Reggie Brown: Future #1? According To Mike Quick - "Yes."

Started by Rome, January 01, 2006, 09:09:00 PM

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I want Moulds too, but I hope Andy doesn't stay away from all players who have had minor problems now.

Andy can't make the mistake thinking Moulds is another TO. TO is one of a kind. No one is as crazy as he is, so I hope he doesn't stay away from all players that have a little bit of questionable attitudes. I haven't heard of any problems with Moulds besides the one this year.
Calling it right on the $ since day one.
Just pointing laughing, and living it up while watching the Miami Heat stink it up.


im also in the get moulds ship. sure he is a lil older but guys like jimmy smith, rod smith, and keenan have been playing damn well for thier ages. moulds problem wasnt money, it was the losing getting to him. bring him in here and i think we have more than adequate WRs with him and Brown starting and then Pinkston. we have a solid TE, and we have 2 RBs in Westbrook and Moats and we just need a back who can get that 1 yd (maybe gordon, if not someone), and i think our offense is set to go. it might not be as explosive as it was with TO but it might be more balanced with more running.

its our defense that im really worried about, we didnt suffer many injuries and we just stunk it up al yr long. i know we need an upgrade at LB (ARRINGTON!), our 2ndary i hope was just having a down yr, but for once i would like to have a Dline that doesnt require a blitz to get pressure. and even our blitzes this yr seemed to be neutralized.

oh yeah btw how about if we get moulds and peerless price and reunit the duo which was pretty productive in buffalo?
Marge: I have someone who can help you!
Homer: Is it BATMAN!!??
Marge: No hes a scientist
Homer: Batman is a scientist.
Marge: Its not BATMAN!


I don't think a top WR is a top prioroity, because we won with okay WR's before and we can do it again. And Reggie Brown is much more talented then James Thrash. I'd like Moulds, but if not, then fine....I like having Reggie as the #1, Pinkston doing his run down the field and catch bombs thing, and then Greg Lewis being the much more effective WR he is at the #3. Or let him and McMullen compete for it, because Billy Mac showed a lot this year. I think he bought new hands off E-Bay.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


Pinkston should not be counted on until he shows he can still run down the field and catch 20 passes a year. Even then, he still sucks.

The man. The myth. The legend.


bill mac showed a lot this yr? u mean a whole lot of nothing. i want moulds or someone else, a veteran, brought in.
Marge: I have someone who can help you!
Homer: Is it BATMAN!!??
Marge: No hes a scientist
Homer: Batman is a scientist.
Marge: Its not BATMAN!

ice grillin you

mcmulllen on the roster next year would be almost as agregious as mahe this year
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


If McMullen showed anything this year, he showed that he truly does suck. Before Eagles fans could only go by very small glimpses and camp. This year he finally got the playing time and showed he sucked. Dropped balls a plenty.
Calling it right on the $ since day one.
Just pointing laughing, and living it up while watching the Miami Heat stink it up.


I hate the whole "We won with mediocre WR's before" argument.  Yeah, we did... but the whole time we were hoping that McNabb had someone to throw to and that he didn't have to carry everyone on his shoulders.  What's wrong with surrounding the man with something other than weak ass WR's that can help carry the load as well.  I'm not saying let's go get Randy Moss... but there's a whole lot of gray area between someone like him and someone like Pinky.

Chris Rock said something like, "A woman can raise her kids with no father all by herself.  That don't mean it's a good idea!"
"Now I'm completing up the other half of that triangle" - Emmitt Smith on joining Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin in the Hall of Fame

"If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is that considered rape or shoplifting?" -- 2 Live Stews


If a child grows up calling his grandma "Mommy" and his mother "Pam," he's goin' to jail!


I love that routine.   :yay


Quote from: SimonPinkston9087 on January 02, 2006, 08:16:23 PM
I don't think a top WR is a top prioroity, because we won with okay WR's before and we can do it again

what exactly did they win?  a Super Bowl?  no.
I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.


actually, i think McMullen won a chance to compete for a spot next season. i dont think he'll ever start, but i think he can be a good #3/4 guy.

i know it's cool for eagles fans to once hate, always hate. but McMullen has stepped up this season. he's not a star...or a starter by any means. but coming off the bench, he can be effective.

and Brown will be a #1. i have no doubt about that. he's shown more than any other recieve not named owens on the birds roster.
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Quote from: Wingspan on January 03, 2006, 09:52:10 AM
and Brown will be a #1. i have no doubt about that.

No doubt about that?  OK, bro.  I wish I could feel the same way.


Quote from: FFatPatt on January 03, 2006, 09:53:07 AM
Quote from: Wingspan on January 03, 2006, 09:52:10 AM
and Brown will be a #1. i have no doubt about that.

No doubt about that?  OK, bro.  I wish I could feel the same way.

i'm sorry you dont. but yes, no doubt.

i like his ability, i like his work ethic, and he attitude, and his production in a limited role this season. does it mean i dont want another WR? no. but Brown will be the go to guy by the end of next season if he continues to do what he is doing now.
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Quote from: Wingspan on January 03, 2006, 09:58:02 AM
Quote from: FFatPatt on January 03, 2006, 09:53:07 AM
Quote from: Wingspan on January 03, 2006, 09:52:10 AM
and Brown will be a #1. i have no doubt about that.

No doubt about that?  OK, bro.  I wish I could feel the same way.

i'm sorry you dont. but yes, no doubt.

i like his ability, i like his work ethic, and he attitude, and his production in a limited role this season. does it mean i dont want another WR? no. but Brown will be the go to guy by the end of next season if he continues to do what he is doing now.

I dunno about no doubt.  Who's rookie record did he break again for catches and yards, again?  ;)
"Now I'm completing up the other half of that triangle" - Emmitt Smith on joining Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin in the Hall of Fame

"If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is that considered rape or shoplifting?" -- 2 Live Stews


For what it's worth. Here are all the WRs from this years draft taken before Reggie (in order), and how they all stack up. All stats taken from CBS Sportsline:

WR                           REC            YARDS          TD
Braylon Edwards:           32                 512           3

Troy Williamson             24                 372            2

Mike Williams                29                 350            1

Matt Jones                   36                 432             5

Mark Clayton                 44                  471           2

Roddy White                 29                   446           3

Reggie Brown                43                   571           4
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.""  R.I.P George.