Kobe has 76 points with 2 minutes left.

Started by The BIGSTUD, January 22, 2006, 11:59:59 PM

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Quote from: Philly Forever on January 23, 2006, 12:06:57 AM
AI would have 110 if he shot as much as Kobe.  :P

Really though, he would.

no, he wouldn't. :)
lemonade was a popular drink and it still is


Kobe's no more a rapist than many of the guys in the NBA (and pro sports in general, but mostly the NBA).  The most likely occurrence of events in that case were that a hot little white girl was all over his business and they started to get it on.  He was a little more rough than she liked, or she simply saw dollar signs all along.  Either way, there was never any hint of proof or conjecture that she didn't want the beef injection from the man.

Sure, Kobe's a classless douche.  But, it's not like Iverson's a total class act.

I root for Iverson to do well because he's a Sixer.  I root for Kobe to suck because he's a Laker.  Trying to justify doing so for either guy for any other reason would not compute.


Quote from: PhillyGirl on January 23, 2006, 08:54:03 AM
Comparing AI to Kobe right now is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Perhaps AI 4 years ago when he had no choice but to take all of the shots because his team sucked ass.

:-D  4 years ago the Sixers were in the Finals and one of the better teams in the league. 

Personal bias? The guy is a rapist in my eyes. Sorry if you feel sorry for me for not being amazed by his game. ::)

I remember you bashing everyone (especially Card Trader) for voicing their opinions on the matter.....well, at least when they felt that the woman was just a gold digging skank.  I remember you bashing them and saying that they had no right to speculate and that it's up to the jury to decide.  Well they found him not guilty so it really doesn't matter what you think about it. 


I don't care if he scores 181 points, he'll never have my respect. Ever.


Anyone who assumes that he raped that slut is completely blind to the shtein that famous people have to put up with. Mind you, I still hate famous people, but to think it beyond a reasonable doubt that this tramp wanted nothing to do with the Bryant wang, is idiotic.

Oh yeah, and farg Kobe.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


Quote from: PhillyGirl on January 23, 2006, 08:54:03 AM
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah :'(
Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah,

Shaddap! Your incessant whining disgusts me.

I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


Just for the record...the NBA as a whole has been unwatchable since the beginning of this decade. Nothing compares to the NBA of the 80's and early 90's. Nothin.
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


Quote from: Diomedes on January 23, 2006, 07:39:59 PM
two assists

Team.  Player.  ;)

But seriously, the Lakers were down by 15 to the farging Raptors.  THE.  RAPTORS.  If I were in Kobe's shoes last night then I wouldn't want anyone else on my team to touch the ball either.  Not when you're getting beat down by the faring Raptors.  I wouldn't have even let anyone on my team inbound the ball.  I would have just had a teammate stand by the baseline and let me bounce the ball off the back of his head and right back to myself. 


If you win, you win as a team.  If you lose, you lose as a team.  This Kobe will never understand.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


Quote from: hbionic on January 23, 2006, 07:43:36 PM
Just for the record...the NBA as a whole has been unwatchable since the beginning of this decade. Nothing compares to the NBA of the 80's and early 90's. Nothin.

Fletch:  Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.


Chuggie believes that the NBA was better when the shorts were smaller and tighter. What a shock.

The man. The myth. The legend.


Obviously there's a connection. The shorter the shorts, the more ventilation your balls get which greatly reduces the occurrences of batwings.
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


That post would have been much better without the last two sentences.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


Quote from: rjs246 on January 23, 2006, 02:00:44 PM
Anyone who assumes that he raped that slut is completely blind to the shtein that famous people have to put up with. Mind you, I still hate famous people, but to think it beyond a reasonable doubt that this tramp wanted nothing to do with the Bryant wang, is idiotic.

Oh yeah, and farg Kobe.

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