Hank Baskett Hysteria

Started by MURP, August 03, 2006, 02:44:34 PM

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I cant wait to get my invite
"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


Snoop Dogg is one cool ass muthafarga'.


QuoteIn a video interview on the team's Web site, Baskett said the Eagles have an advantage over other teams because they can throw five different talented receivers at defenses.

"When you have just one receiver, yeah that one receiver can make a lot of plays, but in the NFL, injuries happen," Baskett said. "What if you put all your eggs in one basket and that big-play receiver gets hurt? Then what? Then it's a widespread panic."

Baskett listed the team's five receivers -- DeSean Jackson, Kevin Curtis, Reggie Brown, Jason Avant and himself -- and described what each player brings to the table.

"That's five dangerous weapons right there that you don't know what to do with," he said. "You can't gameplan all five of us."

And finally, he said the Birds' receiving corps is among the best in the NFL.

"I would definitely say our recievers stack amongst the best in the league. Some teams that they say have great receivers, they have one receiver. That's not great receivers. That's a great receiver," Baskett said. "... When you got a mixed group of guys that can fill every one of those different categories, that helps out because if one goes down, you have a guy that can come in, as we did last year, and still make things happen."

unreal...why is it that all the below average WR's in the NFL need to talk shtein and completely out of their ass? Baskett has a better shot at calling Heff up and asking to be The Boy Next Door than being a  threat at WR for any team


Baskett's next job will be to take over for Spadaro.


Gotta admire a guy who doesn't let facts like stats or his severe lack of talent get in the way of his beliefs.

The man. The myth. The legend.


Hank dropped the "eggs in a basket" line.

ice grillin you

if the eagles get another good wr hank could very well be out of a job...whats he gonna say?
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


He'll probably start by crying into his girlfriend's boobs. Then he'll get angry the first hundred times someone tells him "har har, I guess the Eagles really didn't want to put all their eggs in one basket!" After that, maybe a backpack tour of Europe to find himself... an NFLE team.

The man. The myth. The legend.


I hear those packpack tours are really exceptionally packy. Sounds boring.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


There's always the chance to see some boobs and gore, or getting turned into a werewolf.

The man. The myth. The legend.


Endless regression to the mean


Baskett listed the team's five receivers -- DeSean Jackson, Kevin Curtis, Reggie Brown, Jason Avant and himself -- and described what each player brings to the table.

"That's five dangerous weapons right there that you don't know what to do with," he said. "You can't gameplan all five of us."

"I would definitely say our recievers stack amongst the best in the league. quote]

Well, say bye bye to Baskett, he's gotta' fail his next piss test. The man is on something gooooooooood.


To be fair, he is partially correct. Andy Reid has no idea what to do with his receivers.

The man. The myth. The legend.



David Naughton...b actor and Dr.Pepper shill. Baskett should have hands like that. 
Endless regression to the mean