Here we go with the Gas prices

Started by phillymic2000, August 31, 2005, 12:09:27 PM

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Quote from: MadMarchHare on September 02, 2005, 01:45:18 PM
Was NO a big site for natural gas imports as well?

Quote from: Peoples Energys siteWhy are gas prices so high?
Many factors affect natural gas prices.

* Oil prices are at record levels. This is caused by growth in countries such as China and India that has created additional demand for oil and refinery problems that have increased gasoline prices. These increases pull crude oil and natural gas prices higher on the NYMEX.
* This summer has been hotter than normal throughout most of the U.S. This creates electric demand, some of which is satisfied by natural gas fired electric generation facilities. The gas storage surplus, which began strong earlier this summer, is now disappearing as natural gas gets diverted from storage to satisfy the electric generation demand.
* Production is struggling to keep pace with demand.
* Hurricane activity is predicted to be above normal, which creates concerns by analysts that wells in the Gulf of Mexico will need to go off-line, thus decreasing supplies and increasing prices.
* LNG shipments from overseas have not been as strong as expected – up only modestly from a year ago.


For those who use Pay at the Pump....I just heard this:

Pay at the pump authorizations, Beware! Texaco now holds $100 + purchase:

This was bound to happen with the rapid increase in gas prices. DW filled up at a Texaco station today. For $25 in gas, my AMEX credit line was reduced by $125, so they are now freezing $100 if you pay at the pump.

Thought I would mention this for those of you who have debit cards or low limit cards. You can avoid these ridiculous holds by paying inside.
"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


Ugh... I paid $3.39 today for premium unleaded because that's all they had left at the station.

It cost me $51.00 to fill up.   Last Tuesday, it cost me $38.00

They can eat shtein and die, the fargers.



Quote from: PhillyGirl on September 02, 2005, 04:48:57 PM
For those who use Pay at the Pump....I just heard this:

Pay at the pump authorizations, Beware! Texaco now holds $100 + purchase:

This was bound to happen with the rapid increase in gas prices. DW filled up at a Texaco station today. For $25 in gas, my AMEX credit line was reduced by $125, so they are now freezing $100 if you pay at the pump.

Thought I would mention this for those of you who have debit cards or low limit cards. You can avoid these ridiculous holds by paying inside.

If I ever come that close to my credit line, I'm in a lot more deep shtein than that.


I copied and pasted that from a MB that I was reading about the gas prices and stuff.

And I don't think they were saying they were close to their limit, just that they saw 125.00 held instead of the 25 when they saw their line.
"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


Most of the gas stations down here have incorporated an automatic shutoff once you've pumped X amount of gas.  I guess it's an attempt to preserve gas so that the station(s) don't run out.  Luckily for me, I filled up yesterday before this started happening so I've got a full tank o gas.