Men Should Act Like Men...

Started by rjs246, January 24, 2007, 08:49:27 PM

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If you're just coming around to the whole "igy is an elitist skins fans" bandwagon, i suggest you have your late passes.

End me.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.

ice grillin you

going to see annie tonight at a theater in baltimore
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


and if you're lucky, I'll invite you back to my place afterwards
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


The man. The myth. The legend.

ice grillin you

annie was excellent
even with all the annoying kids there

unfortunately wasnt able to hook up with dio but its in my near future plans
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Quote from: Cerevant on January 25, 2007, 08:59:31 AM
Here's one that should go in "that other" thread as well: I'm in the market for a minivan.

Hah!  Dodged that bullet - I'm getting a big-assed, gas guzzling SUV.
An ad hominem fallacy consists of asserting that someone's argument is wrong and/or he is wrong to argue at all purely because of something discreditable/not-authoritative about the person or those persons cited by him rather than addressing the soundness of the argument itself.


Quote from: Cerevant on March 27, 2007, 03:38:10 PM
Quote from: Cerevant on January 25, 2007, 08:59:31 AM
Here's one that should go in "that other" thread as well: I'm in the market for a minivan.

Hah!  Dodged that bullet - I'm getting a big-assed, gas guzzling SUV.

I'm almost bought a pilot. Not sure I would really classify it as a gs guzzler though. The thing gets 25mpg on the highway, probably more if you keep your foot out of it. That better than some American (read: Mexican/Canadian) built family sedans. Nice farging car though, the Pilot.
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""  R.I.P George.



Quote from: FastFreddie on April 26, 2007, 02:54:37 PM
only in LA

i read that this morning too.  i still don't know why changing into a chick means he/she has to change her last name also.


Quote from: FastFreddie on April 26, 2007, 02:54:37 PM
only in LA

Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.



Quote from: SD_Eagle on April 26, 2007, 03:11:37 PM
Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona bay!
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""  R.I.P George.


Quote from: phattymatty on April 26, 2007, 03:03:20 PM
Quote from: FastFreddie on April 26, 2007, 02:54:37 PM
only in LA

i read that this morning too.  i still don't know why changing into a chick means he/she has to change her last name also.

Who knows.  Maybe he/she wants a whole new identity or maybe his/her parents freaked out and want nothing to do with him. 

Regardless, I will say that it takes some huge balls to admit something like that to people you're close with, let alone putting it in writing for the world to see.  Ironically enough, he's getting his balls chopped off now. 


Quote from: Sgt PSN on April 26, 2007, 03:54:02 PM
Quote from: phattymatty on April 26, 2007, 03:03:20 PM
Quote from: FastFreddie on April 26, 2007, 02:54:37 PM
only in LA

i read that this morning too.  i still don't know why changing into a chick means he/she has to change her last name also.

Who knows.  Maybe he/she wants a whole new identity or maybe his/her parents freaked out and want nothing to do with him. 

Regardless, I will say that it takes some huge balls to admit something like that to people you're close with, let alone putting it in writing for the world to see.  Ironically enough, he's getting his balls chopped off now. 

Sarge commenting on a story from LA about a transsexual... and no mention of hbionic.  Disappointing.


That's because Chuggie's not a gender bender.  He likes have sword fights with his lovers' fleshpop too much to actually have it cut off.