2010 Point & Laugh at the skins thread

Started by PoopyfaceMcGee, April 29, 2010, 12:15:50 PM

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In my opinion, McNabb is deserving of nothing.  He wanted that extra $3.5 million, so he signed that sham of a contract extension.  The skins paid for the right to keep him twisting in the wind, and they should do just that.


Quote from: rjs246 on December 30, 2010, 10:57:17 AM
08:04 AM ET 12.29 | Donovan McNabb's contractually obligated radio appearance Tuesday did little to shine a light on what is really going on in the unraveled relationship between the quarterback and the team. To be sure, Smith and McNabb have discussed an exit strategy, though McNabb continues to maintain he would like to return to Washington, albeit under different circumstances. The Shanahans, however, have already determined that McNabb is not suited for their offense, according to people familiar with the situation. It would be best for McNabb if the taterskins released him immediately after the season, enabling him to choose his next team. But Mike Shanahan may not be in an accommodating mood, especially after last week's events. ... The taterskins could wait until the first game of the 2011 season to release McNabb and owe him nothing.

The Washington Post

Judging by how Shanahan has handled Haynesworth, it would be a poor time for McNabb to change his longstanding tactics and try to pressure his way out of washington. It seemed his agent was angling toward that. Shanahan would probably keep him on the bench just to spite him.
