Which of the recently departed Eagles hurt you the most?

Started by WEST is GOD, September 08, 2005, 02:56:22 AM

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Which of the Eagles that departed in the last few years hurt you the most? Was it Hugh? Troy Vincent? Ike? Maybe even Thrash?  >:D

We are playing the Falcons this week and that is why I made this thread. For me Ike leaving hurts the most. I liked Hugh more as a player, and he was just so entertaining, but Hugh isn't on another team(not counting going to the Jags). Ike hurts more to me because he went to an NFC rival. He was just such a classy guy. It's going to hurt a ton to see him in a Falcons uniform. I'll miss him on Daily News Live as well. Even though he never really told you anything that was can't miss.

What departed Eagle hurt you the most when they left?

Offseason needs: 2 DEs, 1 DT, 1 OL, 2 LBs, 1 RB, 2 WRs, 1 TE, 1 KR.


Troy.  Classy guy, excellent player.  He selflessly taught everything he knows to Lito and Sheldon.


Reggie White.  :paranoid  I would have to say Hugh, the guy always made me laugh.  Who knows maybe he'll be back mid season but he's someone i trusted to keep the lockerroom loose.
"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


Trotter without a doubt.

I really admired him and was furious when he left.

Not so much anymore.



Duce. And Hugh.

Duce because he did everything this team ever asked of him on the field and left it all out there every time he played. Plus he was the lone bright spot on some exceptionally zesty Eagles offenses.

Hugh because he's farging hilarious.
Is rjs gonna have to choke a bitch?

Let them eat bootstraps.

ice grillin you

i can take a phrase thats rarely heard...flip it....now its a daily word

igy gettin it done like warrick

im the board pharmacist....always one step above yous


Hurt would be an overstatement for me.  It's a game and a business and shtein happens, so I can't really go with hurt (the closest would probably be if Dawk left, though). 

I was disappointed to see Vincent go, though.  Great player, great person, local guy, intelligent...but that's the way the things shook out.


Duce, Trot and Ike

Ike will always be an Iggle because of his comments after the NFCCG.


I'm with Zanshin regarding the terminology.  Nothing the Eagles do "hurts" me.  But I'll play along anyway.

Duce.  "Mash, mash, mash, Score!"
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger



Duce... when we had nothing else, he was there gettin' it done.  We LITERALLY rode his ass before Reid got here.

Ike... bothers me... but maybe that's because living in ATL I see him all the time in that fargin Falcon uni.
"Now I'm completing up the other half of that triangle" - Emmitt Smith on joining Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin in the Hall of Fame

"If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is that considered rape or shoplifting?" -- 2 Live Stews


You're right, Feva.

Duce was all we had in 1998 and 1999. Hell, I even remember him when he was returning kicks in 1997 and wearing #41 for awhile.


Hugh this time around, not 3 years ago.

After meeting and hanging out with Hugh, I can only hope he sticks around this area and becomes a part of the community. He's a great guy.
"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


Easily Hugh now, no more classic funny guy quotes for the NFL Films. In the past Vincent, especially because he never got to see the SB with the Eagles.
if you take advice from people in the 700 level, you'll find yourself sitting next to them -- Buddy Ryan