Around The NFL -- Week 1

Started by PhillyPhreak54, September 07, 2006, 08:41:43 PM

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I'm hammered.  I've been chugging every time they show Archie Manning on TV.


I stopped paying attention the moment Madden asked about wrapping his lips around something.

The man. The myth. The legend.


i like the nbc highligh/pre-game show. i like the music...sounds like the olympics music and the overall look and the graphics they use looks hot. very professional looking with fox now going all mech esque and cbs always being horrible.

nfl primetime will be missed but this makes up for it.
Marge: I have someone who can help you!
Homer: Is it BATMAN!!??
Marge: No hes a scientist
Homer: Batman is a scientist.
Marge: Its not BATMAN!


Even though I cant stand Costas or Collinsworth, I thought Football Night In America was a decent show.  Ill watch it again next week. 


20 sec and counting farg YOU GINTS....GO INDY
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"

QB Eagles

Eagles 1-0
Cowboys 0-1
Giants 0-1



YES! A foreskins loss tomorrow and the week is complete
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


I wouldve accepted Gints and Boys wins if the Skins lost. I really, really want them to lose.
Zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over.


I'll be rooting for Childress as long as we aren't playing the Vikings...

QB Eagles

I'll root for the Vikings all season too, because I expect that team to suck very badly. Would be funny for them to beat the piss out of teams.


1. Dallas' o-line had big protection issues in the 2nd half after playing the first half solidly. Julius Jones stinks. Bledsoe stinks. Their defense didn't look impressive either. Especially that pass defense. Matt Jones ripped them apart.

2. The Giants looked about what they were last season. Not better, not any worse. Sunday should be a tough game. Some people wanted the Giants to win tonight to make it easier, because their backs won't be against the wall, but I didn't. If we take care of business that puts the Giants in an 0-2 hole. Right now the Giants are the Eagles' biggest competition for the division.

3. Seattle did not look good today. I know it was only week one, but it makes you wonder if that Superbowl loser curse will bite them this season.

4. Jake Plummer looked awful. Javon Walker didn't look too great either. Dropped a few key passes in the game.

5. The Chiefs looked awful. The Bengals looked great. The Bengals are going to contend for the Superbowl this season as long as Palmer stays healthy. Losing Trent Green was huge, and only producing 10 points at home against an okay defense wasn't good at all. Larry Johnson with a disappointing debut to his 2,000 yard season he promised.

6. The Packers might not win a game this season, and quite possibly could be the first NFL team ever to not score one point in an entire season. The Bears on the other hand picked up where they left off from last season. Devin Hester might be the best returner in football already. He's that good if you've seen him at all in college.

7. The Ravens looked very good, much like I thought they would. Much improved offense and good defense as usual. The Bucs disappointed. I never was high on them this season, but I didn't think they'd look this bad. I still think their offense leaves a lot to be desired.

8. Atlanta flat out dominated Carolina. Was it just because they missed their best player or is Atlanta that improved? Probably a little bit of both, but Atlanta does look very good. I thought they'd finish in a close second, but they could steal the division this season. Someone new wins it every year, so you never know.

9. Tennessee's QB situation is a joke. I flipped on that game during commercials of the Eagles/Texans game and Kerry Collins looked awful, they brought in Vince Young and he looked average. Are they that stubborn and stupid to not play their best QB right now, simply because of some bad blood? Volek wins that game for the Titans.

I look forward to monday night. Two good games.
Calling it right on the $ since day one.
Just pointing laughing, and living it up while watching the Miami Heat stink it up.


Quote from: Bunkley78 on September 11, 2006, 02:37:28 AM
2. The Giants looked about what they were last season. Not better, not any worse. Sunday should be a tough game. Some people wanted the Giants to win tonight to make it easier, because their backs won't be against the wall, but I didn't. If we take care of business that puts the Giants in an 0-2 hole. Right now the Giants are the Eagles' biggest competition for the division.

6. The Packers might not win a game this season, and quite possibly could be the first NFL team ever to not score one point in an entire season. The Bears on the other hand picked up where they left off from last season. Devin Hester might be the best returner in football already. He's that good if you've seen him at all in college.

8. Atlanta flat out dominated Carolina. Was it just because they missed their best player or is Atlanta that improved? Probably a little bit of both, but Atlanta does look very good. I thought they'd finish in a close second, but they could steal the division this season. Someone new wins it every year, so you never know.

9. Tennessee's QB situation is a joke. I flipped on that game during commercials of the Eagles/Texans game and Kerry Collins looked awful, they brought in Vince Young and he looked average. Are they that stubborn and stupid to not play their best QB right now, simply because of some bad blood? Volek wins that game for the Titans.

2.  Wrong.  They looked better.  They ran the ball unbelievably well, and the pass game was good too.  That offense is going to be tough for the Eagles to stop, especially if Lito isn't healthy.

6.  Saying that they won't score any points is obviously hyperbole, but they stink a lot.  A whole lot.

8.  Both.  I look for Carolina to bounce back a lot stronger than Tampa Bay will.

9.  Volek's no prize either, but you're probably right.  If they can't beat the Jets at home, they're in trouble.


From Peter King's column:

Quote"Give them credit. But maybe we just ain't very good.''

-- Green Bay quarterback Brett Favre, after getting shut out for the first time in his pro career, 26-0, by Chicago.


Bu-bu-but....he's the greatest! He can make up for ALL of his team's shortcomings.
"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


good stuff

DJ Gallo

QuoteThe NFL season began in all its glory yesterday with a full slate of games. There was too much happening in all the games* to focus on just one topic, so here are ...

15 Things I Thought I Thought While Watching 10 Consecutive Hours of Football And Only Hearing Terrell Owens Name 1,510 Times ...

(*Note: just to clarify, the "games" I speak of are those things aired between the commercials for the Manning family. I know I was confused by watching football all day which was more important -- the Mannings or NFL football. But it's the football. I think.)

1. I hate to be one of those people who puts too much stock into the happenings of Week 1, but I think yesterday's action proved once and for all that the Texans screwed up by picking Mario Williams over Reggie Bush. Just look at the numbers. Total yards for Bush yesterday? An impressive 141. And for Williams? Zero yards. That's right, zero. Good job, Texans, you idiots.

2. Actually, no, I don't mind being one of those people who put too much stock into the happenings of Week 1. It's a great way to fill column space and spout bloviating hyperbole -- the mark of many a fine media personality. So here's a quick rundown of Week 1 in the NFL. And realize that all of this is fact and not open to disagreement:

• The Eagles are a Super Bowl favorite in the NFC and Donovan McNabb is one of the best quarterbacks in football -- thanks to their win over the Texans.
• The Ravens have both an unstoppable offense and an immovable defense; all those who try to stand in their way will be destroyed.
• Michael Vick has completely figured out the quarterback position; the entire NFL is at his mercy.
• The Panthers, once a prohibitive Super Bowl favorite, are an embarrassment to the sport.
• By making it through his opening game unscathed, Carson Palmer proved his catastrophic knee injury of just eight months ago won't be a concern for the entire season; anyone who still doubts that is simply mean-spirited.

There's more, but I think that's good for now. So if we can just cancel the rest of the regular season and have the Eagles, Falcons, Ravens and Bengals advance to their respective conference championship games -- and bust the Panthers down to arena football -- it would save us all a lot of time.

3. The new uniforms for NFL referees were on full display yesterday. Notable differences are that the stripes on the shirts vary in width and are no longer all parallel; and the number on the back of the shirt is smaller than it used to be and it's black on a white background instead of white on a black background. But the biggest change is that the material has been changed from polyester to an ultramodern, moisture-wicking compression material. This is because, I can only assume, the traditional fabrics had proven to be no match for Ed Hochuli's biceps. Only space-age technology could hope to contain those pythons.  :-D

11. We are all fortunate that the Cowboys laid their egg yesterday on the road and not at home. Just think how much worse it would have been in Dallas. It's almost a given that Bill Parcells, hearing the cries of the home fans, would have started lactating through his uncomfortably snug polo shirt right there on national television. And no one wants to see that nastiness. Or at least I hope no one wants to see that nastiness.

12. By the way, Drew Bledsoe, the media would like to thank you for throwing three interceptions yesterday, thereby laying the groundwork for a Terrell Owens blowup. As a reward they are buying you a Segway. Feel free to use it for daily errands, or in the pocket to make you more mobile. (I suppose the use of "more" wasn't necessary in the preceding sentence.)
15. Oh, and finally, congratulations to Peyton Manning on winning the Manning Bowl. There really isn't a better quarterback out there. That is, if you like 6-foot-5, 230-pound quarterbacks with a laser, rocket arm who win completely meaningless bowl games like Citrus Bowls, Pro Bowls, Manning Bowls, etc. He's awesome in those.