Season Ticket Waiting List?

Started by Seabiscuit36, January 23, 2007, 11:14:30 AM

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Well this has been entertaining at least. Though it doesn't take much.
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I don't really find this entertaining at all. The guy knows that no one here cares, yet he comes back anyway?

I could see if some people here were like "yeah!" and getting behind it....but obviously we all don't give a farg here, so move on to somewhere else please.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Quote from: Munson on May 29, 2007, 01:32:16 PM
I don't really find this entertaining at all. The guy knows that no one here cares, yet he comes back anyway?

this statement was dipped in irony and deep fried in cluelessness
I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.


Quote from: SunMo on May 29, 2007, 01:34:06 PM
Quote from: Munson on May 29, 2007, 01:32:16 PM
I don't really find this entertaining at all. The guy knows that no one here cares, yet he comes back anyway?

this statement was dipped in irony and deep fried in cluelessness

and covered with a glaze of naivete.

ice grillin you

this guy is correct in just about everything he blatant mistake is saying how the taterskins have cut down on scalping...they have not at all...their tickets are extremely plentiful on ticket sits with brokers and in the gameday lot...anyway i personally think there needs to be more people who care as much as he does...i dont understand why everyone attacks him so much

i do wonder if this cat is as vigilent in real life as he is on internet message boards...but i do like the crusade in general
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Quote from: ice grillin you on May 29, 2007, 07:06:52 PM
this guy is correct in just about everything he blatant mistake is saying how the taterskins have cut down on scalping...they have not at all...their tickets are extremely plentiful on ticket sits with brokers and in the gameday lot...anyway i personally think there needs to be more people who care as much as he does...i dont understand why everyone attacks him so much

i do wonder if this cat is as vigilent in real life as he is on internet message boards...but i do like the crusade in general


I don't think people are attacking the message as much as the delivery.  This guy has been condescending from the beginning, and fairly one-track in his message.  He's done precious little discussion of football issues and has been beating the proverbial dead horse.

I, however, will follow his example and refuse to buy a single Eagles ticket this year. I eagerly await to see what the Eagles do without my $0 this year.

ice grillin you

to me he has a great message to deliver...his delivery doesnt bother me in the least but if it did id just ignore him...altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

ill enjoy following his quest and hope he actually makes a difference some day...tho i highly doubt it

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Jesus Christ, IGY.  Don't you get it?  He doesn't have a quest.  He's a troll, dude.  Nothing more, nothing less.

If the guy was legitimate don't you think we'd be behind what he's saying?  Other than the X-Files conspiracy crap he spews, he's spot on about the Eagles being corrupt and greedy.  But that's not exactly "man bites dog" news now is it?


Quote from: ice grillin you on May 29, 2007, 07:43:42 PM
to me he has a great message to deliver...his delivery doesnt bother me in the least but if it did id just ignore him...altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

ill enjoy following his quest and hope he actually makes a difference some day...tho i highly doubt it

I haven't really said anything.  Since I live so far away and am a poor teacher, I haven't seen the Eagles live since the early 1990s, so it doesn't really apply to me.  If I had the money, though, I'd probably pay the scalper prices to see a game in Philly.  I can see his point, but until a) a government/law enforcement agency or the nfl steps in to declare the situation legally questionable, or b) it starts actually costing the team money because of a boycott of some sort, I cannot see the situation changing.

When the Eagles come to Miami again, I want to go.  I want to party with Romey.  :D  Two nearly middle-aged guys on South Beach - WOOT!

Father Demon

I bought tickets to the MInny game for a bunch of us CFers from a scalper.  And I'm buying some for the NYG game in NY.

I don't give a shtein where I get tickets - i f I can afford them and they seem like a decent value to me, then I'm buying them.

The drawback to marital longevity is your wife always knows when you're really interested in her and when you're just trying to bury it.

ice grillin you

Jesus Christ, IGY.  Don't you get it?  He doesn't have a quest.  He's a troll, dude.  Nothing more, nothing less.

im not saying he isnt...i mentioned he possibility of it...but you have no proof that he is...just because he posts on this subject over and over doesnt mean he doesnt believe in the cause...and even if he doesnt why would it ever bother you...the message seperate from the poster is right on....and thats enough for me

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Quote from: ice grillin you on May 29, 2007, 07:43:42 PM
to me he has a great message to deliver...his delivery doesnt bother me in the least but if it did id just ignore him...altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

ill enjoy following his quest and hope he actually makes a difference some day...tho i highly doubt it

altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything

altho his fan club does keep his crusade at the top of of the board far longer than if no one said anything
"Now I'm completing up the other half of that triangle" - Emmitt Smith on joining Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin in the Hall of Fame

"If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is that considered rape or shoplifting?" -- 2 Live Stews


i hope he dies in a car wreck on christmas eve
I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.

Susquehanna Birder

I am amused by his lack of social skills. The dude bursts in, gets everybody all wound up, and then when nobody will drop down and blow him, he gets all outraged and storms off.



I should change all those meta tags that say "come in and talk down to us, we'll suck you dry afterwards."

The man. The myth. The legend.