Best/Worst liked Dog Breeds

Started by hbionic, July 12, 2007, 07:48:38 PM

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Yeah, so the American Bulldog thing never worked out, much to my chagrin.  We went out to the breeder's place and it was farging clown shoes. AB/Pits mixed and running around, shtein everywhere, dogs in average at best conditions.

So I gave up. No more dags, and this made the wife happy. Today I said farg it and picked up a mutt from a co-worker. Boxer/Lab combo deal.

She's twelve weeks. Named her Kona because I picked up some coffee at Wawa on the way to get her.  You care.

I am also up at farging 4:30 on a Monday because it's her first night away from her mom and she is whining her ass off.

"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""  R.I.P George.



my no.2 dog, the 11 mo. old rott mix, worships my no.1, the 10 year old boxer mix.  can't imagine life without 'em.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


I forgot how much having a puppy is a pain in the ass. She follows me everywhere, and has been crying and howling off and on all night. She was one of the last ones to leave the mom, so I think she got too much attention. She hasn't been eating much, but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet...
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""  R.I.P George.


you haven't even begun to remember how much of a pain in the ass it is

she'll be chewing for a year....take a good look around your house and consider this:  she's gonna destroy shtein you never thought she'd get

There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


Remote controls, CDs and digital cameras were my dog's preference as a puppy. No idea why. Good looking puppy. Boxer mixes are pretty awesome.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


Looks like a solid way to go. Those first few weeks are always a pain in the ass. Train her the right way now, though, and save yourself some pain down the line.


Buy a kennel, it'll make life 1000x easier.


the kennel does make life a lot easier on everyone, dog included

but they still wreck shtein

having the older dog helps with training immensely.  the puppy follows her lead in everything, and since she's well trained, getting the puppy in line has been a cinch

post more pics when you get a chance
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


my poor old dog is probably not going to make it much more than maybe 2 or 3 more months.  he's a 13 1/2 yr old lab mix that i got from the pound when he was 8 weeks old.  i was stationed up near seattle and that mutt has gone pretty much everywhere i've gone since then.  he's been with me through marriage, kids births, divorce and every other hi and low in my life since i was 19 yrs old. 

now he's old, has a very hard time getting up, is going deaf and blind and has a couple of tumors in him.  obviously too old for surgery though.  but he's still very much a pup too though.  still likes to play and go for walks....short walks now, but still wants to go.  but it's basically gotten to the point though where i'm just keeping an eye on his comfort level.  the minute he starts to act like he's in pain or his demeanor changes where he isn't happy and playfull, then i'll have to take him in and put him down. 

very sad stuff.  i hate that dogs age so quickly.  not cool. 


jesus christ man now I'm going to go cry myself to sleep and I hope to never wake up
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


There's a shot you can take...

The man. The myth. The legend.


Sad story, Sassy, and you're right - the process of losing a dog, especially one that you've had a long time is awful.

Here's hoping he goes out in the middle of licking his own balls.


Sorry to hear that Sassy. I remember once my mother told me when I was a kid and our German Shepherd had to be put down because of age that dogs don't need to live as long as humans because they get more out of life in an 1/8th of the time. It's hard to find a happier creature on the planet than a well cared for dog.

More Kona pics:

Chewing on my foot.

Daughter showing her where to keep lunch.
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""  R.I.P George.


Cute pup man, and nice Ikea furniture
"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


didn't mean to be such a downer in this thread.  he's my buddy though and it's going to suck royally when i have to make that call.  the positive though that i forgot to mention is that his tumors are benign so he's not dying of cancer or anything.  just old age.

seabiscuit = the guy who looks at pics of some naked skank and points out that the tv in the background is showing an old episode of chips.