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Bye Bye TO

Started by bowzer, November 07, 2005, 03:10:40 PM

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JTrotter Fan

This should be interesting.  They should put it on pay per view! 
When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


"Eagles WR #81" is answering questions on his MB.  The only newsworthy note is that he tried to call Dunvun....


Quote from: BigEd76 on November 15, 2005, 11:26:12 PM
"Eagles WR #81" is answering questions on his MB.  The only newsworthy note is that he tried to call Dunvun....

I feel dumber for having read anything he wrote.  I won't make that mistake again.


Call me crazy, and I very well could be. Either that or suffering from sleep depravation...

But Trotter seemed to indicated last night that if TO and Andy & Donovan had a heart to heart that the possibility of a return, albeit a very small one, isn't out of the question.

Trotter said that TO and Andy got along great and that he loves TO as a person but the outside influences (I took that as him meaning No Comment Drew) got to be too much and the almost weekly sessions on ESPN/his radio show were a burden.

Now Trotter didn't come out and say this but he seemed to be leaning very strongly towards it.

And Gargano also said that he was told that Andy was going to let TO come back but was talked out of it by other people.

ice grillin you

why on gods earth would you ever let TO fact why are people even entertaining it as a thought...even with him the eagles are going nowhere fast and theyve already looked pathetic enough thru all this if they were to let him back it would be saddenly fact if i were the eagles i wouldnt even be going thru all this greuivance garbage...just pay him and send him home
i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


If the Eagles let that icehole back, I'm done watching them for the rest of this season.


Quote from: Jerome99RIP on November 16, 2005, 09:08:04 AM
If the Eagles let that icehole back, I'm done watching them for the rest of this season.

I can't make myself say that, but if they let him back I will officially join the fire andy reid bandwagon.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.


The fact that we are still talking about that corksucker makes me want to punch something.

He's destroyed the 2005 season and now some members of the team are beginning to lobby for his return.

Wonderful.  How many more disruptions are the Eagles going to tolerate from that jerkoff before someone comes out and says "no more!"

I'm telling you, if they knuckle under to that piece of garbage, I'm done with them.  He's done nothing but divide the team since he arrived in Philly and I want him gone, period.


My bets for "the other people" who talked him out of it: Lurie, Banner, Childress, Morenwheig, Heckert, and McNabb. Although it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine this scenario:

McNabb's MRI comes back indicating he's injured NOW more seriously and that he'd be served better by getting his surgery now and rehabbing and after talking to Ried, the Eagles put him on IR; Reid has a pow wow with all of those concerned and decides to allow Owens to come back on the following conditions:

1. He gags that stupid agent from saying anything.

2. He himself agrees NOT TO MAKE ANY DEROGATORY STATEMENTS about the team while he is employed by the team.


Seriously... shut up.  He's not coming back.


I think Lurie and Banner probably had the biggest influence since TO called them classless and called Deek Boyko a liar.

I'm not saying that this is fact, but it was just the impression I got from listening to Trotter speak.

And hes not the only one who said they'd welcome TO back. Westbrook and others have said it too.

According to Trotter (and he was recounting what Sheldon said) the relationship between TO and Donovan was getting better because of the gathering at Kearse's house. He said that TO and Donovan were handing out Halloween candy and having a good time.

My vote would be to keep the situation status quo. If they brought him back the soap opera would be 100x bigger than last week.


Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 16, 2005, 09:32:20 AM
I think Lurie and Banner probably had the biggest influence since TO called them classless and called Deek Boyko a liar.

I'm not saying that this is fact, but it was just the impression I got from listening to Trotter speak.

And hes not the only one who said they'd welcome TO back. Westbrook and others have said it too.

According to Trotter (and he was recounting what Sheldon said) the relationship between TO and Donovan was getting better because of the gathering at Kearse's house. He said that TO and Donovan were handing out Halloween candy and having a good time.

My vote would be to keep the situation status quo. If they brought him back the soap opera would be 100x bigger than last week.

Can you imagine if they brought back TO and McMahon threw a couple of TD passes to TO and hit him long a few times what you would be hearing in Philly? Especially if TO compliments McMahon and subtly takes a shot at McNabb?

"We could have done this all along!" "McMahon has a better arm and vision!" "TO is the man!" "Keep TO, Release McNabb!"

It would be a friggin' circus.




Quote from: Eaglez on November 16, 2005, 09:34:55 AM
Quote from: PhillyPhreak54 on November 16, 2005, 09:32:20 AM
I think Lurie and Banner probably had the biggest influence since TO called them classless and called Deek Boyko a liar.

I'm not saying that this is fact, but it was just the impression I got from listening to Trotter speak.

And hes not the only one who said they'd welcome TO back. Westbrook and others have said it too.

According to Trotter (and he was recounting what Sheldon said) the relationship between TO and Donovan was getting better because of the gathering at Kearse's house. He said that TO and Donovan were handing out Halloween candy and having a good time.

My vote would be to keep the situation status quo. If they brought him back the soap opera would be 100x bigger than last week.

Can you imagine if they brought back TO and McMahon threw a couple of TD passes to TO and hit him long a few times what you would be hearing in Philly? Especially if TO compliments McMahon and subtly takes a shot at McNabb?

"We could have done this all along!" "McMahon has a better arm and vision!" "TO is the man!" "Keep TO, Release McNabb!"

It would be a friggin' circus.

It's already come to that on the EMB.