Season Ticket Waiting List?

Started by Seabiscuit36, January 23, 2007, 11:14:30 AM

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These will be in the articles, but since some of the fans here sound interested in the Wait List this is what I have mined from them.

Initial Inquiry:

When do we get the order for the Wait list, its well over a year overdo?

When do tickets that were either revoked or not bought again go out to the Wait List?

How many Club Level Seats open up per year?

Are the non-Club Club seats in the endzone going to be opened up for season tickets?


Eagles Ticket Office Reply:

Time on the waiting list depends on how many current season tickets holders decide not to renew their seats.  It is possible that all of them could renew their seats and no one would come off the waiting list.  When tickets become available to us we will contact the next person on the waitlist to see if they still wish to purchase tickets and will move down the list accordingly.  Generally, club seats do not become available to members of the waiting list because almost the entire club section is seat licenses which means the individuals (not the Eagles) own the seats.  If you have any more questions, then please let us know.


Follow Up question (since they answered none of the initial questions)?

How do I know where I am on the list?  How do you know you is first?  I never received my position on the list.


From the Eagles:

I truly apologize for your discontent. The department working on the waiting list is doing its best to get as much information out to our members as quickly as possible.  As the anticipation builds on another Eagles season, we understand that this can be a long and frustrating time for you, but please continue to be patient as the waiting list has reached well over 65,000 people. As far as we know, it is not likely that waiting list members will get an EXACT number as to where they stand. This is because members lower on the list may take their name off and also our available seats from year to year can never truly be predicted. Instead, you will receive a percentile that you fall into on the list.  This way, an Eagles Ticket Office representative can be in contact with you as to the number of tickets you are requesting when your percentile comes up. So thank you again for your patience at such a busy time in our season. We appreciate your continued support for The Philadelphia Eagles.


So there is an entire department working on the wait list of the last 5 years.  They are apparnetly writing the list in chalk out in the parking lot, and every time it rains they need to start over.  Farging liars.  They have no idea when the list will be done, but they know its way more than 65,000 people.  Funny, funny shtein.

Either they are the worst liars on the planet.  Or they are the most incompetent front office in all of sports.  Its a waiting list, for crying out loud.  This unorganized method, may explain why we drafted a QB with our first pick this year.


I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.


The funny thing is everyone knows the Eagles are lying greedy scumbags yet this bunny with a flapjack on his head thinks he's alone in his disgust for them.

I love the fervor he posts with, though.  Of all the things a person can rage against in this farged up world, this loon chooses the Eagles and their ticketing operation.

Darfur?  Child's play.

Third world debt?  Bah!  Nonsense.

Global environmental degradation?  Who cares!



Actually, the ticket policy's around the NFL are basically the steriods of the NFL. Everyone knows they are backhanded and curupt. Every team does it. There is just no real evidence that the powers that be sanction it.

There are investigations going on, and this guy could be running a legit one. I do know of another.

I hope one succeeds. Doubt they will though.
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Quote from: crabby102 on May 28, 2007, 01:26:29 AMHere is one long time fan, rooting for a long string of losing seasons.  They deserve it and maybe real fans can actually get tickets for themselves.
Hang in there, peace out

This is a major league sports issue, not an Eagles-specific problem. The statement above proves that you are not only a narrow-minded, self-important douche bag, you are also a piece of shtein Eagles fan who should try focusing their attention on more fan-friendly sports like the WBNA or women's soccer.

As a non-season ticket holder, I hate the fact that the internet has now made it so easy for season ticket holders to unload their seats, that it makes no sense for them to not renew each year. If you have hard proof showing that the Eagles are funneling seats to Razorgator that should otherwise go to people on a waiting list, everyone on this board would be on your side. Otherwise, scalping is being promulgated by the same fans & corporate ticket holders who were scalping them via ticket agencies & brokers long before it became so easy on the internet.


Quote from: crabby102 on May 28, 2007, 01:26:29 AM.
He has been on more open minded web sites still trashing the Eagle ticket policies:

Referencing posts you made yourself on other message boards adds no credibility at all, especially referencing websites who list the following sponsors in their page header:,, Hallmarktickets.cpom &  :-D


QuoteGuest      08:02:32 PM     Viewing the topic Season Tickets eBay.

At least have balls enough to log in and show yourself, you Hoyda.


Quote from: Beermonkey on May 28, 2007, 04:22:28 PM
This is a major league sports issue, not an Eagles-specific problem. The statement above proves that you are not only a narrow-minded, self-important douche bag, you are also a piece of shtein Eagles fan who should try focusing their attention on more fan-friendly sports like the WBNA or women's soccer.

As a non-season ticket holder, I hate the fact that the internet has now made it so easy for season ticket holders to unload their seats, that it makes no sense for them to not renew each year. If you have hard proof showing that the Eagles are funneling seats to Razorgator that should otherwise go to people on a waiting list, everyone on this board would be on your side. Otherwise, scalping is being promulgated by the same fans & corporate ticket holders who were scalping them via ticket agencies & brokers long before it became so easy on the internet.
You really need to stop attacking and try to understand the issue.  While it is obvious you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, the 20 seats in one row thing should give you a really big clue.  All being sold on RazorGator FOR EVERY game.  That is proof.  Either they are selling them straight away to a scalper who is obviously reselling them on RazorGator, or they are giving the directly to RazorGator.

Does it matter?????

Whether everyone on a message board is on my side is unimportant, couldn't give two shteins.  Just bringing up the issue to have other fans contact me with more info on them to expose them even more.


Quote from: Beermonkey on May 28, 2007, 04:37:53 PM
Referencing posts you made yourself on other message boards adds no credibility at all, especially referencing websites who list the following sponsors in their page header:,, Hallmarktickets.cpom &  :-D
Nitwit.  They are a national board.  This board is a very small local board, just showing that the information is posted elsewhere.


Quote from: Jerome99RIP on May 28, 2007, 08:06:12 PM
At least have balls enough to log in and show yourself, you Hoyda.
You are a very strange person.  We have encountered each other over the last few years.  When have I needed to hide or log on as a guest to state my position.  No one hear scares me when it comes to a debate.  Name calling yes, debate no.

MonkeyBrain actually wants more proof that something is wrong here.  And is to scared or too clueless to speak up when something is wrong with his team.


I'll use numbers to clarify this issue for you:

1. RazorGator is paying the Eagles to advertise on their website.
2. The Eagles want to make money.
3. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who are season ticket holders who sell those tickets to scalpers.
4. This has been going on for decades and will continue to go on. There's nothing anyone can do about it. It's just a nature of the business.
5. The Eagles don't give a crap.
6. They Eagles still make money.
7. That stadium will be full of people, 99% of whom are Eagles fans.
8. That Eagles like to make money.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


Quote from: MDS on May 29, 2007, 12:15:09 AM
I'll use numbers to clarify this issue for you:

1. RazorGator is paying the Eagles to advertise on their website.
2. The Eagles want to make money.
3. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who are season ticket holders who sell those tickets to scalpers.
4. This has been going on for decades and will continue to go on. There's nothing anyone can do about it. It's just a nature of the business.
5. The Eagles don't give a crap.
6. They Eagles still make money.
7. That stadium will be full of people, 99% of whom are Eagles fans.
8. That Eagles like to make money.
Just as I gave up on finding intelligent life forms here.  I agree with everything you said.  My problem is the Eagles could make just as much money AND take care of their fans, since three of your items are about the Eagles making money, I'm just going to count it as 6.

1.  Getting into bed with a scalping site is wrong in my view.  Pressure both legally and politically can change that.  I can site examples were eBay was shut down for concert tickets by the simple boycott techniques used for years.

3.  Selling to scalpers is fine, but if you have a supposed 65,000 waitlist, why not revoke those seats and give them to local fans?  Is it that hard to find the guy they sold 20 tickets to in Row 4 of Section 206??  Maybe they could take the team of highly intelligent people working on the wait list and get them involved.  Sure the Wait List will have to wait, but it really is irrelevant anyway.

4.  It hasn't been going on for decades because the internet is the prime reason.  1000's of seats were never for sale because there was just no way to move them.

5.  The eagles don't give a crap is the main reason I can't stand them.  And another reason why I could care less if they win or lose anymore.  Sure I watch them but the gold standard which has never won anything and treats the fan base as badly as we get treated, I am OK with them continually falling short.

7.  The biggest mistaken belief out there.  God people have short memories.  Remember a long time ago in 2005.  When the Eagles were horrible and since not only were the thousands of scalpers selling tickets but regular fans too (the Philly faithful).  The Linc was half filled with Giants and taterskins fans.  One of the coolest byproducts of the scalping age.  So there is no where near 99% of the fans at ANY game, because the Skins, Boys and Giants all have large fan bases here and have taken over our stadium not even two years ago.  It was embarrassing watching ESPN at all of the Red and Blue jerseys.

The taterskins cracked down on scalping just for that reason.  Their STHs were smart enough to complain about different opposing fans sitting next to them.  The Philly faithful jsut aren't that bright as a group.  But I am guessing 3 or 4 years of losing football, some will get tired of scalpers filling our stadium with the OTHERS.  Maybe the Eagles will even figure out by then it is better for 10 sons & fathers. best buddies or college buds in this area to have 2 tickets each and use them EVERY game, than one scalper in Texas having 20 seats together to sell.  I hope they choke on their policies.


You take being a whiney bitch to a new level. I blame your parents.


Quote from: crabby102 on May 29, 2007, 12:02:12 AM
You really need to stop attacking and try to understand the issue.  While it is obvious you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, the 20 seats in one row thing should give you a really big clue.  All being sold on RazorGator FOR EVERY game.  That is proof.  Either they are selling them straight away to a scalper who is obviously reselling them on RazorGator, or they are giving the directly to RazorGator.

Does it matter?????

Whether everyone on a message board is on my side is unimportant, couldn't give two shteins.  Just bringing up the issue to have other fans contact me with more info on them to expose them even more.

:-D I have a hard time believing that you are this legitimately riled up about this issue. I have to believe that your reasons for pushing this are not motivated by wanting to "help the real fan" & are probably more selfish. I even suspect that you are probably a scalper yourself. 

Ticket/travel agencies & brokers owned large blocks of seats way before the Linc was even built, so I can understand why there would be large blocks offered by the same seller. Why don't you have people you know buy these seats to see who the seller is? Maybe go to the game & ask the people in those seats where they got them from? Instead of flailing away with your impotent crusade on internet message boards, you should devote your energy petitioning your State Representative or Attorney General to outlaw scalping.


Quote from: crabby102 on May 29, 2007, 12:07:07 AM
Quote from: Jerome99RIP on May 28, 2007, 08:06:12 PM
At least have balls enough to log in and show yourself, you Hoyda.
You are a very strange person.  We have encountered each other over the last few years.  When have I needed to hide or log on as a guest to state my position.  No one hear scares me when it comes to a debate.  Name calling yes, debate no.

Stop being a coward and log in, Tony.  That way we can make fun of you directly instead of guessing which guest account you're viewing the board in.