CFFFL Playoff rules

Started by MURP, November 30, 2004, 11:11:15 AM

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Oh's farging cheating.  Nice one!
2004 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles!!


Quote from: JTrotterFan on December 09, 2004, 10:59:06 AM
Oh's farging cheating. Nice one!

How is it everyone can see that it was wrong....except you?


Quote from: JTrotterFan on December 09, 2004, 10:40:03 AM
Quote from: MURP on December 06, 2004, 05:42:10 PM
Diomedes just alerted me to this.   
1.  That is a horseshtein move by JTrotterfan and it pisses me off.
2. None of the players he cut can be picked up by other teams.   If someone picks a player up that he cut, that player will be removed from the owners roster by Dio (who can do this using the commish tools).
3.  You can do normal FA moves until Wed at noon.  At that point, all teams rosters will be frozen for the rest of the year season since we are going into the playoffs.   There is to be no BS roster moves by non playoff teams cutting their players so playoff teams can pick them up.  Anyone who does this will be banned from CFFFL next season. farging season was over...what's the big farging deal.  I had no games left to play.  So what the farg does it matter.  If you have such a big problem with something like that, then maybe you should farging address it prior to the playoffs.  Either way, it was my damn team and my season was finished.  Jesus...lighten up a little bit motherfargers.

Geez..maybe to please you..i'll go back in and pick up my entire team so you don't have a farging heart attack.

Just because your season was over doesn't mean everyone else's season was over. What you did lacked any common sense on your part.


farg off...obviously, i don't give a shtein anymore.  If you had any idea what was going on in my life right now...then you could have room to talk, okay.
2004 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles!!


Quote from: JTrotterFan on December 09, 2004, 11:01:41 AM
farg off...obviously, i don't give a shtein anymore.  If you had any idea what was going on in my life right now...then you could have room to talk, okay.

So things are so rough in your life that you had to dump your entire team?

Makes sense to me.  ::)


Quote from: JTrotterFan on December 09, 2004, 10:56:59 AM
It's just like the waiver wire man...i've been playing in fantasy leagues for five years now..and this isn't the first time i've seen it.  Most people just deal with it.  If you are lucky enough to have the #1 waiver spot...then good for you. 

Besides that...all my players sucked...didn't you see my damn record. 

Anyway...the commish has the right to put those guys back on my team if he so chooses.

Mr. JTF, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.   


Sorry if you're not having the best time...but you don't have to go out of your way to screw everyone else.  It took effort to drop your team.  If you really didn't care, you would have just left it alone.


Clearly I need to post something in the rules about that next year, I figured everyone in the league was intelligent enough not to pull some BS like that. (apparently everyone but you was).   The bid deal is that while your craptastic team might be done, there are playoff teams who are still playing and it clearly screws things up when good players are thrown into the free agent pool.   There are 12 non playoff teams and you were the only one to pull a juvenile thing like that.   


Okay, ya know what...i don't need everyone farging telling me about it okay...i was drunk, i dropped my players and now there is nothing i can do about it.  I don't care if you all think i'm the spawn of satan and despise me for it...because i really don't care anymore. 
2004 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles!!


"Oh, yeah. They'll still boo. They have to. They're born to boo. Just now, they'll only boo with two Os instead of like four." - Larry Andersen


2004 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles!!


Well this thread just went down the crapper. 

JTrotter, I don't consider you dropping your entire team to be cheating unless you had secretly informed another member of the league that you were going to drop them thus giving them an unfair advantage on picking them up. 

At the same time though, I don't think there was any point behind doing it. 

We're not playing for money and I don't have any invested in this, so it's strickly for fun on my part.  No real need for this to have been blown up like it has been imo. 

I've enjoyed the season so far and look forward to destroying you all in the playoffs.  :)


Quote from: JTrotterFan on December 09, 2004, 11:11:12 AM
Okay, ya know what...i don't need everyone farging telling me about it okay...i was drunk, i dropped my players and now there is nothing i can do about it. I don't care if you all think i'm the spawn of satan and despise me for it...because i really don't care anymore.

so instead of having a "farg you" attitude about everything to everyone one why dont you simple say you were hammered and made a mistake? 


I am sorry to anyone that i offended with my harsh and crappy attitude.  Yes, i was hammered and dropped my team after i got pissed for having such a crappy team.  No, it's not a good excuse.  Yes, it was stupid to do.  I'm sorry that i ruined everyone's ability to add/drop players for the playoffs. 
2004 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles!!


 :yay   glad we are all on the same page now. 

lets enjoy the CFFFL playoffs.   :crazy