Video game thread

Started by mussa, March 15, 2005, 05:17:12 PM

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New first person shooter coming out in March. 16 vs 16 multiplayer online. Looks pretty dope, hope it is good enough to compete with COD and Halo.
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


First map pack for COD Black Ops tomorrow. 4 new multiplayers and 1 zombie mode. 1200 pts, is kinda pricey but I'm in their pocket, love the game too much not to get it.
Official Sponsor of The Fire Andy Reid Club
"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"


FYI  I got Beta invite to "Rift"  MMORPG on line.  Pretty awesome.  Lots of ways to custom develope your tune.  Six month initial subscription gets you indefinate $9.99/mo.  Worth a look for those that like EQ, DAoC, WoW or Conan.


I got into EQ like ten years ago pretty hard while I was unemployed for a spell.  Holy Crap that was addictive.  I came up for air once and got a goddamned job.  I can't imagine how good MMOs are now. 

I think it might be better for me to develop a cocaine habit than get back into those things.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


LA Noire keep getting better and better. after the making, you can click on the 2nd clip on the right and you can see the gameplay


Picked up Singularity the other day. It's a solid game that got next to no press...but I was able to get it for about $13.00 or so at Newegg. If Bioshock and Dead Space had a baby, it would be this game. Solid for the price.


Quote from: mussa on January 31, 2011, 04:24:12 PM
First map pack for COD Black Ops tomorrow. 4 new multiplayers and 1 zombie mode. 1200 pts, is kinda pricey but I'm in their pocket, love the game too much not to get it.

Got this a few weeks ago and have been spending way too much time playing.

If anyone has 360 and wants to grab a game I'm up for it.   360 name is Stumpy4Prez (don't ask).


I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of Tactics Ogre for PSP.
There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists." - Yosemite Park Ranger


Quote from: Zanshin on February 13, 2011, 03:49:29 PM
Picked up Singularity the other day. It's a solid game that got next to no press...but I was able to get it for about $13.00 or so at Newegg. If Bioshock and Dead Space had a baby, it would be this game. Solid for the price.

I traded in a bunch of crappy games I had lying around and picked up Singularity and the original Dead Space. If it's anything like Bioshock I'm in.


They're both solid games. I liked Dead Space, but it got a little repetitive for me. I actually like Singularity a bit better so far.


Quote from: reese125 on February 10, 2011, 06:19:16 PM
LA Noire keep getting better and better. after the making, you can click on the 2nd clip on the right and you can see the gameplay

Wow. That's amazing. I think the nerd at Electronic's Boutique said that the game systems are made for about 10 in about 4 to 5 more years..we should be seeing the next generation systems coming out. Can't wait to see what the graphics look like then. $1000 game systems? Who knows.
I said watch the game and you will see my spirit manifest.-ILLEAGLE 02/04/05


High $ systems will never work.  It didnt work for NeoGeo nor any models after that.  The high dollar ones cant move enough units to make a dent into R&D costs.  500 bucks is probably the max, and even at that you'll have folks who refuse to make the switch over, see original PS2 players, and why PS2 games are still being made.  I will say the next gen should be pretty interesting. 
"For all the civic slurs, for all the unsavory things said of the Philadelphia fans, also say this: They could teach loyalty to a dog. Their capacity for pain is without limit." -Bill Lyons


They're actually still making games for PS2?  I see PS2 stuff in the stores, but I figured it's just all excess product that didn't sell before PS3 came out. 


i can't get enough of black ops zombie mode. 1st time in a long time i have gotten into a game like this.
If guns kill people then spoons made Rosie O'Donnel a fatass.

Quote from: ice grillin you on March 16, 2008, 03:38:24 PM
phillies will be under 500 this it