Thoughts on team?

Started by Zanshin, August 21, 2005, 09:15:56 PM

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Just finished a live draft...and here's how I shook out.  12-team league; QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, W/R, TE, K, Def, D, D, D, D and bench player lineup.  Pretty standard scoring.
I didn't take them in this order, but here they are in alpha order.  I drafted second and took Alexander.  Took Moss and Holt with the next two picks. I'm still short a K and a D player or so, but I'll see how things shake out and grab them before the first game....

Alexander, Shaun
Arrington, JJ
Brown, Ronnie
Brooks, Aaron
Calico, Tyronne
Edwards, Donnie
Foster, DeShaun
Gore, Frank
Holt, Torry
Lloyd, Brandon
McCareins, Justin
Moss, Randy
Plummer, Jake
Ravens D
Toefield, LaBrandon
Urlacher, Brian
Wiggins, Jermane
Williams, Carnell
Williamson, Troy


I'd drop Lloyd and Toefield to make the room


Good team.  You need one of your rookie RB's to have a great year to compete.  I imagine it will be hard at first trying to make the lineup decisions.  Brook/Plummer are a good fantasy pairing.


I took Moss and Holt early in a draft last year and my team bombed. ;)   Good luck to you danielson. 


Did a live draft yesterday in another league w/some friends of mine and this one dude who drafted last (10th overall) selected Moss with his first pick and then Ron Mexico with his second pick (11th overall).  :-D

Dude's new to the league and I suppose new to fantasy football in general. 


It was a CRAZY draft.  Put it to you this way...Duce Staley went off the board before Deuce McAllister...and the guy who took Staley with his first pick took Vick with his second pick.  That really threw me off.


Wow.  That dude drafted worse than the guy in my draft......which I didn't think was possible. 


BTW, your roster looks pretty good except that you've got a lot of rookie rb's on there.  Might want to try and make a trade to bring in a more proven fantasy back. 


After I laughed at the guy (who I didn't know)-- out loud-- he was sort of sheepish...but then took Bettis in the 4th as safety pick.  Was like throwing good money after bad.  And this is a money league we're talking about. lmao.


Actually, it was a pretty cool draft.  A friend of mine works for Sony music, so we had the primo Epic conference room full of plasma TVs, computers, microphones... the works.  The four people who called in missed out.


I sat in my recliner and drafted via my laptop while eating taco bell.  I did however, make my 8th-11th round selections on the crapper. 


lmao, I just got a letter from Joneszilla yesterday and in it he told me not to draft two WR's in the top 2 rounds again this year.   :-D 


In my defense, I took Alexander first...then Moss and Holt in the second and third ;).


i know i know, i was just making fun of myself. :deion


Oh.  In that case, carry on.