Hank Baskett Hysteria

Started by MURP, August 03, 2006, 02:44:34 PM

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Here's Kendra without the blonde hair. Frankly I think she's the hottest, albeit the least tolerable, of Hef's girls but that isn't saying much. She's a workout freak, an idiot, a sex fiend and a sports fan. 3 out of 4 ain't bad...

Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


She'd get It, most of you are Romes
"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


yeah i was just about to post that as a totally useless human being designed for the pure purpose of being sexually objectified she is friggin awesome.  :o
Marge: I have someone who can help you!
Homer: Is it BATMAN!!??
Marge: No hes a scientist
Homer: Batman is a scientist.
Marge: Its not BATMAN!


Quote from: ice grillin you on September 22, 2008, 08:09:41 PM
cover my ass on what?...you might live to try and "bust" people for being wrong on message boards but i dont think that way...i call em like i see em i really could care less if im wrong on a player...its happened before and it will happen again...

I don't live to try and bust anyone, but you make it too easy. I love the way people like you who were at the game think no one else at home can see anything because we were watching on TV. Like you zone in on Baskett every play. Gosh, I guess if anyone wants to know anything, we can just ask you because you were there!!

He's been getting open, period.

You said the same thing last year about Curtis and he ended up leading the team in receiving.

Baskett has twelve catches with a TD in three games. Eight of 'em came against a good Pittsburg defense, but he can't get open on his own.

And when you say bullcrap like
Quotewhen he gets open its almost always because of the scheme the line gave 5 a ton of time or the play broke down
this, yes, it's you trying to cover your ass because you can't admit when your wrong.

As for the Bunny, those come farg me eyes make my putter flutter. I'd dive in that shtein face first, but it's plain to see my standards are way lower than the rest of :CF's posters.


I'd bang the living shtein out of Kendra

The difference with Baskett this year is he isn't luggin an extra 25 lbs. around. He was noticeably faster at camp and it's carried over to the season.


Man, everytime I see your avatar I almost do what I did the first time and try to kill the friggen' bug.


Quote from: shorebird on September 22, 2008, 08:45:22 PM
Man, everytime I see your avatar I almost do what I did the first time and try to kill the friggen' bug.

4th person to say that = Mission accomplished

ice grillin you

Quote from: shorebird on September 22, 2008, 08:38:39 PM
Quote from: ice grillin you on September 22, 2008, 08:09:41 PM
cover my ass on what?...you might live to try and "bust" people for being wrong on message boards but i dont think that way...i call em like i see em i really could care less if im wrong on a player...its happened before and it will happen again...

I don't live to try and bust anyone, but you make it too easy. I love the way people like you who were at the game think no one else at home can see anything because we were watching on TV. Like you zone in on Baskett every play. Gosh, I guess if anyone wants to know anything, we can just ask you because you were there!!

He's been getting open, period.

You said the same thing last year about Curtis and he ended up leading the team in receiving.

never said anything of the sort about curtis...hes not a number 1 wr is what i said about him...baskett has trouble getting open in the league...which is why he went undrafted and is a 4th wr not a 1 or 2...your obsession with trying to prove me wrong is clouding your opinion...i would suggest taking my penis out of your eye so you can get a better view of the games

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Quote from: ice grillin you on September 22, 2008, 08:57:47 PM
your obsession with trying to prove me wrong is clouding your opinion.

Obsession? Hardly, I don't have to try and prove you wrong, you do a fine job all by yourself.

Quote from: Diomedes on September 22, 2008, 05:54:09 PM
Hank Baskett can't get open in the NFL.

This is all it took to get you started. Your obsession with having to be right about everything clouds your judgment. Baskett isn't Jerry Rice, but he has just had the best stretch of games in his career. He's getting better, like SD said. Just be quiet with your constant droning about him not being able to get open even after he's proven he can.  


Holly is about 80 times more desirable than Kendra.

Kendra would be really hot with a ball-gag.


As for Curtis.......

Quote from: shorebird on April 01, 2007, 01:37:13 PM
Curtis put up numbers better than Lewis has as a no.3 behind two all pro's. He's much better far as I'm  concerened. He seems quicker, like he gets down the field faster. He catches more TD's. He's been playing with Bulger, and I can't wait to see how he does with Dmac throwing to him. I think he can walk in and play as good as Brown. I look for around 65-70 catches and around 8-9 td's.

You should see the crap I got for those comments.


Quote from: ice grillin you on September 22, 2008, 06:09:19 PM
does he have excellent hands yes...is he tough in traffic yes...has he ever gotten open in the nfl of course...did he have a nice game yesterday sure...but if you watched the games you would notice that he doesnt get open very often and rarely ever on plays that dont break down or get extended by mcnabb

and i dont even care if you disagree or tell me im wrong IF you watched the actual games...but a box score game thread reader calling me out is laughable

it's more than laughable, it's hilarious....because he's right.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


You know what - arguing about what "getting open" means and whether or not he did or did not get open is a pointless semantics argument.  (Surprisingly I wasn't involved - that's my specialty)

Baskett made some huge catches in critical 3rd down situations this season.  I think that makes him worthy of being the starting slot receiver on this team.
An ad hominem fallacy consists of asserting that someone's argument is wrong and/or he is wrong to argue at all purely because of something discreditable/not-authoritative about the person or those persons cited by him rather than addressing the soundness of the argument itself.


I'm gonna say it. With DeSean in the mix now, and once Curtis and Brown are healthy, I like this WR corps as a whole more than I have since Andy Reid came on board.

Jackson and Brown on the outside with Curtis working the slot is a respectable group. It isn't Boldin, Fitzgerald and Johnson, but it's a good group. Add in situational good-hands receivers like Baskett and Avant and it's a really solid group.

Baskett as a starter, though, is awful.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


See, this is what I don't get - a slot receiver is supposed to go through the middle and make tough catches in traffic for first downs.  Isn't that what Baskett has been doing so well? 
An ad hominem fallacy consists of asserting that someone's argument is wrong and/or he is wrong to argue at all purely because of something discreditable/not-authoritative about the person or those persons cited by him rather than addressing the soundness of the argument itself.