while the Eagles will ALWAYS disappoint..."

Well, it happened yet again.  The Steelers have won their AFC championship to advance to the Super Bowl and the Eagles have lost in the NFC championship to have their season come to a futile end, and all I can think about (yet again) are those two haunting phrases that stay stuck with me every time the Steelers win and the Eagles lose.  The Steelers have won 5 Super Bowl titles in 6 attempts and are about to probably win another one against the Arizona Cardinals.  You've got to be kidding me.  I've watched the Eagles for 30 years and not one time have they hoisted the Lombardi trophy; not once.  Sure, it was nice to see the Eagles beat them 16-9 earlier in the season, but what good is that now if the Eagles are going to be the ones watching them play in the Super Bowl?  Sometimes I wonder if those two phrases will haunt me for the rest of my life.  Everytime I see the Steelers have a better record or win their division or win another game, the Eagles are more than likely losing games that they should win and putting themselves in situations that they struggle in.  Will I ever see an Eagles team go all the way and win the Super Bowl?  Will I ever see the players on this team rise above and beyond all challengers and give me and the rest of its faithful diehard fan base what it truly wants?  Or will I continue to be plagued by my Steelers family members as they root for their team in yet another Super Bowl and continue to heckle me for my choosing of the Philadelphia Eagles as my team?

My uncle passed away recently, leaving me as the only one in the family to represent Eagles nation, but at least he was there to see the championships of 48, 49, and 60.  His one wish was to see the Eagles win the game they called the Super Bowl.  After thirty years I ask myself why I root for this team.  I figure it's because year after year I am trapped in this imaginary delusion that someday this team will win it all, and all of the Steelers, Cowboys, Giants, and taterskins fans will actually have to shut up for once and give the city of Philadelphia the respect it deserves.  Unfortunately for me, in the end I'll continue to toil as an Eagles fan and watch from the outside as my Steelers family celebrates yet another victory.  Hey, at least I'll have something to eat.
CF Record Holder - Oldest User With Least Amount of Posts


Quote from: Magical_Retard on January 18, 2009, 08:29:33 PM
Quote from: General_Failure on January 18, 2009, 08:26:13 PM
Quote from: Magical_Retard on January 18, 2009, 08:25:25 PM
Quote from: General_Failure on January 18, 2009, 08:22:16 PM
Quote from: Magical_Retard on January 18, 2009, 08:19:47 PM
Quote from: General_Failure on January 18, 2009, 08:16:55 PM
Time for Jim Johnson to go. He's wasted Dawkins' career on a system that doesn't work against good offenses. Speaking of Dawkins, he can hang 'em up now.

I would agree cept they have nothing behind Dawkins.

Replacing mediocrity with mediocrity is a fair trade. Dawkins is done.

One bad game and he is done? No one showed up on D.

I rather keep him and draft a replacement then just get rid of him.

One? Jesus farg, where has Dawkins been all season? Does it take more than one hand to count the number of plays he's made this year?

He made plenty the last few weeks. But how did Dawkins lose this game? Or how was he a liability?

He did leave Fitzgerald wide open on the short crossing TD, instead of going for coverage (which he can't really do with the elite WR anymore, I hate to admit) he went for the spear.
Three things can happen when you throw the ball, and two of them are bad.


It's state the obvious time!

1. Cards got the breaks and made plays...eagles had the opportunities and didnt make the plays (shut the farg up Aikman...I can't stand when announcers try to be prophetic and cast doom and gloom because a team doesnt make plays)

2. Where the farg was the D?

3. The D. Jackson TD was one of the dopest Eagles TDs ever.

4. Larry Fitzgerald is a man-beast. The Goverment made him. That guys a bad ass.

5. At least we knocked off the Cowboys

6. farg the Eagles.
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


farg it... I was alright after the game.. now I'm depressed... as happy as I was with the Phil's World Series... it's not the Eagles... we aren't on Philphans here, we are on concretefield... we're all die hard Eagles fans.. and this team never fails to disappoint. I'm drunk as shtein and I just pulled an Extremeskins moment but I don't give a farg.  I've followed this team more than any in this city, and this just farging sucks... farg em.


Quote from: bowzer on January 19, 2009, 01:57:45 AM
farg it... I was alright after the game.. now I'm depressed... as happy as I was with the Phil's World Series... it's not the Eagles... we aren't on Philphans here, we are on concretefield... we're all die hard Eagles fans.. and this team never fails to disappoint. I'm drunk as shtein and I just pulled an Extremeskins moment but I don't give a farg.  I've followed this team more than any in this city, and this just farging sucks... farg em.

Boo fargin Hoo

The Eagles will never win a Super Bowl; what more proof than this game do you need?

Most of the time, other fans would either be slightly sympathetic or at least neutral with regards to your plight as fans.  In this case, however, every other fanbase is farging ecstatic that the Eagles once again crapped the bed/screwed the pooch/snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in yet another NFCCG.   Why is this?  The simple answer is that Eagles fans are so classless and belligerent as to be hated the league over, and this hatred spills over to your perenially overrated team and your cesspool of a city. 

The Eagles are the poor homeless man's Buffalo Bills.  At least that team made it to the SB before utterly collapsing.  Better yet, everyone else is laughing uncontrollably at this.  Even more hilarious is that this year's team finished on a decent run (prior to today's crapfest), thus ensuring that the FatAss Mumblin' Mormon and brainless, gutless Donovan McFlabb era will continue to stumble along like a wasted, trembling drunk plodding the streets of South Philly after the bars close.

Good farging riddance you classless jackoffs.

Don Ho

Quote from: pinoyboy2pt0 on January 18, 2009, 08:12:49 PM
 i'll give credit to patterson during the giants game, but you know he doesn't do jack shtein 80% of the time and is blocked by one man as he spins around 2 yards back of his own LOS while the qb is 7 yards away from him.  most of the time he's blocked 3-6 yards backwards and that's how he ends up making those tackles...he's basically running parallel with the runner.

Exactly.  There will be weeks that go by where his name is never called during a game.  I almost forgot he was on the team at times this season.
"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.

Don Ho

Quote from: Romolicious on January 19, 2009, 03:44:40 AM

The Eagles will never win a Super Bowl; what more proof than this game do you need?

Good farging riddance you classless jackoffs.

Don't you have a zit to go pop you useless tool? 

"Well where does Jack Lord live, or Don Ho?  That's got to be a nice neighborhood"  Jack Singer(Nicholas Cage) in Honeymoon in Vegas.