Who needs to go? - Offense / ST's

Started by PoopyfaceMcGee, November 27, 2006, 12:44:46 PM

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Quote from: Jerome99RIP on November 27, 2006, 04:08:38 PM



I thought to myself "WWDS" (What Would Dubbya Say?) and there ya go.  Retardeder. 


Quote from: ice grillin you on November 27, 2006, 03:07:26 PM
herremans needs to be kept to take tra's place at tackle....hes at least showed some promise there and who knows about justice...but heremans is not a guard and never should have been forced in there

moats gone
reno gone
baskett gone
lewis gone

replace the last three with some talent/athletic ability...the days of undrafted free agents playing need to end

id say tapeh as well but since they dont run the ball who cares...but he isnt a good lead blocker at all

I agree with replacing those guys with athletes. A guy like Devin Hester who maybe doesn't really have a position but can turn the game around with a return. Hopefully Jeremy Bloom can give us something like Hester is giving Chicago.

I disagree about Herremans at LG. He's played well there. If they are going to move him it should be to RT unless they slide Winston Justice over to RT and have Herremans play LT. But Pat McCoy is a guy who could end up replacing Runyan at RT. He's a decent prospect. But the OL is set - it might need some shuffling around but they have the pieces in place.


McNabb.  Needs to be said, and seriously considered.  Can he come back to full form from this injury post 30?  Maybe.  But not until the middle of next season.  We need a replacement til then.  Who thinks it's Feeley.  Not me - it's a draftee or FA pickup.  And then the controversy starts.  Settle with him and cut him loose.  And start over.
Anyone but Reid.


A draftee is going to blow and blow hard. AJ isn't going to cause a controversy because he's really not as good as people want to think he is. That's why he's back here and not starting on one of the other 31 teams out there.

The man. The myth. The legend.


While I agree that a draftee will blow hard, so will AJ, and likely McNabb next season.  2007 is already lost, regardless of whether they retain Reid et al.

If we start over with a new coach, might as well start over with a new QB that fits HIS philosophy, and not a gimp.
Anyone but Reid.


Brace yourselves for Jake Plummer talk...
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.



Quote from: rjs246 on November 27, 2006, 07:22:10 PM
Brace yourselves for Jake Plummer talk...

You can't see it, but I'm punching you in the face through your monitor.

The man. The myth. The legend.


Quote from: rjs246 on November 27, 2006, 07:22:10 PM
Brace yourselves for Jake Plummer talk...

Yeah, we need another old running QB with bad mechanics.  Great.
Anyone but Reid.


A second rate, scrambling, white QB who is probably entering the back-up-challenging-the-incumbent-starter phase of his career... just warning you...
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


Northern Eagle


Quote from: MadMarchHare on November 27, 2006, 07:10:48 PM
McNabb.  Needs to be said, and seriously considered.  Can he come back to full form from this injury post 30?  Maybe.  But not until the middle of next season.  We need a replacement til then.  Who thinks it's Feeley.  Not me - it's a draftee or FA pickup.  And then the controversy starts.  Settle with him and cut him loose.  And start over.

McNabb goes nowhere. ACL injuries are comparable to an ankle sprain nowadays. His arm is fine and thats all that matters.

draft pick

If McNabb isn't ready by week 1, and he should be, Feeley starts. He's got a 2yr deal.


Getting rid of McNabb would signify the team trying to rebuild (and admitting it publicly), and that is something that this ownership and front ofice team will never allow to happen. They've proven over and over again that they are happy putting a good competetive team on the field, without ever over-extending themselves to get over the hump and actually win something. The last thing they would ever do is get rid of their flawed franchise quarterback.

We make fun of other teams for this kind of blind loyalty to players. Especially franchise quarterbacks.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


If he's flawed - I sure hope they get another flawed franchise QB in return.

I can't wait for when he is finally run out of town and then we have to deal with slop for years. That'll be fun.

If you're going to rebuild you do so around McNabb. One thing teams look for when rebuilding is a solid QB. Already have one of those.