I LOVE Non-Smokers

Started by Tomahawk, November 14, 2005, 01:51:58 PM

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Quote from: Seabiscuit36 on January 01, 2012, 10:02:38 AM
LOL, so you champion how the government is taking over the world, forcing its will upon everyone and how evil they are.  Now you want them to ban something this country was founded on?

The chemicals being put into cigarettes need to be heavily regulated (and eliminated), or smoking needs to go altogether. I'd actually prefer the former simply because we've already seen that prohibition does not work.

And as others have brought up, unlike drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette doesn't just effect you, but the others around you. So much like drinking and driving is illegal, as should smoking in public be.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


I hate smoking, the way it smells, and everything else about it. But if someone is outside smoking I could give two shteins.


"Now I'm completing up the other half of that triangle" - Emmitt Smith on joining Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin in the Hall of Fame

"If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is that considered rape or shoplifting?" -- 2 Live Stews


Quote from: Feva on January 02, 2012, 03:25:11 PM
You suck if you smoke.

We smokers prefer to call it "puffing."


My New Year's resolution was to smoke more cigarettes. If I would've read the last dozen or so posts first, it would have been to start blowing my second hand smoke in people's stupid faces


QuoteA U.S. judge sided with tobacco companies on Wednesday, ruling that regulations requiring large graphic health warnings on cigarette packaging and advertising violate free-speech rights under the U.S. Constitution.


Interesting, and I agree with this rationale behind the ruling

QuoteWhile educating the public about the dangers of smoking "might be compelling, an interest in simply advocating that the public not purchase a legal product is not," Leon wrote in a 19-page ruling.

The proposal is more than just advocating not smoking, its coercion. Anyone who doesn't realize the dangers of smoking at this point just has their head in the sand. Most anyone who smokes knows there are real health risks and they don't need to be beaten over the head with it. It may be a different story with the aspect of kids smoking but that's a different issue.


I don't understand how people can participate in this filthy, disgusting, abhorrent activity.

Chantix is a miracle drug and worth every penny I pay out of pocket since my insurance doesn't cover it.


Have you had any of the side effects? My doctor was talking to my mom about it but was weary of the side effects.
Quote from: ice grillin you on April 01, 2008, 05:10:48 PM
perhaps you could explain sd's reasons for "disliking" it as well since you seem to be so in tune with other peoples minds


my doc gave me a scrip for chantix. and it's covered by my insurance. but i love smoking still.


I have not...maybe a weird dream every once in a while, but not these full on nightmares sissybitches bawl about. Even if I had every single side effect chantix has to offer, the three/six months of those are worth being smoke free. The possibility of a side effect is no reason to not try a drug...how the farg do you know if it's going to affect you like that unless you actually pop the pills?


i quit smoking by just stopping and not doing it again.

I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.


Quote from: phattymatty on September 27, 2012, 01:18:09 PM
my doc gave me a scrip for chantix. and it's covered by my insurance. but i love smoking still.

I'm not sure why my plan doesn't cover it...other than that it's apparently a good plan. Somebody was saying corporate believes chantix is too new and/or risky to cover so they want you to take wellbutrin instead. wellbutrin doesn't do shtein

Quote from: SunMo on September 27, 2012, 01:23:03 PM
i quit smoking by just stopping and not doing it again.


I'm impressed with you people. If god existed, he'd know how many times I unsuccessfully tried to quit with nothing more than willpower. Success would most certainly never been realized without this miracle drug. And the bonus is I can be the most sonofabitchy self-righteous ex-smoker there ever was


Every time I've had any kind of success with quitting, it's been cold turkey, no cheating, no gum.  If I cheat, I go back.  I've been on various programs and different pills, none of that worked.

It's been 2 and a half years this time.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger